
In the captain's room, a four- to five-meter map was spread on the table. William pointed to Myron's position on the map and said:

"From here to Myron, it will take at least half a month at our speed, but we'd better take a detour. There are a lot of pirates here."

Su Changxing raised his eyebrows: "Pirate?"

"Yes, they are pirates, but Sir Liu Gula, you don't need to worry. I am very familiar with this area and can easily avoid them." William said with confidence on his face, a look of pride on his face.

The position of captain is not easy to get. Not only does it require rich navigation knowledge, but also sufficient experience. Otherwise, if you encounter these pirates, you will just give them food, and you may end up with incomplete corpses.

\u0026lt;a "Eternal God Emperor"

During the most chaotic years at sea, cargo ships were often robbed, but his ships were usually able to evade the pirates at a distance, which was what he was most proud of.

Those businessmen are often willing to ask him to transport goods at a higher price and would rather pay a higher price. As long as the risk of being robbed can be reduced, it is profitable.

After being robbed, it was a business that lost all its money.

However, the shipping industry has always been extremely profitable. In many cases, one successful trip is enough to last for a year or two.

Su Changxing slapped his hand on the table, looking a little excited: "Are there any heretics among the pirates?"

Wei Ning was a little confused, not knowing why Su Changxing asked this, and said uncertainly:

"There seems to be some. Those pirates colluded with the heretics to increase the success rate of hijacking the ship. After all, some large cargo ships are generally equipped with sufficient guards."

Su Changxing said thoughtfully: "That's good."

"That's good?" William was stunned for a moment and said: "This is not a good thing, Mr. Liu Gula. Those pirates have the help of heretics, and their methods are weird, which poses a great threat to us."

"I heard that with the help of these pagans, the pirates can observe other ships from a longer distance in order to choose targets for hijacking."

"But don't worry, as long as I'm here, those pirates can't touch us at all."

Su Changxing looked at William's confident look and felt a little helpless. Sometimes having too good skills is not a good thing, so he said bravely:

"Maybe we could spend some time with those pirates, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, several people in the room were stunned, not understanding what Su Changxing meant.

Will you be a pirate?

Cassemin knew that he was a pagan, a magic pagan. What did it mean to meet with those pirates?

Do you want to cooperate with those pirates inside and outside to catch them all, but what is the point of this?

While Kasemin was still thinking wildly, Su Changxingyoshi said righteously:

"Killing the heretics is the duty of every citizen of the empire. I also hate the heretics very much. What I want to kill is not the pirates, but the heretics!"

William persuaded: "Well, sir, our first goal now should be to escort the princess to Melun first. Although it is important to clean up the heretics, it is not what we want to do now."

Su Changxing stared at him and said coldly: "Are you questioning me?"

William panicked at that time and said quickly: "Sir, I definitely didn't mean this!"

Kasemin waved her hand to signal him not to speak: "Just do as he said. Let's go meet the pirates for a while. This is just a matter of convenience. As a princess, am I still afraid of some pirates?"

She probably understood why Su Changxing did this. In order to temper her, if she couldn't even pacify the pirates, how could she recover the empire.

This is a very smooth logic.

Su Changxing didn't know why Ka Semin agreed, but it was just in line with his wishes:

"With me here, there won't be any danger, and we need to be in a hurry. If we go around those islands, we need to take a detour. There is no need at all."

Norbu gave a thumbs up: "Your Majesty is wise! William, how can you, a wooden fish brain like you, understand the wisdom of Your Majesty?"

William held his breath and didn't know what to say, so he could only curse the flatterer in his heart.

Since he wanted to meet the pirates for a while, William ran away without worrying about bumping into those pirates.

Their speed has increased a lot.

But things are often so strange. When they want to meet pirates, they can't meet them.

For the next few days, everything was calm and the sea was calm.

"You can't even see a hair here, let alone a pirate." Nobu covered his forehead with his hands and looked forward.

Su Changxing is also a little depressed. There may not be players on these islands, but they can't see any of them now.

Kasemin thought thoughtfully: "Could it be because we ran too fast and frightened the pirates?"

Su Changxing nodded, feeling that this was indeed a possibility. He walked to the captain's cabin, knocked on the door, and said to William, "Could it be that we were too fast and scared the pirates, so we couldn't see them."

"Can it still be like this?" A puzzled look appeared on William's face, and he patted his thigh heavily: "It is indeed possible. The ships sailing on the sea now have some old captains at the helm. You can tell at a glance."

"Then I'll try to drive slower next time. If I still can't encounter them, I have no choice. We can't go around looking for those pirate ships."

Su Changxing nodded and said, "You don't have to look for it deliberately. Just keep going to Myron. It doesn't matter if you can't find it."

In the past few days, what Su Changxing eats the most is grilled fish. The fish in this world are extremely delicious. They only need to be grilled simply, and they don't even need to be seasoned. They are delicious when eaten directly.

There is a kind of fish with silvery white scales and a slender body that is three to four meters long. It is called blue-winged flying fish. The meat is not tender, but it is very suitable for barbecue.

This kind of fish has a special feature. They can leap out of the sea. From a distance, they look like they are flying on the sea level.

At night, Su Changxing was sitting on the deck, grilling blue-winged flying fish. Suddenly he saw a few lights in the darkness in the distance. They were other ships.

The ship was clearly heading towards them.

If you encounter other ships at this time, there is a high probability that they are pirate ships.

Excitement showed on his face, he licked his lips, put down the barbecue and shouted: "There are pirates, everyone is ready to fight!"

With the shouting, everyone shuddered, and some crew members who were sleeping below immediately put on their clothes, picked up their weapons and ran to the deck, ready to stand ready.

For those who have lived at sea for a long time, they are not familiar with pirates. They may encounter them once in a while, but once they encounter them, it is a life and death struggle.

"The methods of these beasts are extremely cruel. They not only want goods and money, but also human lives. They also want to rob people. They are extremely hateful." The old captain said viciously, standing at the back with a musket in his hand.

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