No one expected that in this extremely tense team match, there was no tactical tension, and no long prelude to brewing tension, including the chat when they first entered the map. There was a fierce conflict.

As soon as Wu Lang was kicked out of the air, he insisted on going his own way and cut him to the ground with a heavy blow.

It reflects the conversation before the game.

Could it be because of Jiang Botao's words that Chen Xing specially fulfilled the agreement to cut him down under the siege of reincarnation?

This is too fierce.

However, this is just what ordinary people think.

Regarding Chen Xing, Jiang Botao never dared to think too superficially of him, even though his actions often seemed to be extremely arbitrary.

The magic swordsman has a good ability to control the field, and all kinds of wave swords have a wide range of damage and can also control the opponent very well.

Moreover, he is also Samsara's vice-captain, not Jiang Botao boasting, but in some respects, his importance to the entire Samsara team is no less important than Zhou Zekai.

Without him, no matter how powerful Zhou Zekai was, he wouldn't be in his current reincarnation.

Jiang Botao had reason to think that he had become Excellent Era's tactical target.

We must find a way to turn the customer into the main!

Fortunately, Fang Minghua had already come to the rescue.

There is Xiaogezi's treatment, but it's really not that fast.

Moreover, it was much easier to kill him if he insisted on entering the enemy's camp alone.

Therefore, Jiang Botao didn't immediately ask all his teammates to attack him with all their strength. On the one hand, it was to prevent him from escaping.

On the body who insisted on going his own way, there was also Zhiying who was constantly moving around for treatment, and was doing the treatment work.

Because they had to deal with Excellent Era's harassment, the five members of Samsara couldn't concentrate on Chen Xing at this time. Chen Xing alone attracted most of Samsara's firepower, and Zhiying was extremely busy here.

Seeing this scene, the audience felt that it was really necessary for Zhiying to treat Yiyixing alone.

The pressure Chen Xing suffered was not at the same level as that of other people.

He is experiencing tons of output, and others can be said to be just a drizzle.

At this time, the more important thing is that Yiyixing's blood volume is ridiculously low, only hovering around 20%.

This is a very dangerous blood volume, a big move with slightly higher damage can easily take him away.

At this moment, the audience couldn't help feeling anxious. In this match, why did it feel like Excellent Era's priest wasn't very good?

Everyone complained about Zhang Jiaxing, but Zhang Jiaxing is also under a lot of pressure now.

For away games, some temporary discussions must be carried out before the game, as well as the determination and arrangement of details.

This is actually what Chen Xing requested, to maximize the output.

Usually, Zhang Jiaxing will try his best to maintain the blood line of self-willedness at 30%, which is also a relatively safe blood volume, and only Berserkers have such special needs, like other professions, unless in the second half of the endgame, they fall to the second half Blood is already the object that needs to be taken care of.

But now Chen Xing chose to take the risk. Facing a strong opponent like Samsara, he asked Zhang Jiaxing to lower his bloodline a little more when he was treating him.

Even though a similar situation has been simulated in normal training, Zhang Jiaxing is still a little worried about using it in actual combat.

In the past, even if you tried to keep it at 30%, the change in blood volume was not constant, and there would be ups and downs, as if going your own way. It is also a common occurrence for the blood volume to drop to single digits.

Now that the requirement has been reduced by half again, the degree of thrill is not the same.

Although Zhang Jiaxing can be regarded as a first-line healer in the professional circle, he is not the god of healing!

It is estimated that even Zhang Xinjie can't guarantee that he will be able to stabilize the blood line that is determined to go his own way.

However, Chen Xing was finally going to take this step in actual combat, which also showed that he was indeed not satisfied with his treatment.

The thought just flashed through his mind, Zhang Jiaxing gritted his teeth.

Isn't it the pursuit of excitement? Then come to the end!

High risk means high profit. At this time, the whole battle situation is extremely chaotic, but the output of self-willedness has indeed become quite explosive. Jiang Botao also feels the great pressure. At this time, the blood volume that Xiaoge Ziruo can maintain has long been It has dropped below 50%. After all, it is impossible for priests to heal without restrictions, and there is also a CD to be transferred.

However, Jiang Botao didn't feel too flustered, because he also trusted his teammates, especially the captain.

Suddenly, the sound of a bullet being loaded was heard in the corner.

Everyone is very familiar with this voice.

It's Barrett sniping!

Bullets can't stop the stubborn footsteps, but they can send him away directly!

The movement of Cloud Piercer was extremely fast, as if he had just aimed at it, and the bullet had already been discharged in the next second.

The bullet made a sharp whistling sound, aiming at the stubborn head, as if the god of death was harvesting life.

Zhang Jiaxing felt a chill in his heart.

Hurry up and add blood, you can still save it!


Like the crisp sound of close combat, the blood mist when the bullet hit did not appear, but bright sparks burst out from the Chengying sword, and the impact of metal sparked brilliant sparks.

He insisted on going his own way and stood still, with the epee in his hand resting in front of him.

Facing the multi-faceted attack, at the moment of urgency, he responded with a swordsman's block.

Such a close distance, how is this precise and decisive operation?

And Zhang Jiaxing's movements were half a beat slower than those of Zhou Zekai and Chen Xing, and he only poured out the instant large recovery technique at this time, and the blood volume of Yixing seemed extraordinarily full, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing.

"Don't panic^__^." Chen Xing's news jumped out.

Zhang Jiaxing: There is a saying in my heart that MMP does not know whether to say it or not.

He understands that this is a rivalry between two people, and he shouldn't come out to steal the show at this moment...

However, the drama is far from over.

Zhou Zekai used double control again.

Although insisting on going his own way blocked the blow, he was still under the control of reincarnation.

This method again is obviously quite time-saving and labor-saving.

However, Zhou Zekai failed to fulfill his wish this time.

A silent stiff bullet hit Cloud Piercer.

Ammo Specialist Skill: Stiff Ammo.

Stiff bomb, can interrupt any attack.

Everyone in Samsara, as well as the supporters of Samsara in the audience, expressed their pity.

Cloud Piercer this time, can be said to have wasted two skills.

However, although Zhou Zekai didn't sing for a while, it happened to be Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' turn.

The scene was filled with exclamation, and Dazzling Hundred Flowers was also jumping from a high place, and fell straight into the Samsara formation. The crackling sound of explosions and the colorful explosion flames instantly drowned out everyone in Samsara.

The ammunition expert with full firepower, the instant burst of damage and various attacks forcefully forced back all Du Ming and others who rushed forward to besiege while they insisted on closing their moves.

Zhang Jiale's rescue was called timely rain.

Of course, if Dazzling Hundred Blossoms hadn't entered the arena, Chen Xing wouldn't necessarily be in trouble. However, it would be difficult to have the once-in-a-lifetime best time to output output like now.

This is the effective cooperation of the team competition.

After adjusting the rhythm, he started to go his own way and exploded.

The output environment at this time was excellent, and the Blood Shadow Crazy Saber's attack not only repulsed Wulang, but also Wu Shuanggouyue and Hengdao who also came back to support at this time.

At this time, Jiang Botao came to his senses, this guy didn't just want to cut him down, he wanted to cut down everyone!

However, at this time, under the cover of the Hundred Blossoms style of play, they can only see the bloody red light splashing, and they are killing all directions with their will.

They all felt powerless to cope.

However, this scene gradually became familiar to everyone...

In the gorgeous light and shadow of the explosion, the light of swords and blood criss-crossed, making it difficult to kill everyone in Samsara.

Everyone is stunned.

... Isn't this a scene of flowers and blood?

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