Future Pet Shop

Chapter 778: Tekken Invincible ...

"Look at it, kangaroos are herbivores, they eat a variety of plants, and some also eat fungi. They feed on grasses that are short and green near the ground, and leave long grass and hay for other animals, individual species Kangaroo also eats leaves or small tree teeth. Oh, it is almost the same as the recipe of the small bag. The only difference is that the small bag only eats on the cliffs. These guys only eat close to the ground. "These Shen Yibin also know some before, check the network Just to confirm again.

"So why do you think of a way to get some grass and mix the pills?" Shen Yibin stroked his chin and pondered. "But even if this is the case, you have to get close first, and then feed the food to it?"

With regard to the big red kangaroo's bulk and temper, Shen Yibin estimated that before he could smell the attractive scent of the white pill, he was already fisted on his face! Still have to think of something else.

Would you like to go to other places to find some tender grass, and then send it to the place where kangaroos often move to see if it eats? This doesn't seem to work. It's not just a kangaroo around it, there are many others of the same kind moving in the same range, and there are tadpoles besides kangaroos. Wouldn't it be depressed if the pills were eaten by them?

In fact, according to Shen Yibin's ideas, I prefer the previous character who was obedient and very kind to people. It ’s not the same koala in the eucalyptus forest. It can be estimated that pet stores will not agree with it in the future. Now, we can only find pets in accordance with the requirements of future pet stores, and we cannot make our own claims.

Hey, when can you have autonomy? Sometimes when watching friends around you want a smart pet, but because of affinity, Shen Yibin feels very sorry, I hope I can get after the upgrade More permissions now! It stands to reason that since opening a pet shop, there should be a way to introduce specific pets to meet the needs of customers. Unfortunately, he cannot do this now, which is obviously not reasonable.

After pondering for a long time, Shen Yibin didn't think of any good way to feed the pill to that big red kangaroo. After eating supper while lying in the car, he felt a sudden flash of light in his head. Hey, how can I forget this? It should be okay with this?

This sinking Yibin did not sleep, immediately got up and turned on the phone to enter the pet store, a word of a product was selected and clicked to buy, this future pet store is really amazing, even in the deserted area of ​​Australia, thousands of miles away, Can also send the goods to Shen Yibin within half an hour.

However, Shen Yibin still did not see the courier's trace. He got out of the car and looked around after receiving a call. I saw that there was no trace of the second person within the sight of the surrounding area. The surrounding area was flat and did not block the sight at all. Terrain, this guy runs fast enough!

Shen Yibin touched his head, took the parcel back to the car, opened the parcel and inspected it. It turned out to be the thing he wanted. With this thing, he gave the big red kangaroo the confidence to feed the pill. Big increase.

Sleep, I will find it when I wake up early tomorrow, Shen Yibin slowly fell asleep holding the package with a smile, hurriedly had breakfast the next morning, and found some fresh grass leaves that kangaroos like to eat, and then followed The pet radar's directions drove all the way to the location of the big red kangaroo.

From the radar display, the big red kangaroo was still active at yesterday's location. It looks like it should be its place. After half an hour, Shen Yibin finally saw it again, and this guy was there with other kangaroos. In the fight, the two front paws fell on the opponent's body like raindrops, and the opponent could not hold the wolverine and fled for a while. The guy patrolled around with muscles and seemed to be looking for a new opponent.

It seemed that it hadn't been addicted to it just now. Whenever it saw it, the rest of the large red kangaroos evaded and did not dare to look at it.

"Well, that's the domineering four leaks! It's ... so enviable!" Shen Yibin watched for a long time, touched the contents of his arms, and opened up the door with courage, "Hal, you Just staying in the car, not allowed to come down, I will go down and come back immediately. "You should be able to bring the big red kangaroo with you when you get back?

"Huh! Huh!" Ha Er was lying on the car door a little nervous, and seemed to want to come out with Shen Yibin, but Shen Yibin had locked the car door, and even if he was in a hurry, there was no way but to watch Shen Yibin carry a bag of tender grass Slowly walked towards the big red kangaroo.

God bless, I hope this perfume that increases affinity will also work for it! That's right, Shen Yibin bought this kind of thing in the pet store yesterday. It was very useful when taking care of those abandoned pets last time. No matter how aggressive the pets came to Shen Yibin, they became very smart.

