
"Contraband? What kind of contraband is it about?" Su Changxing asked.

The thin man scratched the back of his head with his hands, and there was some mud on his fingernails, and he said unclearly:

"I'm not sure. It's probably some materials that seem to be related to magic. Anything related to magic is contraband, but that won't necessarily be the case in the future."

The strong man on the side, the man who was waiting at the counter before, his name is Karim, added: "I heard that the First Navy was attacked by a large number of witches, and all members were defeated this morning, and General Want was captured. "

"This is probably also the work of the Duke. What is the difference between witches and pagans? They are both traitors who have come into contact with the devil."

"But the Duke allowed them to appear openly and accept the recognition of the empire. This is ridiculous."

This is another new term, witch?

Is this also a group of people who understand the power, or do they use real magic?

Su Changxing suddenly felt that the Duke's actions were like an innovator. The empire originally banned magic, and magic should not appear in this land.

Maybe he borrowed magic for power, but it undoubtedly brought new changes to this land.

As for whether it is a disaster or a new life, it is difficult to say.

It's highly likely to be a disaster.

Perhaps the Queen's original approach was a good balancing act.

"The Duke wants to destroy the empire. He is crazy!" Kasemin frowned and said, "Magic will bring disaster to this land. How can something like a witch appear openly."

When there is one legitimate witch, there will be more legitimate witches, who don't want to become more powerful than the others.

"Why do you say that? What's the basis?" Su Changxing asked.

As a princess, Kasemin knew the history of the empire quite well and said concisely: "This is a lesson learned from the past, and the last empire in this land is a lesson learned from the past, the Syndergar Empire, which was an empire destroyed by magic."

"Our Wodan Empire was established on the ruins of the Syndergar Empire. This place used to be a whole continent, but now it is split into archipelagos."

"But that was also a lost era. Magic was pretty much lost after that, and of course we don't need to pick it up."

Kasemin has a very clear understanding of magic and knows that individual people can be allowed to possess magic, but magic cannot exist reasonably.

The empire is a strict class society, but the power of magic can easily shake such a class and destroy it from the bottom up.

Su Changxing had a different understanding after listening to Kasemin's words. He felt that the destruction of the previous empire was not because of magic but because of the players.

Players who do not belong to this world and are not bound by this world can easily destroy the original structure of this world.

Although this is an advanced world, for more advanced players, it is undoubtedly an ordinary world.

Before dawn, Su Changxing and his two men entered a half-empty container. It was dark inside, with light shining through the holes, and they could see what was going on outside.

As time passed, there were gradually more and more people, and the sound of flocks of seagulls could be heard.

Kasemin straightened her body and squatted in the corner, looking very nervous. They might be discovered at any time.

Although this plan sounds reliable, it is still very risky, and it is not completely safe and involves a certain amount of luck.

Who knows whether a low-probability event is a low-probability event.

Su Changxing was very relaxed, lying on the side, closing his eyes and preparing to fall asleep.

"Are you going to sleep at this time?" Kasemin asked in a low voice.

Su Changxing yawned and joked: "What are you doing if you don't sleep? You can't do anything else now. Why can't you sleep? Do you want me to sing a children's song to coax you to sleep?"

Kasemin said silently: "Go to sleep. I'll call you if anything happens."

Su Changxing said simply: "Okay, thank you for your hard work. We might have to kill people later, so it would be better to take a rest."

Then, he lay on the ground and fell asleep.

"Really fell asleep? It's really unreliable..." Kasemin felt Su Changxing's even breathing, gritting his back molars, and couldn't help but feel angry.

She couldn't understand how Su Changxing could sleep at such a tense moment.

Not long after, the cargo box began to move slowly, the sound of the waves became clearer, and there were many people talking noisily around it.

Then, she heard the sound of the cargo box being opened.

"What's going on in here!"

"My lord, are you sure you want to check it? These are all the Duke's things."

"Of course there is a routine inspection...but we have almost done the inspection. Everything is fine. Let's go!"

Everyone knows that the Duke will soon become the Emperor. At this time, who dares to touch the Duke's bad luck, even a lackey under the Duke.

Kasemin breathed a sigh of relief. After this, they could at least go out to sea safely, but then they heard a noise outside.

Look out through the gap.

A man wearing a white hat and dressed as a captain scolded with an ugly expression: "Where is the person from before?"

Standing opposite him was a man with a fat body and a monocle who looked like a businessman. He said with a smile:

"A lot of people died last night, so we need new personnel to supplement them, otherwise we won't have enough manpower at all."

"Many people died?"

The captain looked puzzled. He obviously didn't know much about this situation. He had just come from Dongcheng and was still smelling of a pungent fragrance. He was holding his lower back with one hand.

The businessman nodded and said: "Didn't we declare the party to be in rebellion yesterday? What a coincidence, it affected us, and many people died."

The captain looked at these unfamiliar crew members again: "Are they reliable? I don't need some new people, they are very troublesome."

The businessman said with a smile: "Don't worry, these people I'm looking for are all veteran sailors. They spent a lot of money to find them. They all have at least three or four years of sailing experience."

Then, he approached the captain and whispered: "Many of the original people are old. It's time to get new blood. Isn't this an opportunity?"

Because of long-term sailing, everyone on the ship has a good relationship. In many cases, the captain does not just change the captain if he wants. There are many older sailors on the ship.

This kind of elderly sailors are rich in experience, but it is not good to have more. After all, their health is far inferior to that of young people, and they are often still old people. Some of them are older than the captain. They can say one sentence and two.

The captain's expression softened, and he felt that what the other party said made sense, and these people did not die because of him, so he felt no burden in his heart:

"It's a pity for these brothers. You newcomers should not be burdened. Now that we are on the ship, we are all one family."

"As long as you work hard and do your best, I will eat meat and you will eat soup."

When the captain gave his acceptance speech, Su Changxing also opened his eyes and woke up, "It's a bit interesting."

Jefferson is very good at picking people. It seems that this captain is easy to fool. Otherwise, if they are really called, they may not be able to come out today.

But there is another point. This batch of goods is urgent, and there is not much time delay. The people on the Duke's side requested that it be sent over immediately.

\u0026lt;a Yawen Bar

Therefore, the captain had no idea of ​​​​reorganizing his manpower, and just went to sea in a mess.

It doesn't take long to get to Singed from here, and the road is considered safe.

He felt that there would be no big problem, after all, he was an old captain.

An experienced old captain is not afraid of any difficulties!

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