From Becoming the Master of Monsters

Chapter 526 The Piper and the Black Death

The voice that suddenly appeared in the conference hall naturally came from Yudou, who had not shown up for a long time.

In fact, when "GrimmGrimoireHameln" first attacked, Yuuto didn't want to get involved. Compared with the attacking Demon King, he was more concerned about the whereabouts of His Highness and the others.

And because ShiroYasha was also here, Yuto didn't want to risk his death by wandering in front of ShiroYasha.

But because of the gift game of "GrimmGrimoireHameln", all the communities involved seem to be unable to leave the scope of the gift game.

In other words, even if Yuu Dou wanted to find His Highness and the others and see what they were up to, he could not leave this area before the end of the gift game.

And due to some unknown reasons, Shiroyasha seems to have been sealed. The originally stable gift game has become confusing, so Yuto has to choose to show up.

When they entered the conference hall, Yuuto and the others did not receive too many obstacles, because now, as one of the strongest communities in the North District, Yuuto's "Ghost Travel" and "Will o'wisp" were also attacked this time. One of the communities invited to participate in the meeting.

When Yuto and Leticia appeared, the most surprised and happy people were none other than the "No Name" group.

Among them, Black Rabbit even forgot about the unpleasantness just now. When he saw his friend whom he hadn't seen for many days, he gave him a warm hug.

And when Black Rabbit was about to hug Yuto after hugging Leticia, he was blocked by Leticia and Algor at the same time.

Leticia: Black Rabbit, I understand how you miss your companions, but just hug me.

Algor: Refuses anyone other than Leticia and Algor to hug the master!

Yuuto originally spread his hands, but feeling a wave of E-level enjoyment, he helplessly put his hands down under Leticia's death gaze.

At this time, Izayoi also looked at Yuto, brought the topic back to the right track, and asked proactively: "What did Yuto-san just say that there were many people in the venue who couldn't bear it?"

“I don’t know what the black mist that initially swept through the entire venue and filled the entire 3999999-4000000 outer door was.

But because of my race, I can clearly feel that that thing is not a good thing, it smells a bit like disease or plague.

Although those people at the venue seem to be safe and sound, it is probably just because the disease has not broken out yet. "

Yuto is a half-demon, Leticia is a vampire, and Algor is a star spirit. At first, those black mist-like auras will naturally not cause any trouble to them.

But Yudou could feel that many people in the venue had a hint of death in their auras after the black aura entered their bodies.

"Plague or disease? Pester? I understand! Is it the Black Death?

That’s why you deliberately planned to extend the Black Rabbit Gift Game to the maximum period. You planned to allow the Black Death to break out in the bodies of people infected with the Black Death during the interruption of the Gift Game! "

“The so-called Black Death was a terrible plague that occurred in the 1450s, which once ravaged the entire Europe and took away the lives of about one-third of its population.

"GrimmGrimoireHameln" The Piper of Hamel is a story from Grimm's Fairy Tales. "

“The general idea is that the town was plagued by rats, which caused great trouble to the townspeople, and finally a rat catcher with a flute suddenly visited the town.

And he used the flute he played to lure out all the rats in the town, before taking them to the river near the town and drowning them.

But after the rat problem was solved, the townspeople regretted it, believing that everything was directed and acted by the rat catcher, and refused to pay the reward that should have been given to the rat catcher. The rat catcher finally left angrily.

But one night, the familiar sound of the flute sounded again in the dark night, but only the children in the town could hear it clearly.

One hundred and thirty children came out of their homes in unison, and following the guidance of the flute, they followed the rat catcher and left the town..."

"The background of this Grimm's fairy tale is also in the mid-14th century. The rat infestation in the story is also a metaphor for the plague, the so-called 'Black Death'.

In the end, there are two theories about where the one hundred and thirty children who disappeared with the ratcatcher arrived.

One is due to natural phenomena such as land disasters, river flooding, and land subsidence, but it is their death.

Another theory is that they were all taken away by ratcatchers who could control the plague, which means that their lives were taken away by the Black Death. "

Izayoi's knowledge is obviously quite profound and comprehensive. Through his narration, everyone also roughly knows the approximate origin of "GrimmGrimoireHameln" and the terrible thing called "Black Death".

Even because Izayoi could learn so much from just a little bit of information, Pester couldn't help but look at him a little more in surprise.

“Looking at it this way, their community is called the ‘Pied Piper of Hamel’, and the spotted loli sitting in the main seat can release the Black Death.

Then it should not be difficult to guess that it should be the Black Death Spotted Demon King who manifested himself in the Little Garden through the achievements of one hundred and thirty people in the fairy tale. "

“The incubation period of the Black Death varies from person to person, it can be as short as one or two days, but it will never be longer than a week.

Once all the people infected with the Black Death break out, let alone defeat the devil, there won't even be many people who can save their lives. "

This is why Pest intends to extend the interruption of the game, because as long as it is delayed long enough, they can definitely win.

Compared with them, the game participants are the ones who need to worry. The most powerful person and leader of the game, Shiroyasha, has been sealed.

It is still unknown how many people have the Black Death lurking in their bodies, and the situation can be said to be extremely bad.

Staying behind to delay the interruption of the gift game as long as possible, Pest took Weiser and Lating and prepared to leave. However, as soon as he took a step forward, he was stopped by Yudou behind him.

"Black Death Spotted Demon King, how about we make a deal? You will suddenly attack the North District. I think your main goal is not the immature class ruler of the North District, but Shiro Yaksha.

And even if you win this gift game, Bai Yaksha may not be able to take it away. How about we increase the bet?

As long as you can win this gift game, you can choose to take away the rabbits over there, including the little brother you just favored, and even most of the community here.

In exchange, how about canceling the extended period for interrupting the game and restarting the game immediately? "

After looking at Black Rabbit on the side, and then at Yuuto and Izayoi, I have to say that Yuuto's proposal really moved Pest's heart.

She is a novice demon king. Although she has established a community, the only members are Weser and Lating. As far as a demon king community is concerned, it is really shabby.

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