Global Deity: From Zerg Believer to Pluralism

Global Gods: From Zerg Believers to Multiple Masters Chapter 365

Because they don't know anything about what Qiongqi Beast said, so it's best for Lu Yuan and the others to decide now.

Now that Lu Yuan has spoken, what else can the God of Wind say? He can only listen to Lu Yuan now.

So the God of Wind said.

"Okay then, Lu Yuan, since that's the case, let's make a decision for Qiongqi Beast and the others. Lu Yuan, where do you think we should go first?"

At this time, the Lord God of Wind can only agree to Lu Yuan's proposal, but no matter what, the Lord God of Wind now also wants to hear Lu Yuan's decision, where are they going to play first?

After all, the Lord of Wind God was also very confused at this time, and he didn't know where they should go first.

Anyway, Lord of Wind still felt that they had no way to make up their minds for Qiongqi Beast, so God of Wind only now entrusted Lu Yuan with this difficult task.

However, at this time Lu Yuan smiled and said.

"Lord God of the Wind, do you think you are stupid? Do we still need to make up our minds? Why don't we leave this matter to the Lord of Hell? After all, this is her territory, and she knows the best place."

Lu Yuan is really convinced of the God of Wind now, his IQ is really weak, after all, are they still used to make decisions about these things at this time?

This is the territory of the Lord of Hell, Lu Yuan and the others can completely entrust this task to the Lord of Hell to complete, so there is no need for them to waste their brainpower on this matter at all...

After hearing what Lu Yuan said, the God of Wind Lord felt a little embarrassed, after all, he didn't understand such a simple thing.

But now it's all right, Lu Yuan has already proposed to let the Lord of Hell make up his mind, so there is no need for the current Lord of Wind to be anxious.

At this moment, Lu Yuan turned his head again, looked at the Lord of Hell and said.

"What about the hell lord, I think you should know where to take us to play now, if you think about it, then let's hurry up and set off now!"

Now Lu Yuan feels that the Lord of Hell should have already figured out where to take them to play. After all, this is the Lord of Hell's territory, and he knows it very well.

So where the hell lord wants to take them to play is not difficult at all, so at this time Lu Yuan also hopes that the hell lord will not waste time here.

In any case, they must leave earlier now, only in this way can they come back earlier. .

Chapter 628

The hell lord smiled and said.

"Of course, Lu Yuan, you have already said that this is my territory. If I haven't figured out where to take you to play now, then I'm slapping myself in the face."

The current hell lord must have an idea, he must not slap himself in the face, after all, Lu Yuan has already said that this is his territory, if the hell lord is still undecided at this time, then he will be ashamed ah!

So at this time, the hell lord, no matter whether he has an idea or not, he must say that he has an idea. After all, he can think about it slowly on the road.

When the Lord of Wind heard what the Lord of Hell said, he was also very satisfied. After all, they would have a goal in this way, and they wouldn't waste too much time.

So the Lord of Wind said with a smile.

"Lord of Hell, you already have an idea, so hurry up and tell me where you decided to take us to play?"

At this time, the Lord of Wind is also very curious. He also wants to know where the Lord of Hell is taking them to play. Anyway, he also wants to know their destination now.

So now the Lord of Wind can only ask the Lord of Hell. After all, he has also stayed with the Lord of Hell for a while, so he has some understanding of this place.

But at this time, how could the Lord of Hell easily tell the God of Wind? After all, there are no surprises.

So the hell lord smiled and said.

"Lord God of Wind, I will keep it a secret this time. After all, if I tell you first, there will be no surprises. Come with me."

The Lord of Hell is speaking very straightforwardly now, and he also directly told the Lord of Wind, he would never tell the Lord of Wind their destination.

After all, the hell lords at this time should keep it secret. Of course, they should set off now. After all, only by setting off earlier can they come back to rest earlier.

So the current hell lord also hopes that all of them can keep up with him. After all, it is getting late now, and they must set off quickly, otherwise they will not be able to have fun.

