From the Perfect World

Six hundred and sixty-fourth destruction in life

cosmic sea.

"This is the end of the original universe..."

All the true gods and the masters of the universe in the third reincarnation era were greatly moved when they saw the destruction of the original universe that gave birth to them.

This kind of horror is beyond their imagination.

Only in the early days of the third reincarnation era, the scene where the giant in the small universe crushes everything can be compared with it.

Thousands of years ago, the thousands of ethnic groups in the original universe notified by Lin Yang through the will of the original source moved the ethnic groups one after another into the small universes of the true gods.

Although the origin of Lin Yang's small universe is huge, it doesn't really contain too many lives, and only the soldiers of the gene-locked human race and the main god's space, as well as acquaintances or their direct descendants have access to it.

In addition to the lives that were swallowed up when the small universe expanded, now after seven trillion epochs of reproduction, there are still not many traces of life in the small universe.

At the moment when the original universe was destroyed, many figures stood in the original place of the universe.

These are the divine power incarnations of the true gods of the human race.

Luo Feng and other native humans in the original universe, some arrogance and powerhouses of that era in the world of martial arts masters, some humans with extremely amazing gene lock systems.

It's just an era of reincarnation. From the beginning of the original ancestor to the end of the original universe of the human race, a total of 192 true gods and 1923 masters of the universe were born.

Not to mention the Lord of the universe.

Among the 192 true gods, except for those who became true gods before Lin Yang entered reincarnation, some of them took the route of divine power, and their life level reached a certain level, turning the kingdom of God into a small universe in a single thought.

There are also some who are relatively poor in aptitude and have no amazing achievements at the level of life. After comprehending the Chaos Stele of Origin, they took the route of law and became more ordinary true gods.

There are also very few people...

Both the divine power route and the law route are difficult to go through, but luck is enough against the sky, and the branches of the world tree were exchanged early, and after many adventures, countless treasures with a lot of divine power were exchanged to cultivate the branches of the world tree, In the end, let the branches of the world tree grow to drive the transformation of the Kingdom of God, turning it into a small universe.

Wealth can pass through the gods...

This sentence is most intuitively reflected.

"You should cherish the mystery of the destruction of the original universe when you comprehend it."

Lin Yang looked at the group of true gods in front of him.

The founder of the giant axe, Luo Feng, and Lou Cheng, the three true gods, have already reached the level of true gods of the void, but they have not broken through. After all, they have the warnings of the original ancestors, and no one will ignore them.

Among them, the founder of the giant axe can become the eternal true god because he understands the mystery of the birth of beasts and the source of birth and death.

Except for these three people, even with True God Qitian who has a 'plug-in', his realm is still at the level of a true god, and he has not realized the secret of the void, but his combat power is already terrifyingly strong.

Nine-headed demon lord, the true god who became a servant of world beasts in the original time and space and was finally killed by Luo Feng, also died at the hands of the human true god in this world.

It attacked the True God Qitian, who was furious, and finally chased and killed the Nine-headed Demon Lord for six eras, and killed the Nine-headed Demon Lord in Liuchong Mountain.

"There is only one reincarnation era."

Luo Feng took a deep breath.

He is confident enough that after this realization, he can raise his realm to the Eternal True God.


Lou Cheng nodded.

The human race that dominates the primordial universe has gone through trillions of epochs of change and finally formed four superpowers.

Virtual Universe Company, Giant Axe Arena, Galaxy Holy Land, and Main Mysterious Realm.

After the original ancestor transcended reincarnation,

It rarely interferes with the affairs of the human race, and the Virtual Universe Company is mainly managed by the Chaos City Lord.

Needless to say the Great Ax Arena and the Holy Land of the Galaxy, the strength of Luo Feng, the founder of the Great Ax and the Lord of the Galaxy, is obvious to all.

The only thing that makes people puzzled is why Lin Yang, the true god of origin, after thousands of epochs beyond reincarnation, would hand over the management of the main god's space and the rule of the main mysterious realm to Lou Cheng, who has just become a true god.

Lin Yang didn't explain this to anyone. Later, someone speculated that it might be because Lou Cheng was the first among the master god warriors to become a true god, and he was born in the master mystical realm. The most important thing was his invincible master.

But the third point is a top-secret matter even in today's human race. Except for everyone who was present at the time, no one knows that Lou Cheng, the true God of Immortal Tribulation, has a huge background.

"Split your will, it's time to start."

As Lin Yang's voice fell, among the divine power incarnations of the true gods of the human race, a trace of will flew to Lin Yang's divine power incarnation, and the original ancestor was among them.

Lin Yang grasped the will of 191 true gods and integrated it into his own original will, so that they can perceive the original universe at this moment from the perspective of original will.

Lin Yang's energy was also devoted to the destruction process of the original universe.

For other God Kings and even very few Chaos Lords, there is basically a way to realize the birth and death of the primordial universe, and it is no longer a precious opportunity.

However, Lin Yang's understanding of the "origin of birth and death" in this world now, except for the appearance of "destruction" that gave birth to the world beast, is all his own perception of the birth and death of the primordial universe bit by bit from the world, It can give him a great improvement in the 'source of birth and death' and even other 'sources'.

However, the mysteries contained in the original universe are not endless. After experiencing the birth and death of the original universe many times, they will not be able to bring themselves the slightest improvement in the end, just like the god kings in the origin continent.

'Seeing' a place in the original universe is collapsing at an extreme speed, some lives that have just been born die instantly, and infinite energy sweeps everything in the original universe, bringing it back to the original universe unit.

All kinds of life, strange matter, sky full of stars, time and space...

All are destroying.

This is an extremely spectacular sight, a picture of destruction beyond imagination, which can shock anyone.

"Destruction in life..."

Lin Yang's eyes kept flickering, confirming what he saw now with the vitality in the 'destruction' he saw in the beast's lair back then.

The perception of the 'source of birth and death' is rapidly improving.

Some places that could not be understood at the beginning suddenly become clear at this moment. Looking at it from a different angle, it seems to be a whole new world.


Everything in the original universe disappeared, and all returned to the 'monadic structure', turning into the energy needed for the rebirth of the original universe.

The origin of the universe shines, intoxicating the various ethnic groups in the universe sea, which is really beautiful.

"So that's the case, no wonder..."

Seeing the purest source of the primordial universe, Lin Yang figured out a pass.

The source of birth and death, including life and destruction, are two clear and distinct properties.

He constructed the miniature universe in the wrong order!

If he hadn't realized this point today, it would take a long time for Lin Yang to become a god king.


Devour roll ends today.

The next volume, perfect·the end of an era

Volume 2, Volume 1, The Beyonder

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