From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 372 Issuance of OWLs results


Bertha was sitting in the cabin, patiently reading the book in front of her - although she found it boring, the Dark Lord was forcing her to read the entire history of the school.

"It's just too..."

"Read on!"

After relaxing for a moment, the urge immediately appeared in my mind.

She could only helplessly read those boring words - it was like a bad fairy tale, and it was extremely boring to read.

Ilvermorny, or Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is located on the top of Mount Greylock in western Massachusetts. It was founded in the 18th century by Irish immigrant Isolt Thayer and her No-Maj husband James. Tom Stewart…

It sounds very good, but the entire school history spends a lot of space to prove that the founder Isolt Sayena inherited the noble bloodline from the Gaunt family, and is not convinced that the Gaunt family is a descendant of Slytherin. Things have been emphasized many times...

This makes the entire school history extremely funny. It seems that some of the founders are Muggles who have been renamed, but in fact, they attach great importance to blood and honor.

It's as if this school has repeatedly claimed that it is extremely open and free, but before Rappaport's law was repealed, even the wand was prohibited from being taken out of the school.

Such a self-contradictory story was obviously disgusting, and Bertha felt tired after only a brief reading of it.

She even wondered how the Dark Lord, who clearly hated Muggles the most, could still read a book like this patiently.

"Keep reading, Bertha."

Tom continued to issue instructions - not only was he not angry at the story, he even wanted to laugh.

That witch, who was as stupid as his mother, did something stupid that matched her intelligence, betrayed her own blood and honor, chose a Muggle, and then gave birth to great offspring.

Yes, great descendants.

His foolish mother gave birth to him, and the foolish witch left Ilvermorny.

'It's so interesting, so interesting...'

'Even Slytherin's wand is placed over there, waiting for me to inherit it. It should be my school, from wand to school...'

'It's really... so interesting...'

"Lord Dark Lord?"

Bertha's voice interrupted Tom's thoughts, but in view of the fact that she had prepared such a big gift for him, he decided to temporarily forgive this stupid Death Eater - just like he always generously forgives Gao Er and Crabbe are both idiots.

"Are you okay..."

"I'm very good, better than ever..."

Voldemort croaked, his voice full of joy - "You will get the glory you deserve, Bertha."

For the sake of the equally great brother who was waiting for him, and for the wand that had turned into snake wood and waited for him for hundreds of years, he was even ready to completely change his plan, give up using his miraculous black magic, and instead choose to use snakes The power of wood is revived.

"That's how it should be!"

"Yes, that's how it should be. When I was young, I opened the secret room of my ancestors, and now I should inherit the wealth of my ancestors - rather than the ultimate goal of Hogwarts, I should accept the gifts from my ancestors first. That’s right!”

He believed more than ever that this was his wealth, destined to be left to him by fate, just like the half of the prophecy he heard back then.

The Chamber of Secrets brought him loyal Death Eaters, and the wand would bring him a great rebirth - he was destined to be as great as his ancestors!

"Speak your case, Bertha, and soon you will receive a glory you have never dreamed of in your life."

Voldemort promised generously - he could not wait to hold the wand and reward his servant.

"That... that... Lord Dark Lord... we..."

Bertha stammered, her tone uncertain.

"Speak up and be bold."

Tom encouraged her, he was in a good mood and decided not to get the answer using Legilimency.

"Well, it seems that we... boarded the wrong boat. I... bought the wrong ticket!"

Bertha mustered up the courage to tell the terrible truth.

"Bought the wrong ticket?"

"Yes, the stars are wrong... I often get lost, and I am particularly sensitive to the stars in the wild. The current ship... seems to be heading to Australia..."


"Yeah...Australia, maybe?"

Bertha was a little unsure.

"Go figure it out!"

He commanded while suppressing his anger.


Bertha ran out in a hurry, and it didn't take long to figure out the fact - yes, she had made a mistake, the ticket was for Australia.

“Get the ship to America!”

"The boat...can't stop..."

This is exactly the same dilemma that William encountered not long ago. The ship cannot stop unless everyone on the ship and the people the ship wants to contact are taken care of. Otherwise, if the course is deviated, problems will be discovered immediately.



"Gesture casting..."

“Interesting, interesting…”

William hid in the warehouse and happily studied the paper-thin information. The new magic system appeared in front of him, which really made him reluctant to put down the information.

Anyway, he is neither an appraiser nor a warehouse manager, so he is free to do whatever he wants.

The administrators of those places also thought of him as just not causing trouble, and they didn't care whether he was here to make a living - this kind of research environment was very good, giving him plenty of time to combine the magic system here with Hogg's. Comparative analysis of Watts magic system and then think about it.

In the face of these interesting magics, William was very energetic. Although these correspondence courses were not profound, they had too many merits. After a short period of research, he was able to successfully perform uncomplicated magics with gestures. .

'Probably after returning to Hogwarts and studying for about half a year, I can officially enter the stage of integrating magic from both sides... It's really a huge progress...'

'But, having said that, next year's work will be even heavier, and the things I have to study outside of class are simply scary...'

William rubbed his forehead - he hoped that he had almost finished studying this aspect of Lupine's test paper, and next year he would be able to spend more time studying life-saving spells.

Of course, if he could successfully find traces of the mysterious man, he hoped that he could kill him before he was resurrected.

‘You still have to have dreams, what if they come true? ’


"Look, look!"

Fred stood in the living room with an expression on his face that said, "I'm very good."

George stood beside him, showing two transcripts at the same time, with the same pride on his face.

They have the right to be proud - because there is not a single subject on that report card that they failed, even A in divination.

As for self-defense magic learning, there is a heavyweight O.

