From the Perfect World

Chapter 62: Exclusive mission

   Killing and slashing endlessly, Lin Yang slaughtered the demon races in the land of thousands of miles in succession. During the period, he also encountered the demon lords equivalent to four or five levels of human location.

   When he returned to the temple, the fighting in the meditation hall and the end, everyone was wounded, and after taking the Taihuan Tango, they healed their injuries.

   "If there is no accident, there will be no danger in the next few days." Lin Yang said concisely.

   "Does the domestic and foreign affairs exchange?" Zhang Yuanshan asked, his face pale and his injuries were obviously serious.

  Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei also opened their eyes. The battle should have been much more fierce, but Tolin Yang's blessing, killed the few demon queens, and the panicked little demon suddenly fled, making everyone's pressure greatly reduced.

"The first time I saw the body of the demon race, it was really tricky." Lin Yang nodded slightly and continued: "After the breakthrough, the power of the law was beyond imagination. He easily killed a few attacking demon lord and eliminated it. A land of thousands of miles."

   "Clear thousands of miles." Meng Qi was stunned. On such a journey, he could only arrive by rushing for a week day and night. He couldn't help but recall the fight between Xuan Bei and the crying old man. It was inhuman.

   "Fa?" Jiang Zhiwei, with a bloodless face, said in astonishment: "Have you passed the first ladder?"

The exterior scenery of the triple heavens that have not stepped through the ladder, even if they reluctantly urge the uncondensed facial features, will be extremely severely backlashed. Looking at Lin Yang's current appearance, it does not seem to have suffered a backlash at all. There is only one that is unbelievable. Possibly, he stepped through the first level of the ladder and became the top master of the four-day location.

   "I have accumulated a lot of money and made my hair down, and once entered the fourth heaven on location." Lin Yang pretended to be indifferent and said. The foundation is complete, there is still the memory of the demon master's cultivation, the next period of time is his rapid improvement period.

   The few people who knew the difference between the different realms of the location were speechless. They had never heard of it. Someone went across several days after they entered the location.

   In the next few days, Lin Yang and others stayed in the temple, did not stay away, until the end of the mission, there was no monster to bother.

   The sun rose on the eighth day, and the cold voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation also came:

   "The main quest is over, come back."

   The reincarnation square like the sacred realm of the immortal family came into view, Lin Yang's hand sank, and another reincarnation symbol was added.

   Under Lin Yang's interference this time, a group of people didn't enter Lingshan, and they never got that broken Dharmakaya-level blue light. Only the little demon who had attacked before cut off some of the spoils.

   "Someone in the team becomes a location, and the strength gap between the members is too large, and the task will be divided in the future."

   "To prevent people from taking tricks, resuscitation-level cheats, elixirs, and sharp weapons, in exchange for a substantial reduction in prices."

   The words of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation made several people stare at each other. Lin Yang sighed and said, "I knew it would be like this. I don't know how much the good deeds you will get in the future will shrink."

   Zhang Yuanshan smiled bitterly: "Whoever makes us weak, or else you won't let you stand alone against the eight demon masters, and you will be forced to make a dangerous breakthrough."

Meng Qi saw it openly. He said, "Brother Lin, if you didn't want to take care of us, you would have become a location scene three years ago. That way, I will never feel guilty anymore. You can release your brilliance to your heart's content. "

   "There is pressure only when there is motivation. After the battle that night, I figured out a lot of things. The difficulty of the task will increase in the future, which is also conducive to growth." Jiang Zhiwei also has her own views on this.

   The reincarnation of several people takes a long time, and the ones who are familiar can no longer be familiar, and they will not complain about it. It is just that the good deeds of the resuscitation series are less, so try to get more good deeds.

   Lin Yang didn't say anything when he saw this, everyone discussed together what to exchange for. He had thought about it a long time ago and started to exchange it directly.

   The location chapter of "The Eight-Nine Profound Art", the physical body is tyrannical, good at changing, hiding and imitating, in order to avoid disasters and exchange the price for 10,000 good works.

   Put the cheat book into the mustard ring, and Lin Yang made another request.

   "I want to apply for the refining of magic weapons."

The divine weapon on the divine weapon spectrum is good, but it is consistent with him, and there is no one that can fully display the power of the emperor's law. So after thinking twice, I can only find the master of the six reincarnations "private custom". Pleased, but the price is much higher.

   "Do you provide refining materials?"

   "No." Lin Yang chose to refuse, and the big sun star core that was exchanged again was used as a killer in the task of refining the gods, not for refining the gods, even if this is its real use. If in the end it is really difficult to complete the task, you can only make a breakthrough on the spot and let the enemy experience what despair is.

   "Choose the type, shape and attributes of the magic weapon to be refined."

   "A long knife of the way of time." Lin Yang knew that the more requirements, the more outrageous the price, and he wanted to be as concise as possible.

"It takes 194,000 good works. Is it to refine the magic weapon?" The price quoted by the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation made Lin Yang speechless. It was more than half expensive than the ordinary magic weapon, but when I thought that a time magic weapon could bring For the bonus, he gritted his teeth and chose yes.

   "Deduct 194,000 good deeds to activate the exclusive task of refining the gods."

   Lin Yang's heart lifted up, and he didn't know what kind of exclusive task would be triggered. According to his memory, this kind of exclusive task involved the lowest level of the Dharma body.

"Exclusive mission: Shaolin Temple is one of the four Buddhist The abbot of Kongwen is also a well-known man of Dharma body. However, no one knows the real Kongwen monk decades ago. Mysteriously missing, a mysterious person of unknown origin pretends to be a monk of Kongwen, driving the abbot, blinding all living beings. Within one year, find the real abbot of Kongwen, succeed, and obtain a magical soldier with the specified form attributes One bite, failure, deduct two good deeds."

   If you want to find a real Kongwen monk, you can only start with the fake Kongwen in the Shaolin Temple, and the other party can pretend to be a Kongwen monk without being discovered for decades. Obviously, he is also a person of high dharma.

   This is the difficulty of the exclusive mission.

   The general reincarnation person received this task, or asked for external aid from the Dharma body, or tyrannical himself, and went to Shaolin to ask. Or stir up the situation in the world, secretly release the wind to pressure Shaolin, but as a martial arts master, who would dare to persecute the ‘empty-wen sacred monk’ as the Dharmakaya?

   However, after seeing Lin Yang on the exclusive mission, he just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times.

   The true air heard the whereabouts of the monk, he knew that he could skip all the steps and get the answer.

   Ignoring the people of Meng Qi, Lin Yang took out the reincarnation symbol and chose to use it.

   The clear and misty light enveloped him.

   Doer observe the world. Tao Te Ching World. Magic grave world. The old universe. Eight hundred years after Journey to the West.

   The worlds he experienced appeared in Lin Yang's mind.

   Knowing that this is Meng Qi who uses the reincarnation sign, he looked over in surprise. It is not clear why Lin Yang suddenly used the reincarnation symbol. The same as him is Qi Zhengyan.

   "Duoer observes the world."

   Lin Yang made a choice. He was fortunate to have experienced this world, otherwise he would really be crazy at this time.

   Lin Yang disappeared in the eyes of Meng Qi's doubts.

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