From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 365 Before the Holidays

"How is the grade adjustment going?"

At the dinner table, William asked Lupine in a low voice while adding peanut butter to his bread.

"One more thing. Calculating the second grade results is more complicated... No matter how you calculate it, there will always be children who fail..."

After the final exam is over, the next step is to give the children who have been in school a whole school year a break, waiting for the professor to compile the results and report them to Professor McGonagall, who will then compile and release them.

Then there is the summer vacation that professors and students are looking forward to. Hogwarts has a large number of holidays and they are not discounted. There is never any extra time off. From the results are issued on the weekend of the second week of June until the start of school on September 1st, there is never any time off. School started early.

After a busy school year, the holidays are the perfect compliment to hard work.

"You guys aren't ready yet?"

Adams asked curiously from William's left, and then said proudly, "I handed over the results to Professor Sprout yesterday, and then I will have a month-long vacation!"

"How come it's only been a month?"

Lupine asked curiously, judging from his experience as a student, the holidays at Hogwarts have never been shortened?

"I have to come back to take care of the greenhouse, and let Professor Sprout go on vacation. Those precious plants will not grow well if left there - they will really die for you to see."

"Good job."

William reached out and patted Adams on the shoulder, "Come on, I will bring you specialties when you go back to school."

"Specialty? You live in the Leaky Cauldron, what specialties do you bring..."

Adams muttered and complained, "Just wait until I bring him from Egypt!"

"Speaking of which, you are so mysterious. You said you have new arrangements - where are you planning to go?"

"It will be kept secret for now." William leaned back and glanced at the curious professors around him, "You will know when school starts."

"Are you planning to change your career to become a divination professor?"

Adams complained angrily, then used his wand to clean himself briefly, "I have to confirm the growth status of those little guys before the holiday. See you at lunch!"

He waved his hand and left the auditorium gracefully.

"Is being a professor of Herbology so tiring?"

Lupine sighed that he didn't notice these details at all when he was studying at Hogwarts - the temptation of summer vacation to students is too great, who would have time to care about other things?

"The most tiring professor is recognized. In addition to taking classes, he also has to take care of the greenhouse." William also used his wand to clean himself up. "Let's recalculate the grades and see how to make them look better."


"Don't do it, George!"

"I know, but I can't control myself..."

George looked at the toilet in front of him, and the wand in his hand was already a little floating - the results for the other grades will be released tomorrow, and the Hogwarts Express will start the day after tomorrow, flying all the way to London and dropping off the students.

Theoretically speaking, if they want to take apart a toilet seat and give it to someone, the best time is the day after tomorrow before getting in the car.

However, now both of them are entangled in this. They want to take off the toilet seat immediately and give it to Professor William as the last prank of this semester.

This is the vow the two of them made at the beginning of this school year, and it must be fulfilled!

"How about, don't wait until the day after tomorrow..."

George looked at the toilet seat and hesitated, "Let's dismantle it today. The confinement is also part of the prank. Even if I stand in the corridor with this thing hanging, I will admit it. To be honest, on the last day of the card, I am worried that there will be trouble." There will be bigger trouble..."

"I couldn't agree more...and the confinement itself is part of the mischief."

As Fred spoke, he waved his wand and removed the toilet seat neatly. After being punished by being imprisoned, there was no psychological burden at all in removing this thing.

"Hurry up, we need to wrap it up nicely and send it in a parcel!"

George decisively took out the wrapping paper, and then skillfully began to pack the toilet seat.


"Finally done."

William put away the compiled transcripts, and then combined them with his own, "Speaking of which, what about Sirius? After all this time, they still haven't made any progress?"

"The search has just been halfway through. He is ready to give up and continue the search for the time being. He wants to take Harry to enjoy the vacation."

It’s okay to enjoy your vacation…

A Gryffindor who likes to explore is actually willing to interrupt an expedition that was just in the middle to take care of his children... Even if this joke was placed in Azkaban, it would have received a lot of ridicule and middle fingers, and no one would think it was such a joke. is something that could happen.