Such results made the two brothers overjoyed - they had been idle for almost four years and had already been fully prepared for each other's results. Although they worked hard to catch up in the last year, they could not achieve such results at all. The thought of it, let alone the existence of an O, is simply unprecedented!

Mrs. Weasley walked around the two of them, left and right, with a smile on her face that she didn't even try to hide. She was so happy that Ron was even a little bit annoyed.

"Really, my mother was not so happy when there were all O's in the family."

Ron smiled and Ginny on the same side started complaining. She was so happy that the sullen faces of the two brothers were simply unbearable.

The look on their faces is completely different from that of the twins who pretended to have a sore butt so they asked Ron to get us a glass of water in the kitchen yesterday.

"Percy would be jealous if he knew!"

Ginny bit her ear quietly, "My mother was very happy when he passed the exam, but she didn't have this expression like when he won the jackpot last year."

"To be honest - maybe she didn't imagine that the two of them could pass so many exams just like she didn't imagine winning the jackpot."

Ron whispered back.


George made a loud noise, "It's a great day, isn't it? So, how about some grilled sausages?"

"All right."

Ron hesitated, agreed, and ran towards the kitchen - forget it, today is a happy day, just let the two of them chat...

They were under various surveillances some time ago, and the two unlucky guys were finally relieved.


"The results have been sent out."

Professor McGonagall was in her office, moving her arms that were a little sleepy from signing.

Although she was a little tired, her smile was not compromised at all.

The OWLs test scores and NEWTs test scores are the most objective summary of last year's academic year. The former is of concern to the entire magical society because of its universality.

The score sheet in her hand looked pleasing to the eye.

There were three people who failed Transfiguration, eight people who failed Potions, and thirty-seven people who failed Divination (this is not counted, why should such subjects be included in the statistics? Professor McGonagall shook her head.), Charms Six people failed...

The most frightening thing is the last subject, the Wizard Self-Defense Magic Learning Course, with zero people failing.

Everyone passed, and there were many people who got O. Even the most naughty Gryffindor twins, who cost her the most effort and energy, also got O in this exam.

Professor Marchban attached a letter to the transcript to express congratulations, "I admit that I lost this bet, but this is something to be happy about. The relevant test papers will be published in the Daily Prophet soon. I Will personally raise the matter of the Order of Merlin with Minister Fudge."

In today's magical world environment, many of the best students choose to work abroad. Although Hogwarts has Dumbledore as a strong brand, the influence of more than ten years has led to the actual combat effectiveness of students...

It has not been revealed abroad yet, but domestic Aurors have discovered this problem and have protested to the school many times.

As the most direct force system of the Ministry of Magic, if Hogwarts is unable to provide new blood, it will cause the entire Auror system to continue to decline, and even lose the environment for cultivating new Aurors.

Theory is theory, practice is practice. It is simply a dream to create a group of Aurors by relying on the things in the book. This is a high-end force destined to lead the new.

There is only one Dumbledore, and the Ministry of Magic cannot rely on Dumbledore alone.

It's not a good thing for an Auror to protest like this. Professor McGonagall has had a headache for a long time, but now...

She laughed, and then quickly put away the files - Albus was in the office now, and the files had been piled up for several days!


"All passed?"

Fudge looked at the report in the office, "On the self-defense study, you passed everything again?"

"After Professor Marchban personally said that the test questions would be made more difficult, all the fifth grade students this year actually passed... This is really great."

It's great that the students at Hogwarts are able to fight well again.

Although they are affiliated with Dumbledore in the school, but wait a moment, in just two years, the Ministry of Magic can recruit these outstanding students.

Although he couldn't get involved in the Auror office and had to rely on coordination, the striker directly obeyed the minister's orders!

The improvement in the quality of students means that the striker's combat power has skyrocketed, and his influence as the Minister of Magic on the entire magical world will also grow stronger.

Fudge knew very well that today's hitters were just rotten fish.

If it extended to the Ministry of Magic, it would be even worse. He wouldn't even dare to use the Iron Armor Curse to examine the trash stuffed into the Ministry!

If the entire magical world knew that more than half of the staff at the Ministry of Magic couldn't even cast the Iron Armor Charm, the entire Ministry of Magic would be embarrassed.

Why did the Auror office dare to be disobedient?

Isn't it because apart from the Aurors, the striker team is simply useless?

Those strikers would start fighting with smugglers when they were trying to catch them, and then they almost got caught in the opposite direction!

If this continues, there will obviously be people who can break through the barrier. If it weren't for the Auror who secretly disguises himself to help from time to time, now he doesn't even know where his face is!

You know whether you're slapped in the face or not, Fudge is very aware of what it's like for batters to be trash.

"That's right, I remember Professor Marchban made a bet with Professor William?"

"Yes, Minister, an Order of Merlin, Second Class."

"She's bound to deliver, right?"

"Well, Professor Marchban always does what he says."

"Then give Professor Marchban the greatest respect, tell her that we completely trust her vision, and ask the Daily Prophet to cooperate more - by the way, in terms of time, there is no rush."

"Yes, I will urge the relevant personnel to pay attention as soon as Professor Marchban arrives."

"Professor William, there is an additional allocation. I remember there are still rumors that Hogwarts will hold a unique assessment this year?"

"That's true, Minister, but because it is a temporary assessment, it is only partially included in the final grade."

"It's all about supporting that kind of exam in name only."

"Okay, Minister."

The assistant nodded, "So, do you want to make arrangements on your schedule to see the actual exam content? I think the students will be very happy?"

"It makes sense, you can write it down in the memo."

Fudge nodded, satisfied.

"By the way, where is Professor William now? I have free time on my schedule - let's arrange a lunch."

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