
Early the next morning, Lin Xiuyu came over and looked at him with a heavy expression:

"Boss, they were trapped at sea. They lost contact completely just now. I heard that they are preparing to come back in a small boat that can travel on the sea."

"A small boat traveling on the sea?" Su Changxing didn't know much about things in the coastal areas.

Lin Xiuyu explained: "Coastal areas are flooded by seawater falling from the sky. This seawater is pitch black, and normal ships cannot float on it. Only small boats obtained from missions can do it."

Su Changxing immediately understood what Lin Xiuyu meant and said, "An accident happened while they were sailing back?"

Lin Xiuyu nodded, with a very ugly expression on his face, and said:

"Yes, the sea is very dangerous. The boss told me before that there is a high possibility that they will not be able to come back."

Dark water?

Su Changxing estimated that this was probably sea water from the wizarding world, but flowing to them from the black mist world.

This probably also shows that a large part of the black mist world is also submerged by this kind of sea water.

"We really treat our world like a garbage dump." Su Changxing sneered and understood what was going on.

Lin Xiuyu was a little confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Su Changxing gave him a meaningful look, picked up the half bottle of wine on the table and poured it into the glass:

"Their world was also submerged by the sea water, so the discharge of water into our world is based on the same principle as the black mist."

"It seems to be their usual method. Mystery will bring powerful power, and it will also bring dark things that cannot be handled. They can't balance it, so they have to use this crude method."

Lin Xiuyu added: "The director and the boss were together, and they disappeared together."

Su Changxing was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that such a thing would happen. These two important people in the security bureau would actually come together and be destroyed by the group.

This is a very troublesome matter. Without the director of the Security Bureau to support it, the National Security Council may intervene.

However, this is not the most urgent matter at the moment.

Su Changxing was silent for a moment and said, "Does this have any impact on our plan?"

"There shouldn't be any for the time being. Many players have arrived here from various nearby areas. They are currently stationed in Hekou County and accept the control of my seventeenth group." Lin Xiuyu explained.

Su Changxing nodded and handed him the space bag containing the guide pendant: "Send these things to them. You should rush there now, otherwise it may be too late."

"No problem." Lin Xiuyu took the space bag and left.

Because more Beyonders appear, more players appear, and more players mean more points.


So far, their 17 groups have thousands of Beyonders, and their ability to earn points has also doubled.

The points in Su Changxing's hands have formed a cycle, and a large number of points are transferred to him from various members and teams at every moment.

Then he converted the points into mysterious items, made the mysterious items into guide pendants, and distributed them.

The price of the guide pendant on the forum has been very low. With only 80,000 points, it seems that any player can afford it.

And these players not only want to buy it for themselves, but also for their relatives and friends, so that they can also become extraordinary.

Of course, Su Changxing deliberately kept the price of the Guide Pendant down. Otherwise, if others were to hype it up, the price would probably be ridiculously high.

This was not his original intention either.

He just wants to empty out the points in the hands of other players to create more guide pendants, not for some kind of monopoly.

As a result, his mystery level has reached 180,000, which is an extremely terrifying number. Obtaining mystery level in the same way will become increasingly inefficient.

But he still gained so much, which is enough to show how many extraordinary people appeared because of him.

After Harris died in the battle, the wizards in Donglin City did not take any action and became completely quiet.

This puzzled Su Changxing.

According to his worst plan, Richie would personally come to trouble him, but this was not the worst outcome.

If Richie comes to him in person, he will definitely interrupt the construction of the passage, so that they will have more time to deal with it.

Similarly, there is another thing that he needs to consider, whether what the bounty player "Hunting Dog" said is true.

He was also prepared for this. Even if the "Hounds" didn't take action that day, they should be able to face Richie.

on the other hand.

He had contacted Shen Xuan before and finalized the plan to remove Otto and "seed poison" to Rich, at the expense of Chu Caiming's "death" again.

The plan itself was proposed by Chu Caiming.

He did not die completely in that battle, but turned into a praying skeleton.

In fact, he is dead, in the usual sense, but his will and spirit still exist.

This was doomed the moment he opened the Book of Death. Regardless of whether he died in battle or not, death would only speed up the process.

Correspondingly, for those who have died, there is no real death.

After death, they will be resurrected again in a place called the Death Realm, which is equivalent to their resurrection point.

In other words, it is also their prison. There is no real death, and they will be trapped in it for eternity.

Even if they finally get out, they will die periodically and go back again.

There is no way of knowing where the world of death is. It sounds like a place similar to hell or underworld.

But Su Changxing knew that ordinary people's souls dispersed after death, and there was no such thing as reincarnation.

There might be, but they don't have it here.

After Richie is poisoned, his strength will decline to a certain extent, which will undoubtedly increase their success rate by a few percentage points.

But this is not fatal enough. Richie is very powerful, and they need to use various strategies to fill the gap.

The huge door of Donglin City has been built, and there are only five days left before the deadline for completion of the passage construction.

But even if thousands of Extraordinaries were added to their Donglin area, the Extraordinary Era would not begin.

The difference was greater than Su Changxing expected.

There were thick footsteps behind him.

Xu Kai walked from the corridor to the door, knocked on the door, and then said: "Teacher, we have arrived. We have been waiting below for an hour."

Su Changxing put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up and said, "Let's go down and see what's going on."

It was a man with hair wax and a suit carrying a briefcase with an overlapping five-pointed star logo on it.

He is extraordinary.

"Team Leader Su, it's not easy to meet you." He said with joy and excitement when he saw Su Changxing stood up immediately.

Su Changxing walked over and said calmly: "This...special correspondent, do you have anything important to do? If you have any questions, please contact me directly."

The other party is from the National Security Council.

At the beginning, when Donglin City proposed, many people in the National Security Council opposed it. They all thought that it was impossible to win and it was better to preserve their strength.

It wasn't until he killed Harris here that the proposal was fully finalized, and several preserved divisions near the Donglin area were transferred in.

"I am Ren Xian. The leader of the Su clan is a great hero. The previous battle dampened the enemy's spirit and boosted our spirit. I admire him very much."

The man said with a smile while opening the box.

"What's inside?" Su Changxing asked.

The man carefully took out the things and found a letter of appointment, a small green notebook and a medal: "Team Leader Su, this is the letter of appointment from the general. From today on, you will have full authority to command the war and unify Donglin and nearby areas. All military forces in the region.”

Su Changxing glanced at the thing in the man's hand and was indifferent. He just asked, "Is this from the National Security Council?"

The man nodded and said, "Yes, this will make you the supreme commander of Donglin."

In other words, what he meant was that even if Su Changxing controlled the entire Donglin area now, it would be unfair.

Of course, Su Changxing knew what those people in the National Security Council were worried about. They were afraid, and they wanted to maintain the old order, even in these doomsday times, but everyone knew that this was impossible.

The world is being reshuffled because of the existence of extraordinary people.

This letter of appointment seems to be an unnecessary link, but in fact it is a means of maintaining the old order.

They want everyone to know that Su Changxing was appointed by the National Security Council. With a glorious name, they are also trying to win over Su Changxing.

Su Changxing did not refuse, he reached out to receive the letter of appointment, smiled and said: "Then thank the special commissioner for taking the trouble to deliver it."

The man waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, this is my honor."

Su Changxing put away the letter of appointment and said calmly: "I still have some things to do, so I will leave first. If the commissioner has any needs, just ask us and we will meet them."

The man waved his hands with a smile on his face and said: "It doesn't matter, General Su, you are busy, you are busy."

It was long after Su Changxing left that his face closed up, without any expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and tapped it, as if he was sending some message.

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