Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 40 [Why do you always have such good ideas? 】

"Not satisfied with this?"

Xu Yong couldn't help complaining, and his heart was too big. At present, there are more than 600 million Internet users in the world. Is it a small goal to make 300 million of them become blue space users within two or three years?

For them, this is already an illusion.

Relying on the wheelchair, Luo Sheng smiled calmly: "You only have this imagination? In the future, the growth of Internet users will explode. At present, there are less than 100 million Internet users in our country, but there are still more than one billion people in our country. Without access to the Internet, with such a huge population base, the future has infinite room for imagination."

The growth momentum of the blue space website comes from the photo tag function, and the like function is currently the best function to maintain user activity. How big is the small like function? Not only did this change the product decisions of the Blue Space website, but other websites as well.

Luo Sheng said: "With the take-off of the like function, for the first time, we have a real and fundamental change, which has changed the habit of users using the B community. During the pre-A round of financing, I once talked to investors with Saying 300 million in two years, in fact, what I thought in my heart was that it could be faster.”

Xu Yong, Feng Yi and others who attended the meeting secretly clicked their tongues.

Seeing their lack of confidence, Luo Sheng immediately said: "Achieving the goal of 300 million users of the Blue Space website within two years seems like an impossible feat. What we are striving for is to make the impossible possible. It becomes possible. When you first joined the company, who would have thought that our business would develop to this level, who would have thought that the Blue Space website has reached more than 40 million user registrations in just over three months Who would have thought that Bluestar Technology is currently valued at more than 1 billion?"

Having said that, Luo Sheng looked around and pointed at himself, "I thought about it, I did it, and I can still do it!"

These remarks immediately mobilized several young managers in the conference room, and their confidence was inexplicably raised.

Yes, no one would have thought that Bluestar Technology could be valued as a 1 billion-level startup company before. This is a miracle in itself, and Luo Sheng is the core creator of this miracle.

Then why not continue to believe that he can create new miracles again?

"You are the boss. We all believe and believe in it." Xu Yong smiled and said, "Then what should we do next?"

Irene and others who were present at the meeting also focused their attention on Luo Sheng. He thought about it and said, "If you want to achieve this seemingly impossible feat, the attitude of the Blue Space website should also be somewhat different. It has changed. Before, we only served college students, but there are more than 1,000 universities across the country, and only a limited number of freshmen enter the university every year. Therefore, our products can no longer focus on universities, and it is enough to expand beyond the campus. reason."

Expanding beyond campus?

Everyone nodded silently, and then everyone remembered what Luo Sheng once said. The ideal and mission of the blue space injected is to connect all human beings. Although it was born in the school, it will not be limited to the school network in the end.

Aileen said: "After the company moved into the Jinmao Building, it has purchased three commercial vehicles, purchased servers, and expanded the corresponding hardware. The total expenditure is 3.3 million yuan, and there are more than 74 million yuan in book funds for expansion."

Erin, the chief financial officer of Bluestar Technology, quickly assumed the role of CFO and was fully responsible for corporate financial audit management.

"OK, according to the current established strategy, we will complete the expansion of the company's employees to 100 within this week. In addition, the financial office will spend another 10 million for the promotion of the Blue Space website." Luo Sheng ordered in an orderly manner, The management participating in the meeting also took over his task requirements and ended the meeting.

Luo Sheng looked at Irene and they were all about to leave the conference room, and immediately said, "Xu Yong, Feng Yi, stay here.


The two sat back again, and Irene, who was the last to leave, closed the door of the conference room. After a while, Luo Sheng said, "It's not enough to just transfer the expansion goal from the university to the whole society, and it's not enough to achieve what I want. Growth, we need to develop new products to maintain the product advantage of the blue space website.”

The competitor is backed by Teng Xun, and plans to copy it to the end. Luo Sheng calculates the time and most of the R community will be launched in June, and will also look beyond the campus.

Now the two sides have begun to face the competition head-on, robbing each other for users on each other's sites. The competition has entered the next stage, and the war of burning money has begun, which will undoubtedly intensify the intensity of the competition. , and probably not enough.

Don't look at the pre-A round of financing that has received more than 70 million. Once this kind of preemption of users begins, the two parties enter the money-burning mode, and more than 70 million is really not spent.

What's more, Bluespace not only faces direct competition from, but also indirect competition from QQ. Although the two sides have different models, they don't seem to be in conflict. Now many users have both QQ accounts and Bluespace and renren accounts. , and with the continuous expansion, there will be more and more similar overlapping users.

Then for both the blue space and QQ, there will be fierce competition in the time to open the product, that is, the competition of activity.

When users browse the blue space, the time of using QQ will be relatively reduced, and vice versa, the user's activity in using the product is very important, and the most important thing is to directly affect the income.

"Boss, I guess you must already have a new creative idea." Xu Yong couldn't help but light up when he heard Luo Sheng said that he was going to develop a new product.

"Don't guess, there must be." Feng Yi smiled.

The two looked at Luo Sheng in unison, the latter nodded with a smile, and said, "I have decided to let the blue space complete a 'big plastic surgery', the new idea, I call it 'news flow', at the latest We have only about three months to roll out the project before heading into the end of the fall, and this end of the summer we will launch the News Feed project.”

Xu Yong said curiously: "Message flow? What functional product is this?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng said with a confident expression: "If photo sharing is the core of the blue space, then news flow is the foundation. This is a subversive product, a viral marketing concept that allows users to have avatars. "

"This product, in simple terms, is a series of messages, which has everything that happened on the Blue Space website, and just collects status updates, profile changes, and it should be an aggregator, collecting all the stories, of course, there will be a set of With the new logic algorithm, it is impossible for us to show all the content to the user.”

Although Luo Sheng is the CEO of the company, he has not forgotten his identity as a technology developer. This is the biggest competitive advantage. A technology-oriented CEO like him is rare in the industry at present, but in the original world , If the founder of the company does not have the ability to develop technology, he is embarrassed to start a business.

Times are different, the world is different, and there is no need to compare them.

Luo Sheng took a sip of water and said with a gesture: "There are mainly two streams, one is what you are doing, and the other is what other people are doing online. It is not static, not boring, not useless. , it's supposed to be a 'newspaper' that's constantly updated, which is to say, it tells you what's going on at the blue space site, and we think there are some things you might care about."

Xu Yong couldn't help but be amazed. His thinking was also very quick. He immediately realized the role of this news flow, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This idea is amazing, why do you always come up with such a good idea?"


(Ps: Wall crack recommends a book by a good friend, "Tech Monopoly Giant" with the author ID "Zi Su Yesu", you can tell by the name that it is a scientific and technological article of the same type. )

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