
My heart kept beating, and the sound of clothes scraping against the ground kept dragging.

"Put him in that room and lock him up first!"

one person yelled.

"There's an assassination attempt in the atrium, and we need reinforcements!"

Su Changxing smelled the smell of blood, and when he opened his eyes, he saw dim light and a chandelier with a green cover hanging from the ceiling.

Then, the surrounding environment darkened and he was thrown into it.

"Be honest in there!"

A guard wearing a red hoodie scolded, and then closed the door heavily.

Su Changxing felt pain all over his body, as if he had been beaten violently. The environment here made him feel very depressed, as if there was a heavy thing pressing on him every moment.

He could clearly hear the sound of steam whistle coming from the window.

Everything was so blurry, and he didn't know how he ended up here.

He originally thought he would go to a place where high-level players gathered, but now it seemed that was not the case.

The environment here is completely different from that of Blue Star.

Very heavy!

Both the gravity and the density of energy were extremely terrifying. It was as if he was placed in a huge extraordinary crystal.

The room was messy, but gorgeous. The general color scheme was dark red and yellow. There was a long wooden table beside him, with a bronze lamp on the edge.

"This is actually a mysterious item, what a luxury!" Su Changxing couldn't help but sigh. It was hard to imagine that someone would use such a mysterious item as furniture, but he was locked up in this place.

Immediately afterwards, he was stunned. Through the scan of "True Knowledge", he found that most of the things here were mysterious items, even the walls, and the quality was not low.

Is this the so-called high-dimensional world?

Su Changxing looked around and quietly put the items on the table and the entire table into the pocket galaxy as raw materials for making mysterious items.

Then, he saw a slightly worn newspaper, which said that an assassin named Shadow was assassinating politicians everywhere, and most of these politicians were opponents of Duke Jin Duo, so he suspected that "Shadow" was Jin Duo. Sent by Duke La.

There was also a picture printed in black and white on the newspaper. It was the shadow of the assassin, wearing a strange black iron mask.

Su Changxing tried the door, but it was locked. It could be broken open with force, but it would cause a lot of noise and be noticed by others.

Before fully understanding the surrounding situation, he decided to keep a low profile. There were no prompts from the doomsday game in this place, as if it had crashed.

The windows stretch up and down, are not locked and can be opened.

It was dusk outside the window, and the not-so-bright sunlight reflected square shadows on the red floor.

It seemed that he had not seen such sunshine for a long time, and he only felt warm.

At present, the world seems to be quite normal. The ships parked on the sea in the far distance are spraying steam, the water is filled with heavy fog, and the large chimneys of the factory can be seen in the distance.

"In an era where technology and productivity are not advanced, it is a bit strange to use steam as the driving force for heavy industry."

"Is that the edge of the wall tower?"

Su Changxing noticed that there was a circle of city wall towers below it, with bonfires hung on them and patrolled by soldiers.

"So I'm in a castle now?"

He thought about it in his mind and decided to escape from here. I'm afraid his current situation is not very good. He was imprisoned for no reason.

Then, he climbed out of the window and did not choose to jump directly. He was blocked by the branches and leaves of the trees and had no idea what was going on below.

In this world, his perception is greatly restricted, like a veil covering his eyes.

Along the outer wall, he came to the window outside another room, opened the window, and saw at first sight the burning stove and three corpses lying on the ground.

The corpse looked like an attendant here, and the clothes were quite gorgeous, with red and blue robes.

Su Changxing took a breath of air. These people were all extraordinary people, at least level 7, or even higher.

Seeing this scene, he became even more cautious in his heart, marveling at what kind of world this was, where two people who died casually were powerful extraordinary beings.

The surroundings were quiet, except for a delicate, dark green small fan on the table that was constantly rotating, making a whirring sound.

Su Changxing remembered that these people were shouting that someone had been assassinated in the atrium. They must have all gone to the atrium, so there was no one here.

"In their eyes, I'm just a loser. I don't even need to be guarded?"

There was a strange look on his face, as if he had no idea what his identity was in this world.

It's just a doomsday game, why not remind him?

After walking a short distance along the corridor, Su Changxing felt a little breathless. Just walking such a distance had consumed a lot of energy.

There was a blood stain on the ground. Looking forward, I saw a man lying next to the cabinet. He had white hair and was dressed like a housekeeper. One of his hands had been chopped off. There were several blood holes in his chest. He was not completely dead and was dying.

"Duke Jindora had a coup. The queen was killed. The princess is hiding in the safe room in the queen's dormitory. The safe room is locked. Please take the princess out." He said immediately when he saw Su Changxing.

