Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 694 Chapter 706 The Visiting Emperor II

"This is order."

Alexander II responded to Xiu Yin's anger calmly. In his eyes, Xiu Yin's anger was normal.

"Order?" Xiuyin was not only angry, but also found it funny, "Did you decide it?"

"It is the order of the mainland."

"Is there order in the mainland?"


"Who decided?"

"The mighty one that makes eternity end."

"The power that brings eternity to an end?"

Xiu Yin was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted, "Are you saying that Qiyao ended the decay after eternity?"

Alexander II did not answer immediately. The II looked up at the sky.

"Do you know why Shenming Continent is called Shenming Continent?"

Alexander asked Xiuyin.

Xiu Yin was stunned, not knowing what Alexander meant by this sentence.

"Of course, the continent that was destroyed by demons was pitied by the goddess of wisdom. Her wisdom helped the ancestors of mankind restore the vitality of the earth, so people turned the continent into a continent that was pitied by gods."

What Xiu Yin repeated was a legend that everyone in mainland China was familiar with.

As for demons, Xiu Yin certainly believed that they existed. In a fantasy world, what else could not exist? !

"So, do you believe in God?" Alexander II suddenly asked.

Xiu Yin wanted to say he didn't believe it, but he had to nod his head, "Believe it."

If Xiu Yin doesn't believe it, then all the power related to soul power on this continent is false, but soul power is real, and there are also magical beasts and magical moon stones...

But if there is indeed God’s word, where is God?

Xiu Yin found this contradiction a little funny when he thought about it.

Alexander II looked up to the sky again.

Xiu Yin felt strange and looked up, but there was nothing except the ceiling.


Xiu Yin asked because he didn't see anything.

"Above the sky, beyond the reach of all intelligent races!"

When Stress Mountain II said this, the majesty of the king in his words seemed to be gone, and his tone was more of awe.

"where is that?"

Xiuyin also felt that his question was a bit redundant, even ridiculous, but he had to ask it because he couldn't believe it.

"Where God lives."

At these words, Alexander II became quite indifferent.

Yes, the existence of God is an existence that transcends everything.

Xiuyin didn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

There really is a God in this world! ?

"God is very strong?" Xiuyin's somewhat short-circuited brain asked a stupider question, but even if he was stupid, Xiuyin had to be stupid enough to get to the truth of the matter.

Otherwise, why would this seventy-year-old emperor come all the way here? Is it just a story about gods above the sky?

"God has mercy, God has mercy on us."

Alexander II stood up and walked towards the window. From this position, he could see many buildings in the imperial capital.

In just one month, the former imperial capital regained its vitality.

The scene in front of him was actually completely different from what Stress Mountain II had heard. Although there were not as many people on the streets as before, the strong vitality of a city was still evident.

"Only the strong are qualified to pity the weak. Do you think Qiyao is the strong one? I...I can tell you that in front of God, Qiyao is just God's agent on the mainland."

"Agent?" Xiuyin received such a large amount of information at once, and it was really difficult for his brain to accept it for a while.

"A person who exercises power on the continent on behalf of the gods." Alexander II said with a self-deprecating tone.

Xiu Yin stood behind Alexander II and looked at the sky with him.

"Is there really a God above the sky?"

This sentence of "Xiu Yin" was not said to Alexander II, but Alexander II was in his heart.

[The distance is too far to observe, and the highest energy level A needs to be unlocked]

Alice stretched her vision to the farthest point, but could not see through the clouds in the sky.

"Are you from there too?"

Alexander II suddenly turned around and asked Xiu Yin a question that made Xiu Yin tremble all over.

"How can it be!"

Xiu Yin took a step back nervously. His identity must not be exposed.

"Of course, we also know that it may not really be a god, so we call people from heaven like you visitors."

Xiu Yin took two more steps back. Was his identity exposed? !

"Don't be nervous. For visitors like you, there are still some rare records in the continent's thousands of years of history."

Alexander II once again motioned for Xiuyin to sit down and talk.

"Why did the rock-solid eternal empire fall apart in an instant?"

"It's the corruption of it."

Xiu Yin didn't want to involve that "visitor" in the matter.

But he had already guessed what Alexander II was going to say.

"Visitors did it."

"Are the visitors gods?" Xiuyin hoped that the guards would find something unusual here, but he didn't want the guards to come looking for death. They were no match for the two people guarding outside.

"Maybe, maybe not, but without exception, visitors are all very strong."

"So the Visitor destroyed eternity?"

"No, it was the visitors who gave the hesitant people guidance in the right direction at the critical moment."

"Guide to what?"

"The way to obtain power." Alexander II put his hand into his arms and took out a red crystal stone.

It's moonstone.

"The visitors taught people how to use power more accurately, so even if the Eternal Empire has thirty-two Paladins to protect the country, it cannot prevent the empire from disintegrating."

"Is that a record from a hundred years ago?"

"My grandfather told me that one of the seven-star sacred objects in your hand is the best evidence of the visitor's existence."

Alexander II's eyes fell on the green ring on Xiu Yin's hand.

That was one of the seven sacred objects Xiuyin obtained in the Namikaze Empire.

"In order to prevent the emergence of the Eternal Empire, my grandfather's generation divided these seven powers into seven parts. Of course, there were only six powerful family powers at that time. In order to check and balance, we had to bring in a weaker one. The family has become Qiyao."

Xiuyin suddenly understood after hearing this. No wonder the Bibo Kingdom, one of the Qiyao Kingdom, could only call itself the king, and its strength was also weak. It turned out that it was just a make-up from the beginning.

"Fusion, Absolute, Time and Space, Order, Soul, and Balance respectively correspond to the Bibo Kingdom, Yanmian Empire, Namikaze Empire, Yongyao Empire, Shengge Empire, Anxi Empire, seven families, and seven powers."

"This power sounds more like the makeup of the world!" Xiu Yin sighed and blurted out. This was the first time he heard about the power of the Qiyao family's sacred objects.

"Each family controls one, and together they are indeed the power of the entire world."

"Then why not join them?"

"Because that would be the same mistake as the Eternal Empire!"

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