Chapter 14

The ruling god of Inazuma is actually a pair of twins.

When Raiden Zhen was still around, she was the one who held the position of Thunder God.

As for Lei Movie, he is just a shadow warrior responsible for foreign campaigns.

From this point of view, doesn’t it make sense for Ina Wife to be like this?

If a Kagemusha who doesn't know how to govern a country and only knows how to fight and do scientific research becomes the god of thunder, isn't that bullying an honest person?

Thunder Movie also knows that she is not the material, but the problem is that if Thunder really dies in Kanreia, who else can take over besides her?

There is no other way to catch the duck on the shelf.

Because of this, it is difficult to deal with Lei Movies.

After losing her friends and her most important sister, this village girl completely turned into an autistic child.

Hiding in a pure land, not caring about worldly affairs, only pursuing eternity.

If she hadn't been forcibly pulled out during the broadcast in the live broadcast room, Lei Movie probably wouldn't even know what was going on outside now.

"The best way is to help Raiden Makoto resurrect Raiden Shin."

With the world view created by Mi Huyou, the continent of Teyvat should not be separated from the categories of trees and sea.

The basic rules are still the same.

It is very difficult to resurrect a person!

Just like Kallen.

Simply go back to the past. It's useless. Even if Raiden Zhen is rescued by force, she will still die because of other things, because her fate is already determined!

Only by attacking the tree of imaginary numbers and opening up new branches for Raiden Zhen can she truly survive. Rewrite her future!

Gu Bai has done this before and is very experienced.

"Do you want to attack the tree of imaginary numbers again? Gu Bai thought for a while and finally rejected the idea:"It is better to teach a man how to fish than to teach him how to fish. For the real matter of resurrecting Thunder and Lightning, it would be more appropriate for Lei Qianqian to do it himself." I can help, but I can't do it all for you!"

Actually, there is another reason.

There are too many regrets in this world!

The final result is for Zhongli, the young man is for Wendy, and the Great Merciful Tree King is for Nasida...........

What if they see Leiden really resurrected and all come to Gu Bai for help?

Gu Bai couldn't just do nothing all day long and keep rushing to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers when he had nothing to do, right?

That's not purely a disease.

Therefore, it is better to give a plan and let these people do it themselves.

Anyway, the method of resurrecting the dead will be revealed later in the live broadcast room, Gu Bai just needs to wait patiently.

The night is getting darker.

There are only eight hours left before the live broadcast room opens.

The sky is dotted with stars, and a crescent moon hangs far away in the horizon.

The breeze blew warmly and gently on Gu Bai's face. Looking down, the brightly lit Liyue Harbor seemed to be covered with a layer of silver gauze.

Dreamy and beautiful.

This is the beauty that can only be found in the unpolluted continent of Teyvat.

Gu Bai liked it here very much.

Not only because of the scenery, but also because Liyue was very similar to the hometown he could no longer return to.

Perhaps because he had experienced so many things, Gu Bai recalled the past like an old man and missed his hometown.

He smiled and shook his head, enjoying the loneliness alone.


"It's so late, Lord Gu Bai, why haven't you gone back yet?"

A clear and melodious girl's voice came, and Gu Bai looked along the source of the sound.

He saw a beautiful girl wearing a purple gauze skirt, walking towards him with straight and slender legs wrapped in silk.

"Didn't I say, don't always work overtime until late at night?

Gu Bai recognized the girl's identity and said with a hint of reproach:"You are hurting your body too much, and it will put a lot of pressure on the people below.""

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

Ke Qing stretched out, rarely putting down her serious mask, revealing a trace of liveliness belonging to a girl.

She winked playfully and said,"Don't worry, Lord Gu Bai, I'll go home first and then come here. Yes, no one saw me. Also, haven’t you been working overtime yourself?"

"Like you, I also secretly came back after get off work"

"Since we are all the same, how about don't talk about me and just pretend it didn't happen? Gu

Bai pondered for a moment and said,"Okay, we are just here to admire the moon!""

"Well, enjoy it with you!"

The boy and the girl looked at each other. After a few seconds, they burst into laughter and burst out laughing at the same time.

They felt funny because of their childish behavior, but also because someone was accompanying them to be childish.

After laughing for a while, they finally cleared up. She straightened up and came to Gu Bai's side to enjoy the cool wind of the mountain stream.

She had not been so relaxed for a long time.

As one of the seven stars, Ke Qing bears not only power and glory, but also ordinary people. An unimaginable burden!

For ordinary people, holding power is a good thing, because power often means privilege.

But for someone like Ke Qing, who has a serious personality and accepts death, power will only bring pressure to her!

Before Gu Bai came to Liyue, Keqing was already a famous overtime addict in Liyue.

Moreover, she only worked overtime but did not ask others in Yujingtai to work overtime. This was very uncomfortable.

You set an example and worked overtime until late at night. Are other people embarrassed not to work overtime?

But working overtime is not only useless, but also very tiring.

As time goes by, many people have opinions about Keqing.

This is why Keqing is in the election. One of the reasons for losing to Gu Bai is that not everyone in this world is as responsible as Ke Qing.

They just want to do their part and get the rewards they deserve. There is nothing wrong with this.

It is Ke Qing who does not understand people's hearts.

Gu Bai pointed this out and made Ke Qing understand that as a leader, sometimes you have to be considerate of the people below you. Only by receiving rewards can they truly demonstrate their abilities.

Ke Qing took this as a warning and volunteered to become Gu Bai's secretary and learn from him.

After getting along with him for a while, Ke Qing found that what she had done before was not very good, at least. There is no comparison with Gu Bai!

No matter what kind of trouble he encounters, the young man can always stand in front of everyone calmly, dig out the root of the problem and solve it effectively.

Ke Qing always looks behind Gu Bai silently. As time went by , a trace of admiration and subtle admiration for the boy developed in the girl's heart.


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