Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 663 Dirk City Strategy II

Landru went back to find reinforcements and would be back soon. At that time, the whole city would also be under martial law. Xiuyin knew that there was not much time and it was not the time to speak. "Christina, I once had someone who was just like you." Friends of the elves, so I choose to trust the elves and the contract is established. Now, I order you to withdraw from the city immediately, join the caravan outside the city and obey the orders of the leader of the Abisa Knights!"

The elf did not immediately answer Xiu Yin's order, but turned around and looked at her six men.

It wasn't until all six subordinates nodded silently that Christina said to Xiu Yin, "Then, employer, we will take good care of you from now on, but before that, don't leave your life here!"

"As long as you see Captain Abisa, my life will still be long!" Of course Xiuyin will not entrust his life to this mercenary, and now he will not completely trust the mercenaries and leave it to Abisa. , with Abisa's ability, he naturally has a way to deal with these mercenaries.

As soon as the mercenaries left, the reinforcements from Dek City's security team caught up with them.

"It's just the two of them!"

As soon as the two teams of cavalry passed the corner, Xiu Yin heard Landru's voice.

The emblem on the armor is a shield, and on the shield is a war horse looking up to the sky and neighing.

Those who can wear this kind of armor are the Royal Knights of the Motu Empire. The one with the most gorgeous armor must be Martial's nephew, Malander, a strong knight in the sky.

When Xiuyin saw Malander, the first person he thought of for comparison was Abisa.

The typical face of a knight is the tough and upright figure on a horse. If he were not an enemy, Xiu Yin would like to have more generals like this among his subordinates.

Malander looked at Xiu Yin and Hans contemptuously on the horse. As a sky knight, he had this proud capital, especially since Xiu Yin's costume was just that of a magician.

Although he listened to Landru's report that these two people had some strength, but...

When the two teams brought by Malander and more than twenty people surrounded the two people, there was no worry at all.

"Hmph, you two, it seems you are not from here! Tell me, where are you from?"

Landru had Malander's support, and at this time he changed from the decadence he had when he escaped. There were still many marks on his face that were blackened by the thick smoke of Xiuyin's intermediate magic fire bombs. The earth has been rectified!"

Only then did Landru realize that he had just been teased by those two guys, and he couldn't help but became grumpy. The surrounding guards obeyed the order and were ready to stab Xiu Yin and Hans with their spears.

"Wait a moment!"

Xiu Yin shouted at this time, "We have very important things to report to the leader, otherwise the Motu Empire will be in catastrophe!"

"A catastrophe? What kind of catastrophe? You are deceiving the public with your lies. Take action!" Landru did not believe that there would be any catastrophe in the Motu Empire. Although the strength of the Qiyao family was not among the best, the empire was prosperous, let alone Emperor Rubik, who is said to be on an expedition, is about to win the last piece of the puzzle in the southern part of the continent for the empire!

When the guards were about to take action, Malander, who had been silent, spoke up.


Malander's voice made all the soldiers stop immediately.

"What confidential matter? It's valuable and can spare you the death penalty!"

Malander didn't want to speak at first, but at that moment, he suddenly thought of one thing, and that was his future.

This time Emperor Rubik personally went to the Star Empire, bringing with him all his direct troops, while he, or rather his uncle, were all left behind. On the other hand, the generals at the front would soon return with meritorious service. , and neither he nor his uncle had any merit.

Although uncle Martial is slightly related to the royal family, he has no merit. After Emperor Rubik, what position will his family be in?

Do I have to live forever in this place that is incomparable to the Imperial Capital?

Malander needs some surprises.

He hoped that the words of these two people would bring some unexpected surprises.

"Master, our two brothers came from the south and found a large caravan outside the city, but they definitely have a problem. There were more than 5,000 people in the caravan. More importantly, we accidentally saw The caravan’s carriages were full of weapons, and those traders didn’t look like traders at all, but more like warriors!”

"Humph, what nonsense? Isn't it normal for caravans to transport weapons? And of course the more valuable the thing, the more valuable it will be, so it will need to be escorted by mercenaries or the like. You two won't survive!"

Landru didn't care about that, he had to kill both bastards in front of him now to satisfy his hatred.

But Maland became interested. He looked towards the night sky in the south. Except for a few of them talking here, the night was as peaceful as usual. Except for the noise coming from some taverns in the distance, he could not feel anything. mutation.

"If you only have these words, you will not be able to avoid death."

Malander said lightly. He really hoped that these two people were not talking nonsense at this time, and he didn't want his precious time to be wasted. He had to rush back to write a letter to his uncle and find a way to get him to communicate with the front line. Build some connections so that Yue can get a share of the pie after the South is pacified.

"What we said is absolutely true!" Hans also agreed at this time, "The man who was killed in the tavern just now was a spy in the caravan. When he saw that we were coming to report to you, he became evil and wanted to harm us. !”

"Fart! I have seen the mercenary who was killed. He was from the mercenary group. He had some contact with the red-haired mercenary group recently. How could he be from the caravan?" Landru hoped to kill these two people immediately. A guy.

"Sir Mingjian, you just saw that those mercenary groups have left the city and gone to the mercenary group!"

Xiu Yin's words were not part of the original plan, because the appearance of the red-haired mercenary group was a complete accident, but it was good that there had been many armed conflicts, but now they could be resolved peacefully.

He ordered the red-haired mercenary group to contact Abisa. This fact was confirmed when Malander asked a soldier beside him.

However, Xiu Yin could tell that Dirk City or Malander's intelligence on the city was still quite complete.

With the aid of Alice's vision and the mouth patterns of Malander's conversation with the soldier, Xiu Yin already knew their conversation.

Malander asked the soldiers whether it was true that there was a caravan outside the city, and then the soldiers answered that there was indeed a mercenary group going in the direction of the caravan.

After hearing his subordinate's answer, Malander believed Xiu Yin's words and immediately asked Xiu Yin to come to his official residence to talk in detail.

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