At this time, Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly and said.

"Lord of Hell, you actually betrayed yourself."

At this moment, Lu Yuan was really speechless, and he didn't know what else to say.

After all, Lu Yuan didn't expect that the hell lords at this time would actually betray them, but since the current hell lords have already made a decision, they will not tell them if they ask the Lord of Wind.

So now Lu Yuan and the others can only follow the Lord of Hell to see where the Lord of Hell is taking them.

The hell lord said with a smile.

"Hey...Lu Yuan, if I tell you first, there will be no surprises, so if you want to know where I'm taking you, just follow me!"

In any case, the Lord of Hell at this time will never reveal their destination, so now the Lord of Hell also hopes that Lu Yuan and the others can be faster.

If they want to know earlier, where the hell lord decides to take them, then they have to keep up with the speed of the hell lord, only in this way can they know earlier. .

Chapter 629

Chapter 2 is all a misunderstanding

Otherwise, the Lord of Hell would never have told them where they were going in advance.

Lu Yuan smiled again and said.

"Okay, since that's the case, there's no need for all of us to ask any more questions, let's hurry up and catch up with the Lord of Hell!"

Now that the hell lords have made their words so clear, Lu Yuan and the others can't ask, so the only thing Lu Yuan and the others can do now is to quickly keep up with the hell lords.

After all, only in this way can they know earlier where the hell lord is going to take them.

This time, none of them hesitated at all. No matter what, they couldn't continue to waste time here.


Soon the Lord of Hell took them to a very beautiful place.

"How about Lu Yuan, God Lord of the Wind is pretty here, I guess you guys will like it' ˇ."

The Lord of Hell directly took them all to a very beautiful place. After all, children have always liked this place very much, so he guessed that Lu Yuan and the others would also like it.

Therefore, the hell lord at this time is also very happy. After all, Lu Yuan and the others like him, so naturally they will be happy too.

When Lu Yuan and the others saw the scenery here, Lu Yuan and the others were indeed very surprised. After all, this place is really very beautiful, even more beautiful than the place they went to before.

Lu Yuan said with a smile.

"Hey, I said hell lord, you still have such a beautiful place here. I have been here so many times, why didn't you bring me to turn the pot?"

At this time, Lord Lu Yuan really admired the Lord of Hell. He actually has such a beautiful place here, but Lu Yuan has been here so many times, and the Lord of Hell has never brought her here.

So at this time, Master Lu Yuan must talk about the Lord of Hell, why are you so stingy? Why don't you take them all to see this place?

As soon as Lu Yuan finished speaking, the God of Wind followed suit.

"It's such a beautiful place as the Lord of Hell. It's really embarrassing that you didn't bring us here before."

At this moment, the Lord of Wind is also very dissatisfied. After all, they have been here so many times, but the Lord of Hell has never brought them here. It is really too stingy.

Therefore, the current Lord of Wind is a must, let the Lord of Hell review himself properly.

However, the hell lord at this time really convinced Lu Yuan and the others, and they didn't even give him a chance to explain.

Well now, their words are finally finished, and now the Lord of Hell finally has a chance to speak.

".~I said that Lu Yuan and you are really serious. You didn't even give me a chance to talk (Li Zhaozhao). It's not that I didn't bring you here, but I never had a chance. Don't you think this place is far away? Do you think you had time to come here before?"

In any case, the child at this time must explain clearly as soon as possible, he must not let Lu Yuan and the others misunderstand him.

After all, he still wanted to bring Lu Yuan and the others here, but he had never had the chance before because the distance from them was too far. .

Chapter 630

But Lu Yuan and the others are very busy, so the Lord of Hell has never brought Lu Yuan and the others here. Now that they finally have time, didn't the Lord of Hell bring them all here the first time?

The Lord of Hell didn't give Lu Yuan and the others a chance to speak, and he continued.

"Besides, I've always said that I would take you all here for a stroll, but you all think it's too far away. If you don't come, now you're going to blame me instead."

