Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 703 Return to Dragon Glory IV

This is the heroic stone tablet that Xiu Yin once promised.

During the fierce battle at the Elegy Fortress, he promised to leave the names of his fallen warriors.

The densely packed names on it are actually not only the names of the warriors who participated in the Elegy Fortress and Black Earth City raids, but also the robes who followed Xiuyin from the Morrowind Territory to the Longhui Territory and sacrificed their lives along the way.

Whether it was the Minister of Internal Affairs or the Minister of Foreign Affairs, they all commented that Xiu Yin was not a good leader.

All financial profits in the territory were almost zero. In addition to setting aside necessary reserve funds, Xiuyin distributed all benefits to the soldiers and citizens in his territory.

It's not that Xiuyin is intoxicated in the praise of this article, but that he knows what he should and shouldn't do.

But now, Xiu Yin is a little confused.

He didn't know whether what he did was right. He just knew that his goal was ahead and he could never retreat.

He has no way out.

Just like now, he doesn't even know where his retreat is.

Moving forward is the Fortress of Elegy.

This is Xiuyin's masterpiece that shocked the Motu Empire.

Countless explosions of gunpowder and magic scrolls completely destroyed the fortress, and also killed the Paladins of the Motu Empire.

"Since Archduke Xiuyin Neumann was killed by the Holy Emperor the year before last, and with the withdrawal of the Longhui Territory, the Motu Empire has become a duel ground for all the forces on the continent who want to rise. These are their combat capabilities. Traces of the past.”

Nasha rarely used extremely calm words to explain the things she saw to Xiu Yin.

"Then what's going on with Destiny's Child?"

Nasha shook her head, "When the Shengge Empire got the news about Grand Duke Xiu Yin, the news about the Child of Destiny also reached here."

"As a possessor of high-level faith, what do you think of the Child of Destiny?"

"Hehe, all of this, of course, depends on God's guidance."

Saying it means not saying it...

Xiuyin knew that this was Nasha's anger because he had always ignored her before, so he touched her head and said, "Let's go."

"I've already said it! I hate it when others touch my head!"

Nasha shouted dissatisfied.

The Motu Empire is completely finished.

Xiu Yin felt increasingly uneasy.

The empire once had a population of millions, Xiuyin didn't know how many people it still had.

One hundred people?

Definitely not.

Along the way, Xiuyin didn't see a complete town.

Perhaps, the citizens of the empire have fled to other places.

This is the most beautiful result Xiu Yin imagined.

The Tianshui River is still so fast, but the ferry here is dilapidated and depressed.

"Hey, boatman, we're going to the other side of the river bank!"

Nasha shouted to a boatman.

The boatman's clothes were very torn and he seemed a little slow.

He didn't react until Nasha called out for the second time.

"Go... to the other side of the river?"

When the boatman turned around to see Xiu Yin and the two of them, Xiu Yin also saw the boatman's face.

Only people who have experienced something can have a face like that.

Seeing Xiu Yin, the boatman was stunned.


It was as if he saw a familiar person, but immediately, he shook his head.

"After all, it was the Holy Emperor who took action. Although we all love that person equally, he is no longer here after all, but... you are really a person I have met."

The boatman patted his oar, which was covered with dust.

"The opposite side... is not a good place to go. Seeing that you are also his admirer, I kindly advise you that this side is more like hell."

These words were like a dagger, deeply stimulating Xiu Yin's nerves.

"What happened on the other side?"

"Oh? The orcs have plundered most of the Xinghui Empire. Now that there is no suppression from Qiyao, the orcs have built many spiers along the south bank of the Tianshui River. Now the southern part of the continent has become the advantageous place for the orcs."


Xiu Yin was startled. He didn't expect that the Luntedan clan would attack humans so quickly. They really took advantage of the human crisis when Alexander II passed away and III was unable to convince the public, and gained a lot of benefits.

"Please drive us there."

With his persistence, Xiu Yin must go.

"Uh, okay then."

The boatman asked the two people to get on the boat, untied the rope, and the boat staggered into the Tianshui River.

"But you still really look like him."

The boatman couldn't help but say something more. He kept looking at Xiu Yin. He told about the lord who used to be here.

If a young man can grow up to the age of forty, the boatman believes that the young man will definitely become an indelible chapter in the history of the mainland, and even surpass the legends of countless gods.

But the ending is...sad.

The boatman rowed on the river for a full day before sending the two to a place downstream.

According to the boatman, this is a place in the Kingdom of Loland.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

This is the boatman's last confession to the young man.

After that young man left, there were not a few people on the mainland who imitated him, and many of them joined the battle in the south.

"Brother Xiuyin, I want to say that if we don't find a decent town and a good hotel, then I will stink to death!"

Nasha expressed her dissatisfaction.

Without Alice's help, Xiuyin could not decide his position now, but everything around him looked very familiar.

Yes, this is a forest where he once sniped at the Anxi Empire's invasion of Loland.

In the small port in the south, he killed the paladins of the Anxi Empire, and went north from the coast to enter the Namikaze Empire, where Xiuyin obtained the Seven Sacred Relics.

It took half a day to finally find the port again. Fortunately, Xiu Yin saw the popularity.

However, the popularity here is filled with frustration.

The faces of the citizens showed a sense of darkness about the future.

"The atmosphere here is not right. From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like there will be a good hotel."

Nasha grabbed Xiuyin's right arm with one hand. She didn't like the atmosphere here.

"Well, let's find out first."

As we walked toward the pier, the crowds became more crowded, and the pier was already packed with people.

"Hurry up and let us pass!" someone in the crowd shouted, because it was difficult for him to squeeze forward.

The two of them were quickly pushed aside, and they saw that the narrow pier was crowded with nearly ten thousand people.

"What's going on? Everyone seems to be getting on the boat."

The huge sails could be seen from here, and Nasha stood on tiptoes and looked towards the sea.

"Brother, may I ask why everyone is so anxious?"

Xiu Yin stopped a passerby and asked.

The man stopped and was slightly startled when he saw Xiu Yin's appearance, but he immediately relaxed.

"Don't you know? The orcs are going to attack you soon. If you don't run away, you will be made into meat buns and eaten by them!"

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