With such a thing, Shen Yibin dare to summon the courage to walk towards the big red kangaroo. He opened the perfume bottle and sprayed it from head to toe as he walked. A fresh scent erupted immediately, and he felt warm in his nose. Seeing everything feels very kind.

This smell should not affect the aroma of the pill, right? Shen Yibin deliberately did not spray the arm carrying the tender grass mixed with pills, straightened his arms to make the tender grass farther away from his body, and walked forward unhurriedly.

The big red kangaroo watched Shen Yibin stretch his arms and thought he was going to attack. He immediately stood upright, put his two front paws on his chest, put on an offensive posture, and jumped towards Shen Yibin. come!

"Huh! Huh!" When Ha'er saw this scene here, he was immediately worried, and fluttered at the door, wanting to help Shen Yibin. Unfortunately, no matter how it slaps, the door remains motionless. Shen Yibin chose the car rental shop. The best off-road vehicle here is not so easy to break.

"I'm going, I don't know if I can run too late!" Shen Yibin's legs began to snore, and he couldn't help but look back at the distance from here to the car.

Seems too late! At the speed that the big red kangaroo runs over, you can definitely stop Shen Yibin before he rushes back into the car. Even if he escapes, it is a dead end!

Since this is the case, close your eyes! Anyway, now it's too late to turn around again, Shen Yibin simply turned around, posing as threatless as possible, and hurriedly greeted the big red kangaroo.

God bless, God bless, Buddha bless, Taishang Laojun bless, Ultraman bless ... No matter who it is, don't let this kangaroo kill me! I'm still a magician, I don't want to die! Shen Yibin kept praying in his heart, watching the big red kangaroo getting closer to him.

The distance from the original station is at least one kilometer, but the big red kangaroo jumped up in a moment. It fell in front of Shen Yibin with a strong wind, his right paw slightly backed out and used to interrupt the small tree yesterday. With an uppercut, he hit Shen Yibin's left without saying a word.

Wo grass, finished! Shen Yibin felt desperate for a while, and a loose grass on his right hand fell to the ground. This fist was extremely fast. Even with the teaching of Xiao Liu and Shi Gaofei, Shen Yibin was unlikely to escape. He simply gave up the resistance and closed The upper eye quietly waited for the heavy blow to come. In the ears, there was only the wind from the kangaroo uppercut and the anxious shout from the rear.

Hey, even if I ’m out of luck, I should n’t have dragged Harr on. I knew I would n’t take Harr on this occasion. I hope it can find a way out of the car by itself! There was a moment of remorse in Shen Yibin's heart. Hemp eggs, treacherous merchants hurt people, even if I become a ghost, I have to go to the trouble of finding a pet store in the future!

But I do n’t know why. After waiting for a while, the expected severe pain still didn't come, and his face was not hit hard. Shen Yibin blinked and opened slowly.

I saw the big red kangaroo now less than fifty centimeters away from him. He could smell the kangaroo's body, and his right paw still stayed beside his cheek, less than five centimeters away from his face.

Why is this? The claws are too short to reach? Shouldn't this low-level mistake happen? Shen Yibin dared to look at the big red kangaroo's head, only to see it was sucking his nose, smelling Shen Yibin's body for a while, then lowered his head to smell the tender grass underneath.

Huh ~ affinity enhancement perfume seems to be working! Shen Yibin stood still with a sigh of breath, knowing that now was the most critical time, perfume was starting to play its role, and any change could break this balance and let the red kangaroo re-attack.

Fortunately, he didn't let him wait long ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The big and strong red kangaroo slowly lowered his paw, and the muscles on his body also changed from tense to slack. .

This life was finally saved, Shen Yibin slowly raised his arms, pointed at the tender grass below, and said, "Well, it's for you to eat, taste it, it should be quite good." He estimates that the Great Red Kangaroo He should not understand what he said, and he even made a gesture of eating.

Then raised his hands and slowly backed away, leaving the area to the big red kangaroo. After seeing Shen Yibin avoid, the big red kangaroo lay down carefully, gathered the tender grass and continued to smell it.

After all, it did not resist the temptation of the scent of the pill, and I ate the bag of tender grass, and soon it fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Finally, it was done. Shen Yibin was completely relaxed, as long as he took the medicine, it was easy to handle. He hurriedly returned to the car and released Har, and came to the kangaroo to sit down and wait for it to wake up.

"Ha, what do you think this guy should be called? Since it punches so hard, can you call it Tekken Invincible ..."

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