The child must finish what he has to say now, and he must not be blamed for this, after all, the child said before that he would bring Lu Yuan and the others here.

But Lu Yuan and the others have always said that this place is too far away, so they themselves don't want to come, so this matter is really true, no wonder the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Hell must let Lu Yuan and the others know this now. After all, only in this way can Lu Yuan and the others stop blaming him.

At this time, Lu Yuan said awkwardly.

"Oh, hell lord, no one has complained about you, why do you think so much?"

Anyway, at this moment, Lu Yuan also hoped that the children would not think too much, because they had no other intentions, they just complained a little.

But at this time, Lu Yuan and the others realized that they were all complaining wrong now, because this matter is really no wonder that the hell lords are all their own choices.

So now Lu Yuan also has to explain to the Lord of Hell, otherwise it is really easy for the Lord of Hell to think too much.

At this time, the Lord of Wind also said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Lord of Hell, we are just talking casually, there is no other meaning."

At this time, the Lord of Wind must also open his eyes, because they really have no other intentions, so now he also hopes that the Lord of Hell will not think so much.

Then the hell lord at this time can also see that Lu Yuan and the others all want to explain to him, but such a small matter is really unnecessary.

The Lord of Hell will not take the blame, but he will never blame Lu Yuan and the others, after all, this is not a problem at all.

But at this time, the hell lord looked at Lu Yuan and the others eating turtles like this, and he still felt very amused.

So the hell lord didn't laugh, he said again.

"Lu Yuan, Lord God of Wind, just tell me, whether you don't blame me at all for this matter, or whether it has nothing to do with me, it's all your problem."

At this time, the Lord of Hell also wanted to deliberately scare Lu Yuan and the Lord of Wind, so he was very serious when he spoke.

After all, only in this way can Lu Yuan and the others feel the importance of this matter, so what else can the Lord of Hell say after he wants to take a look at Lu Yuan and the God of Wind.

In any case, the Lord of Hell now feels that his vision is still very good, and he must be able to deceive Lu Yuan and the God of Wind.

However, at this time, the Lord of Wind God never thought that the Lord of Hell would care so much about such a trivial matter.

But who is Lu Yuan? It is impossible for the Lord of Hell to deceive Lu Yuan, so Lu Yuan has already seen through the plan of the Lord of Hell.

The Lord of Wind said again. .

Chapter 631

Chapter 1 almost done

"Lord of Hell, we didn't blame you for this matter, we just complained a little, there is no other meaning, besides, aren't we here now?"

In any case, the Lord of Wind at this time must not make the Lord of Hell think too much. Otherwise, he really can't explain clearly, so the Lord of Wind still has to explain when it is time to explain.

In any case, they absolutely can't care about this matter. After all, if they still care about such a small matter, it really won't be worth it, so the God of Wind still has to say what should be said now.

However, Lu Yuan was really speechless at this time. After all, he now knew that the Lord of Hell was trying to scare him and the God of Wind, but God of Wind didn't seem to see it.

At this time, Lu Yuan said helplessly.

"I said Lord of the Wind, you have been deceived by the Lord of Hell. You haven't realized that the Lord of Hell doesn't care that much at all. He is here to scare us on purpose."

At this time, Lu Yuan felt that if he didn't tell the God of Wind, he wouldn't be able to see it at all, so now Master Lu Yuan can only tell God of Wind.

Anyway, the Lord of Hell at this time is just scaring them, so they don't need to be afraid at all now, because the Lord of Hell will never haggle with them because of this matter.

So at this time, Lord Lu Yuan hopes that the Lord of Wind will stop explaining so much, after all, the Lord of Hell at this time must still be secretly happy in his heart.


As soon as Lu Yuan's voice fell, the Lord of Hell burst into laughter. At this time, the God of Wind Lord understood what was going on.

At this time, the God of Wind God also felt very speechless, this child was too naive, and such a little thing was still here to scare them.

So the Lord of Wind said helplessly.

"I said hell lord, you are too talented, how old you are, and you still make such a joke with me."

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