"how about you?"

"Blake invited me, but the summer vacation is too long...and the moon is full..."

Lupine looked very conflicted - he naturally wanted to spend time with Padfoot, but he had an inescapable full moon curse, and Snape might have sent it to the school for Dumbledore's sake. Potion, but expect Snape to deliver it during the summer vacation? What a joke...


William thought for a while, summoned a quill, and let it write quickly on the parchment.

"You can definitely get Wolfsbane potion at this address, and it's very fresh. That's the price..."

However, Lupine's salary is a little lower than him, so there is no problem in getting it done.

"The main thing is that I won't be staying in the UK during the summer, otherwise I can think of ways to survive." William shook his head. "Long-distance transportation is a disaster for potions."

He can already brew potions like werewolf potion, but the shelf life of this thing is extremely short. Even the potion brewed by Snape cannot solve this problem. Professor Snape has to brew it again every time before the full moon. Cook Wolfsbane potion once.

"That's enough."

Lu Ping looked at it carefully and wrote down the address - potions are different from cooking. Advanced potions cannot be made from simple materials, and neither can a potion master. For advanced potions, more advanced potions are almost always used. If no one recommends transporting materials, you can only try your luck at regular stores if you want to get higher-end potions.

"Well, one more thing - don't travel far during the holidays, and try to stay with Sirius unless you have to," William looked at Lupin and warned seriously, "Remember the curse we talked about last time, I suspect It will also take effect during the summer, so be careful with strangers and things that change suddenly, and if you have to go out, take precautions."

William's expression was serious, which made Lupine, who had originally planned to make some witty remarks, also become serious.

"So, should I go live on my own?"

He suddenly asked a question that William didn't think about.

‘I just wanted to prevent you from living alone that’s why I said the holiday curse worked... How do you want me to explain that someone will try to sneak into the castle pretending to be a self-defense professor this year? ’

Except for Mad-Eye, whose name William had just figured out some time ago, there are two professors in the castle who are the most junior and easiest to imitate, one is himself and the other is Lupin.

He was planning to flee the UK during this holiday to find a place to survive until school started. How could he let Lupine, a professor who was more dangerous than him, live alone?

William's research on Mad-Eye's information was very clear - he was a former Auror and a master of combat. The innermost parts of Azkaban were almost half filled by this former Auror. He spent his whole life in the military and basically never fought against Death Eaters. On the way to catch Death Eaters, it was almost the ceiling of the entire Auror combat effectiveness.

William thought that he could not defeat people like this normally, and he remembered deeply that the Death Eaters entered the school by imitating this person...

If Lupine is not vaccinated, he will probably have to find a way to save Lupine next year - Polyjuice cannot be imitated using materials that have been out of the body for too long, and if you want to impersonate him, it will be almost impossible to kill him.

"You seem to have underestimated the child——"

One lie requires more lies to make up for it, and now, I have no choice but to brag.

"That power can protect you well during the holidays. You don't feel embarrassed to accept the protection of a child, do you?"

William blocked the words in advance, "We must retain our own power until we find a way to kill the last traces of the Dark Lord. Moreover, the school also needs you, Professor Lupin. I don't want another Professor Lockhart." Such an irresponsible professor."

"What about you, Professor William?"

"Me? I'm exploring the power of that curse and I have to give it a try, but I can't explain my plan to you right now..."

William pretended to be a ghost, "You should pack your luggage, Professor Lupin - by the way, during the holidays you have to strengthen Harry's attainments in self-defense. He is the second most talented person I have ever seen in this field." ”

"Okay, I will," Lupine nodded hesitantly, "But the first thing is - okay, I think I know."

The first one is naturally Dumbledore - although it is more likely to be the mysterious man who imposed the curse, William has definitely never seen it.


"This is the report card for this school year's Wizarding Self-Defense Course, Professor."

