From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 596 Can’t be cleansed

"Is it coming out now?"

When the news that Voldemort admitted that he was resurrected and publicly announced his ideas came out, William was still dining in the auditorium.

He put down the half-drunk cereal, took the newspaper that Adams handed over and looked at it.

"What do you mean..."

Adams' face was a bit unattractive - or rather, there weren't many wizards in the entire auditorium who had pretty faces.

The shadow of the famous human tree. Back then, the Dark Lord made the entire British Ministry of Magic dare not use the official name, and only dared to use the code name of You-Know-Who. This is enough to prove the problem. The war has only passed for more than ten years, and Voldemort has accumulated The power that came down did not dissipate at all, but became even stronger because of this resurrection.

How happy people were back then, but how scared they are now, an opponent who cannot be killed, an opponent who can be resurrected - this makes people feel cold in their hearts...

Even the students who were fearless in the past seemed extremely quiet now. As for the professors, they were trying not to show fear on their faces...

"Okay, okay, Adams," William reluctantly took back the newspaper, "I take back my previous statement. The Dark Lord has actually been resurrected... It's really scary..."

He tried hard to pretend to be scared, but Adams easily exposed him.

"You just have a big heart. That man is not an ordinary dark wizard. He can really kill people...and we all know that he has always taught self-defense..."

Adams complained angrily, "I'm not threatening you, look at the damn plan mentioned in the newspaper - the Dark Lord even admitted that he planned to try to deprive power from Muggle wizards to strengthen his diet. The Dead Apostles…”

None of the professors in this school know which course the professor was targeted in. Adams had heard the rumors from the students when he was a student. He now hates them. How long has it been? Do you still have thoughts? Just kidding that mysterious man!

"That's different. There are only a few Muggle-born wizards..." William spread his hands. He didn't think that the Dark Lord would be exposed before the third basin of sewage was poured out, but he thought so easily. Clean it up, let’s dream…

"You at least know the basic process of potion making, Adams," William said matter-of-factly. "Even the most skilled pharmacist can only use various potion formulas to fully activate the properties of the material itself. , and there is no way to complete the transformation of the material - no problem."

"Yes, it is, but what does this have to do with that damn plan?"

"Remember, it's a potion, not magical alchemy. Adams, coupled with unskilled extraction steps and ideas, even if the Dark Lord really succeeds, guess how many Muggles he needs to kill." Can a born wizard enhance the glory of a Death Eater's so-called bloodline? Five, or ten? Or even more?"

"What, you mean, it takes five or even ten Muggle wizards to improve a wizard's bloodline!"

Adams was frightened by this terrifying number, and he even shouted it out unceremoniously, causing all the attention in the auditorium, which was extremely silent due to today's news, to focus on him.

Professor McGonagall immediately glanced over with dissatisfied eyes, and refused to leave for a long time - when did you dare to mention such a sensitive topic...

A wry smile appeared on William's face. He stood up and left his seat, then walked quickly to Professor McGonagall, and began to explain a little about the topic just now, and also made a slight suggestion, "Let me explain it to the students. Otherwise, God knows what rumors will spread..."

He didn't want the blame to fall on him in the end. This matter must be explained clearly - who knew Adams was so unintimidated...

After receiving Professor McGonagall's approval, William stood up.

"Okay, originally this matter shouldn't be discussed, because it's really a bit invasive, and you shouldn't be exposed to this kind of thing. But since such an accident happened, I can only explain to you a little bit. That’s not a mature view.”

"Professor Adams and I just discussed the feasibility of the Dark Lord's so-called plan, so that voice finally came."

"Theoretically, as a professor, I will never let you study something that is more evil than most black magic. But since something like this happened today, I have to explain a little bit about some of the random remarks that may have happened. Down."

"There is currently no research that can deprive a wizard of his power. Even if the Dark Lord succeeds in research, he will never be able to completely deprive a wizard of all his power. This reason is very simple. We use the simplest way to do this. Here’s an example…”

"For example, you have seven galleons in your hand. Now I am using various methods to take away your money, whether it is robbing, stealing, or cheating - no matter what, I will only The maximum I can get from you is seven galleons, and in most cases it will be less, because you will be very interested in the remaining money after you realize that you have been cheated..."

"I know that some of our students are not very friendly to Muggle-born wizards, and sometimes they even use the Dark Lord's evil plans to attack each other - but think about it, how many Muggles are there in the entire Hogwarts? A wizard by birth?"

"Then think about it, if they only have seven Galleons each, then if you want to rob piles of Galleons, can you do it? How many Galleons will it take to take them all?"

"So, if you want to get piles of Galleons, where should you get the remaining money? Since Muggle-born wizards have seven Galleons, what about the mixed-blood wizards? What about the wizards from small families? In their hands How many galleons are there?”

He took out a small pile of Galleons from his purse and said, "Okay, for example, on my left are the Galleons of Muggle wizards, and on my right are the Galleons of half-blood wizards and wizards with not-so-good backgrounds. , now, I confuse them together..."

He mixed the galleons of the two hands together in front of the students, and then separated them. "Who will tell me now, how to distinguish them?"

"It's that simple," William put away the money, "think about it, that's it."


"You have almost publicly refuted that Voldemort, Professor William."

In the principal's office, Dumbledore looked at William with a smile, "He is not that broad-minded..."

"I didn't expect that I would force him out like this..."

William shook his head, "I originally planned to throw a third bucket of dirty water. I thought that would make him unable to persist..."

"So it looks like we need to change our plans?"

"No, it's still the same. I really hope to see his reaction..."

William had a bad smile on his face, extremely happy.

Ps: It’s still available today, no need to wait...

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