The older boy gently rubbed the little boy’s head and handed the water bottle to him.

"Drink quickly, you won't be hungry again after drinking."

The little boy picked up the bottle and took a few big mouthfuls. Although he fell into the water and drank a lot of water just now, Wang Ce used the force of the wind to get it out.

So now the little boy's stomach is empty and grumbles with hunger.

He was about to drink it clean, but he saw the big boy there, so he returned the bottle to him.

"Big Brother, I'm full, so you can drink some too. You can sleep well when you are full!"

The big boy licked his dry lips, took a sip from the bottle, and closed it again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ce felt extremely sour.

He took a large piece of roast pork from his jacket pocket and handed it to the other party.


But after seeing this scene, the two children stepped back in panic.

Their faces were full of fear.

Wang Ce felt very surprised. Could these two little guys just watch the meat they were handed to him and refuse to eat?

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the words the big boy said to him before, even if he ate the other person.

eat human!

In this world, this is not a false rumor, nor is it alarmist talk, but a real thing that happens everywhere.

When people are hungry to a certain level, as long as they can eat, they will not let go of one.

Just like an extremely hungry beast, it will eat the same kind.

But the only difference between humans and beasts is that humans have moral constraints, which are called human nature.

Some people refuse to eat the same kind even if they die of starvation, and some are proud of eating the same kind.

Everyone has a flame of hope in their heart, and when the flame exists, they can still maintain their human nature.

If this flame goes out, then this person will abandon all morals and the rules between human beings and fall into the ranks of wild beasts.

Once sinking, these people will never see any hope in the future.

Choosing this path is equivalent to choosing Death.

Obviously, although the two boys were extremely hungry, the flame in their hearts was still burning.

"Don't worry, this is the meat of an upgraded beast. Specifically, it should be the shoulder meat of an upgraded tiger."

Although Wang Ce explained this way, the two boys still refused to accept the piece of meat.

Even if they have been hungry, even if they drool.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ce couldn't help feeling deeply that both children were able to stick to this step.

But after a short period of starvation, individual adults put aside all ethics and morals. This is ironic.

Therefore, Wang Ce told the two of them to wait here, then turned back and dragged the upgraded crocodile back.

Then, in front of the two people, all the edible meat from the upgraded crocodile was cut off.

"These are the meat of real upgraded beasts, here you are!"

Wang Ce threw the meat to each other, and the two children gnawed at the raw meat, regardless of the blood on the meat.

After the little boy took two bites, his choking face was flushed. After drinking a large sip of water, he continued to bite, not caring about the strong smell.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ce sighed again, his anger towards Guroluo increased by another point.

If it wasn't for Gurolu's evil deeds, then how could these two children, who should have been coquettish in their parents' arms, fall into such a difficult situation?

Needless to say, their parents must have been killed, otherwise they would never let their children suffer such suffering.

Wang Ce easily found some charcoal by the lake and started a fire.

The high temperature disaster in the past caused fires in many places, but many trees were not completely burned out, and most of them formed charcoal.

He brought a flat stone slab, put it on top of the fire, and then stuck three palm-sized pieces of meat on the stone slab and grilled it.

"What is your name?"

Facing the question, the older boy stopped his chewing, licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said,

"My name is Fang Yang and this is my Little Brother Fang Xu. We used to live in Tianshui City, but we were driven out later."

"Oh, Tianshui City should be a gathering place for human beings, why are you being driven out?"

"Tianshui City has to hand in certain supplies for every day of residence. We simply don't have the ability to obtain supplies. At most, we can do some hard work to get a little food."

Fang Yang recounted,

"And those food can only keep me and Little Brother from starving to death, because we were driven out without handing in supplies for more than three days."

As he said, Fang Yang's expression dropped, and Fang Xu stopped eating meat, and reached out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of Fang Yang's eyes.

"Don't cry Big Brother, I'm full, I'll eat it for you!"

Faced with such a sad scene, Wang Ce didn't know what to say.

He wanted to help the other party, but he could only save the other party for a while.

In this world, if you want to live well, you must have enough power.

Otherwise, it was either in the monster's mouth or died in the hands of the same kind.

"Although you two eat, there is still a lot here, but if you have not eaten for a long time, it is best to control your food intake, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

The two boys nodded their heads. They actually knew the truth. It was from the experience of a few people who were struck to death.

After a short while, the meat was roasted, and the two boys ate it hungrily, but this time they only ate half of it and stored the remaining half.

"I think the energy fluctuations in the two of you should also reach the level of a one-star warrior. With such a strength, you can't protect your own safety in the wild."

"These meat should be enough for you to deliver the supplies to live in the city, so bring them all."

Hearing this, the two boys were stunned. Suddenly, Fang Yang took Fang Xu and knelt on the ground together, repeatedly kowtow to Wang Ce.

Wang Ce helped him up and said to Fang Yang,

"Your talent is pretty good. If you practice well, you will definitely get ahead one day. By the way, do you know Chinese characters?"

Fang Yang nodded.

"Before the catastrophe world, I was in the third year of junior high school, and I knew most of the words in Life."

"That's good, save this, the above are some of my training experience, I hope it can be of help to you."

Wang Ce handed him a pamphlet, which was his cultivation notes during this period, many of which were his own insights.

This thing is considered expensive if it is expensive, or cheap if it is said to be cheap, and it depends on who is in the hands.

Fang Yang was holding the notebook as if he was a treasure, with a grateful expression in his eyes.

He knelt down in front of Wang Ce again, and gave a teacher apprenticeship. Although it was not standard, his heart came.

Wang Ce didn't stop him, but accepted it safely.

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