Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 433 Gaiden: The False Future VIII

Dick stepped forward, supported Shalis' trembling body, and handed over a purple handkerchief. Salis took the handkerchief, stopped her tears, and avoided Dick's hand holding her without leaving any trace. Dick stood up straight as if nothing happened and said, "I'm sorry."

Shalis shook her head absentmindedly and said softly, "I'm sorry, thank you -"

Another word of thanks was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it. She stared at the ordinary handkerchief and repeatedly touched the lower left corner with her fingers. There was an emblem. The pattern of this emblem was something she had seen on Tam's armor. Pass.

Then, she seemed to have thought of something, stared at Dick's face in shock, and asked uncertainly, "Who are you?"

"Tam is my sister. If she knew something underground, she would definitely not want to see His Highness so sad." Dick gave the princess a knighthood.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's me, it's me -"

"Dying to protect the most important person is the greatest honor for our soul guards. This is also Tam's hope. This is her honor!"

"Another glory! Your men's glory?! No, if I hadn't held her back, she could have escaped completely. It was me who harmed her, it was me, it's a sad glory!!"

"It's useless for us to argue about this issue. Since Your Highness insists on believing that the responsibility is yours, I won't say more. But Your Highness, Princess, is it enough just to realize that the responsibility is yours? This is the reason for you to be depressed. ?"

"I-I-" Shalis faltered, she had nothing to say, but she thought it was all glory that killed an excellent knight.

"If Tam's sacrifice only results in this kind of consequence, then Tam's hard work will be in vain, and she will die in peace!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Tears welled up in Shalisi's eyes again, but she held back the tears.

Natasha couldn't stand it any longer, and was just about to interrupt when her peripheral vision accidentally glanced at the slit of the vine.

It's the God Emperor!

The God Emperor was watching from afar.

She instantly understood the intention of the God Emperor in sending the temple soul guard Dick, but this dose of medicine was very heavy.

Shake your head vigorously to drive away the elements of sadness in your mind. The deceased has passed away, but the days of the living will continue.

Natasha adjusted her attitude and said in a slightly exaggerated tone, "Ah! The man on the ground is motionless. Is he drowned by Her Royal Highness's tears?"

Upon hearing this, Shalis remembered the reason for the appearance of the soul guard. In response to Natasha's teasing, Shalis gave her a big eye roll. Looking at Natasha's aggrieved expression, she suddenly felt a desire in her heart. Mischievous.

Yes, the life of the deceased has ended, but my own life is still very long. It is not my personality to be immersed in grief, and it is not the hope of the deceased. From now on, I want to live the part that they have not experienced.

"I won't cry again, absolutely!" Shalisi stated her determination lightly and smiled brightly at everyone.

The Third God Emperor Rodel in the distance turned and left, because he could see his strength from this smile, and his daughter should not have to worry about it.

After coming back to her senses, Salis looked at the subdued man coldly and asked, "Who are you and what's the matter with you?"

"I was asked to deliver something to His Highness."

Salis exchanged glances with Dick and continued, "Look up, what is your name and what do you do?"

The man raised his head, and before he could announce his home, a soul guard recognized him and said, "Lezad, why is it you?"

"Do you know him?" As the head of the Soul Guard, Dick himself didn't even know this person, and it was definitely not easy for this person to be able to get so close to the princess!

"He is the first squad leader of the Knights of the Holy See!" The soul guard shouted, "Well, it turns out he is."

"Captain, what do you want from me?" Shalis looked at Dick doubtfully, and then asked the man under Dick's look.

Lezard took out a small box from his arms and held it above his head with both hands.

"Who gave it to His Highness?" Dick asked warily.

"Your Highness will definitely know after reading it."

Dick looked back at Shalis, and seeing that Shalis still looked confused, he took the box for Shalis, checked it, and handed it to Shalis after making sure there was no danger.

Shalis glanced at the box, her expression changed, she carefully touched the pattern on the lid and the familiar emblem, looked at Lezard with a complicated expression, and asked, "Where is he?"

Seeing the princess' reaction, Dick was convinced that Lezzard was not a dangerous person and signaled the soul guard to let him go.

Lezard moved his shoulders, stood up, and after performing a knight's salute, he said respectfully, "The captain has been transferred. This is what he asked me to give to you before he left."

"Thank you." Shalisi responded generously, then held the box tightly with both hands, ignoring the surprised looks around her, and trotted back to her bedroom.

After dismissing all the attendants, including Natasha, Shalis placed the box on the desk, made sure again and again that there were no soul guards around, and then opened the box carefully. There were three things lying quietly inside, a lavender soul crystal, a small gold-plated pendant, and a lifelike panoramic picture of the Anaheim Mountains. Without thinking, she directly took the pendant and carefully traced every pattern on it with her fingers, recalling the voice and smile of the owner of the pendant.

The cicada kept making noisy noises in her ears. The noise made Salisi, who was almost exhausted, dizzy. There was still some residual soul energy on the pendant in her hand. This was a guide for the little princess. She could know when she was about to reach her destination. The ground is getting closer.

Scanning the people around him with his peripheral vision, his face remained calm and out of breath, and his pace deliberately slowed down, clearly telling Shalis that,

He is waiting for her.

Suppress the dissatisfaction in my heart, speed up the pace, rush out of this small forest, and reach the finish line.

"Hey, the beautiful little princess has finally arrived." Haman said with a half-smile.

There is no suspense, Shalisi is the last one.

It turned out that Thiago's logistics team was doing physical training and running ten kilometers.

So Thiago took this opportunity and made an appointment with the princess. Their team came together because of the princess. Haman and Char missed the princess very much and did not know the princess's recent situation. They would never enter the temple again. I didn’t want to go, so I came up with this solution.

Although she felt unhappy, she didn't have enough energy to get angry now. She threw off her backpack and was about to fall down, but Thiago held her up and said, "Take a few steps. The exercise just now was too intense. Take a rest immediately." Poor health."

Salisi didn't react at all, her whole body seemed to be hanging on Tiago's arm, and she let him stumble out several steps.

Thiago smoothed the short black hair on his forehead and said to himself, "It seems a bit long."

Shalis took the kettle from Haman and asked happily, "Where are they?"

"We have already gone to training. How can we let thousands of people wait here for this charming little princess?" Haman said with a joke on his face.

"Haman!" Xia Ya lowered her face to stop Haman's anger and said, "Knowing that she has a noble status, you still act like this, and it's outrageous to call the princess a little princess."

"She asked me to call her whatever I want." Haman spread his hands. The moment their team was established, when the princess served as their team leader, Haman kept calling her like this.

"You -" before Xia Ya could finish her words, she was stopped by the princess who was drinking water, "Okay, even your leaders have gone to train, and you few lieutenants are still here chirping."

"Hey captain, I'm complaining for you. Originally, you were 100% sure to be the deputy captain of the knights. Who would have thought that suddenly a little girl who didn't know anything suddenly appeared in the air and picked up what was already available. You become It’s so scary, I can’t swallow this breath.”

"If you can't swallow it, go to the God-Emperor for a duel. Otherwise, this princess will do."

"Please, my captain, who dares? Let’s not talk about the God Emperor. That little princess is definitely a genius in combat skills. How can she win so easily?" Haman pouted.

"Oh?" Bronn looked at the complaining Haman with interest and asked, "Have you ever fought against the princess?"

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