In Professor McGonagall's office, William submitted the compiled form. Once this was handed in, his work for this school year was declared over.

"Actually, the last exam can be regarded as the final grade," Professor McGonagall took the materials and shook her head, "Unfortunately, there are too many zero points, which is not suitable for parents to see."

Those who dare to break the rules are either confident guys or idiots who can't handle themselves, so there are quite a few students with excellent grades. If they all go back with a failing grade, the parents will probably feel uncomfortable for the entire holiday.

"They all managed to pass..."

Professor McGonagall looked at the transcript and couldn't help but laugh, "Thank you for your hard work, Professor William."

"To make their summer vacation easier, this way of assigning homework is also more cruel -" William responded with a smile, "I have given you a pass, but you don't plan to ask me to do this next year, right?"

"That's a good idea, Professor William."

Professor McGonagall nodded very seriously, "Maybe I need to be a little more relaxed about this year's results."

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the office door.

William, who was about to say something, immediately stopped. Professor McGonagall shouted towards the outside of the room, "Please come in."

The door opened and Cedric walked in.

The first thing he saw was William standing next to him, "Professor McGonagall, Professor William."

"Good morning, Diggory-san."

William looked at Cedric, "How are you doing these days? Will you come to take advanced classes next year?"

"Of course, Professor."

Cedric answered without hesitation - even if you don't ask him, you will get such an answer if you ask other sixth graders.

There is no way, the fifth grade and the sixth grade in the self-defense course are simply the difference between heaven and hell. After finally surviving the dire straits of the fifth grade, instead of going to the sixth grade and happily taking classes, you give up?

Are you kidding - no one would do something stupid like this.

After saying this, Cedric froze on the spot, hesitating to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

Professor McGonagall hesitated for a moment, then suddenly started talking as if she had thought of something.

"You're here to return the time turner, right?"

Professor McGonagall took the initiative to talk and made Cedric feel relaxed - he had sworn not to reveal the existence of this thing to others, although he could clearly know from the results and course selection list that someone else must have it in the castle. But if you can’t say it, you can’t say it.

"Yes, Professor, I'm done with my OWLs and it's time to return it."

Cedric carefully took out a box from his arms and opened it - inside was a small time turner tied to a golden necklace.

He sighed with relief and looked at the converter with complicated eyes, feeling both reluctance and relief.

"That's it." Professor McGonagall nodded and closed the box. "Okay, go and have a good rest. These three years will be a huge challenge for you. You can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind."

"Yes, Professor."

Cedric glanced at the shared box, saluted William and Professor McGonagall respectively, and then exited the office.

His spirit improved visibly, as if a big stone had been lifted off his back.

"I didn't expect Digory to persist until the end," Professor McGonagall sighed. "To be honest, obtaining those twelve certificates is also a great challenge for top students. Moreover, it is used in order to take more divination classes. Time turner…”

After that prophecy, Trelawney continued to talk nonsense and threatened students with death, which made Professor McGonagall regain her attitude towards divination in a short time.

"Granger was very wise and did not choose to continue studying Divination and Muggle Studies - to be honest, in my opinion, she is more suitable to work more on other subjects, rather than trying to impress twelve people. O.”

"Miss Granger gave up too?"

"Yes, she chose to hand it back before the first exam. It was a very wise choice. Those children always like to be harsh on themselves in inappropriate places, and they seem to think that is the courage to face difficulties."

"But luckily, she finally learned the courage to give up."

Professor McGonagall said as she opened the drawer and put the converter in.

"Sorry, Professor."

Looking at the converters side by side, an unusually novel idea suddenly appeared in William's mind, "What aspects should I apply for to get a time converter?"

"You are already an adult wizard, Professor William, and I'm afraid your strength is beyond its influence."

Professor McGonagall raised her head and glanced at William curiously, "However, if you want, I should be able to complete all the procedures for you before leaving school. After all, Miss Granger's converter application has a time limit. There's still a long way to go and this could save a lot of trouble."

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