Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 424 Soaring Southeast I

Almost – it’s our turn…

The marching horn of the Navarrean Kingdom came from outside the city. Xiuyin raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. The sky here was also blue.

"Let's go, Hans."

The guards gently pushed aside the crowd surrounding Xiu Yin.

"Don't worry, everyone, Xiuyin Neumann will not abandon those who have declared their loyalty to the Morrowind Territory, never!"

Before leaving, Xiuyin turned around and left these words to the residents of Gumu City...

With a force four times that of the Morrowind leader, in order to prevent Xiu Yin from using any more tricks, Varane III used 20,000 people to attack the north gate of Ancient Wood City, and the remaining 20,000 people surrounded the west gate of Ancient City Wood. , south and east directions.

"Hmph, now, no matter how lucky Xiuyin Neumann is, in this situation, hey, he can only wait for the fate of being captured!"

Varane III has now thought about what will happen after the victory of the war, and he is beginning to be confused about whether to kill Schuyn Neumann directly.

If Xiu Yin is killed directly, I am afraid that the world will judge him as not friendly to his former allies at all. What if he is not killed...

"For such a dangerous guy like him, it's better to kill him directly! Well, that's it. Send an order to the troops marching ahead. If you find the lord of Morrowind Territory, Scheuin Neumann, strangle him on the spot!"

Varane III believed that he had made the right choice. After eliminating Xiuyin Neumann, the next step would be the Great Loran Empire...


The horn of war sounded, and the army of the Kingdom of Navarre was about to launch the first wave of attacks on Gumu City.

"Come on!"


The warriors of the Kingdom of Navaran have good fighting spirit at this time. From losing most of the country to now, they have not only basically recovered the entire territory, but also defeated the remnant army of the Great Loran Empire. In addition, there are many people in the royal capital. The warrior's relatives and friends were killed, and their grievances were to be released on the heads of the Morrowind leaders.

Although the Morrowind Territory previously showed high combat power, and was able to defeat the main force of the Great Loran Empire thanks to the Morrowind Territory, now, the enemy's Morrowind Territory's military strength is only a quarter of theirs. Moreover, Gumu City is just a small city and cannot stop the fatal blow from the Navarrean Kingdom's army, which has high morale.

These warriors thought so, and so did their king Varane III.

But when the heavy infantry rushing at the front of the team suddenly felt their feet weakening, and then the ground began to dent, they shouted in their hearts, "No!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

As the main force of the front troops, the heavily armored warriors can effectively protect against attacks such as crossbows and arrows coming from the city, while behind them are the main offensive warrior groups who are lightly armed.

However, because the enemy in their eyes was too weak at this time, the vanguards who were eager to make contributions were very fast. As a result, when the heavily armored warriors in front found that the ground was blocked by power and wanted to avoid the trap, the friendly forces in the rear were directly attacking. Crowded over.

"Ah! Help..."

"Wow, don't go any further, there's..."

"Stop moving forward..."

"There's a trap! Stop!"

When the sound spread, nearly a thousand heavily armored warriors had already fallen into the trap prepared by the Morrowind Territory.

The originally high morale began to take a hit at this time, but this was just the beginning.

Xiu Yin watched a large number of heavily armored warriors fall into the trap on the already damaged wall of the small town, with a smile on his lips.

The trap is just a very ordinary trap, not deep, and there are no barbs underneath to cause a second fatal injury to the person who falls...


Someone among the first wave of heavily armored warriors who fell down let out a startled sound.

He thought he was going to die, but he just fell.

To say he fell was a bit exaggerated. He just fell into a pit. It was not a deep pit, just less than a man and a half tall.

Varane III, who saw the sudden confusion in the front army on the roof of the golden chariot, felt his heart tightening. Then he heard from his subordinates that they had just encountered a trap and there were almost no casualties among the soldiers.

"Ah...haha, it seems that the Morrowind leader doesn't have time to prepare a complete trap, which is really worrying!"

Varane III wiped the cold sweat on his forehead from the shock just now. He knew that Xiu Yin was a little unusual for a young man, and he was afraid that he had tricked that boy again.

Now that he heard that the people in the former army were basically fine, Varane III was relieved at this time and said, "Let them continue the attack!"

"It's Your Majesty. We'll immediately take a detour and launch a general attack while we wait to rescue the soldiers who fell into the pit!"

After the adjutant in charge of the war made his statement to Varane III, he immediately returned to the front line. The trap he had just discovered also gave him a false alarm.

"Quick, quick, pull me up first!"

"Oh, you push me down there first and then I'll go up."

"Hey, pull me up!"

In a deep pit that is half a person high, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Navarre who have fallen into it are waiting for their comrades above the pit to pull them.

The height of the pit makes it difficult for warriors wearing heavy armor and holding huge shields to jump out with their own physical strength, so they have to rely on the warriors above to help pull them.

A heavy armor is already very heavy, and most of the soldiers who can wear this armor are strong and tall men. The comrades in the pit can't pull it with one hand, so they have to put down their weapons temporarily. Use both hands to pull up your comrade who fell into the pit...

"Hans, you dug the hole well. Next, it depends on Captain Abisa..."

Hans on the side had his eyes widened at this moment.

At the beginning, when Xiuyin ordered him to lead thousands of people out of the city to dig holes, he guessed that he would just lay traps. However, when Hans was about to order his subordinates to cut down some trees to cut out some barbs, he was stopped by Xiuyin. .

"It would be meaningless if someone died after falling into the pit."

"How deep is it? Just dig about half the height of a person..."

With the scene in front of him and the previous memories, Hans finally understood Xiu Yin's true intention.

He felt a little sorry that Varane III chose Xiuyin as his enemy, but if he thought about it more carefully, it was actually Lord Xiuyin's intention.

Xiuyin did not occupy Ancient Wood City for a long time, so how could Varane III use this as an excuse to declare war on the Morrowind Territory?

"The lord actually thought of this step from the beginning!"

Abisa raised the long sword in his hand. The moment Xiu Yin asked him to wait for was this moment...

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