Su Changxing was also confused and realized that the other party should know him, otherwise he would not tell him such important news.

His identity should be related to the royal family.

Su Changxing then asked: "How to open the door of the safe room? Since it is locked, there should be a key."

The butler gave Su Changxing a meaningful look: "The key is that ring, you know."

what do you know?

How come I don't know I know.

Su Changxing cursed in his heart, realizing that the information gap between him and this identity caused some trouble, and asked straightforwardly: "Can you explain it in detail? I really don't know, what does this ring look like? Where is it located? ?How to use it."

The butler was coughing blood and looked at Su Changxing with a strange look on his face: "Lora Liu, it's the square colored ring that the Queen always wears. I don't know where it is exactly."

He was just holding on, but when he saw Su Changxing, he took his last breath and died peacefully.

"It's really uncomfortable to talk half-heartedly." Su Changxing looked at the dead housekeeper with some helplessness, but he also stole an ability from him, fatal backstab.

This steward is also a powerful Beyonder, at least sixth level.

[Deadly Backstab: Launch an attack from behind the enemy, causing triple damage before the enemy is aware of it.

The basic skills of assassins trained by the Wodan royal family possess unexpected power. 】

Three times...a pretty good ability.

Su Changxing gave a fair evaluation, saying that although such an ability looks simple and unpretentious, it is usually very useful.

"In other words, this person is both the butler and the so-called royal assassin."

Su Changxing looked down at his phone and noticed a message about a mission.

[Rescue the princess: You learned from Butler Messi that the princess was locked in the safe room. The time has come to make a decision, whether to rescue the princess or to seek refuge with Duke Jindora.

1Rescue the princess, he may be able to tell you the location of the ninth dimension. (a special enhancement)

2Dedicate the princess to Duke Jindora, and he may also be able to tell you the location of the ninth dimension. (a special enhancement)

3 Don’t care about anything, just escape and talk about it later.

Hint: You have a close relationship with the Queen]

"That is to say, the ninth dimension is somewhere in this world, or the passage of the ninth dimension is somewhere in this world."

Su Changxing understood immediately.

According to the current situation, it is certainly best for him to seek refuge with Duke Jindora. The other party just launched a coup, so his power is naturally the most powerful.

But he must first figure out his identity. If his identity is wrong, there will be problems if he goes to seek refuge.

"It's a little late. Come earlier. There won't be so much trouble before here." Su Changxing couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He wandered around the room on this floor and found a partial map of the King's Tower from the messy bookshelf. He estimated that the room where he was locked before was next to the Queen's dormitory, and the safe room was located there.

He walked back along the corridor again. He was the only one walking in the quiet space. The Queen's bedroom was not closed. It had been rummaged through and was very messy.

The air was filled with a strange incense, which smelled very good.

Then, he used his "true knowledge" to scan the room, trying to find a mechanism or a keyhole.


Su Changxing didn't think much and threw the vase into the pocket galaxy.


Su Changxing felt that this should also be a useful thing, so he threw it into the pocket galaxy with his backhand.

After searching for it, he couldn't find any mechanism. Instead, he almost emptied the room. The Pocket Galaxy was really big.

Su Changxing also discovered the problem. He should not succumb to these petty gains. The most important thing now is to complete the task.

Thinking about it, he dropped a boxy blue book into the pocket galaxy.

This is it.

Su Changxing thought about pushing it away forcefully. He put his hand on it and pushed it, but then he felt something was wrong and it didn't move at all.

I pushed harder and harder, but there was still no response.

He pulled out the revolver, thought for a moment and put it down again. Once the sound of shooting was too loud, he would be completely exposed. Even if he could forcefully break through the safe room, it would be meaningless.

\u0026lt;a href=\u0026quot;\u003ca href=";quot;" target="_;\u003e;quot;\u003c/a\u003e id=\u0026quot;wzsy\u0026quot;\u0026gt;

Moreover, even if he is in his prime, he may not be able to break through this security door.

This world is full of weirdness. These people are all extraordinary people. It goes without saying that the strength of the safe room must be very high.

You can't use brute force, so you can only outsmart and find a way to get the key to the safe room, then open it, and then leave with the princess.

This is probably the best solution right now.

Where should he find the key to this safe room?

Su Changxing cast a shadow cloak, wrapped himself and his body, and walked down the stairs, preparing to check the surrounding environment first.

After taking a few steps, he heard someone talking below.

"I heard that the princess ran away, which is really troublesome."

"There can't be any trouble. The Queen is dead and Wodan is ours."

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