Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 52 [Creativity triggered by a simple question]

"In my opinion, it is precisely because of the business model of 'Bidding Ranking' that it will bring a steady stream of income to it, and it will also bring countless criticisms to it in the future. Denying the model is a big business highlight, but it's the brand's reputation that is overdrawn."

Luo Sheng said that he erased the "Inktodi" written on the whiteboard, put the whiteboard pen aside, sat down and looked around the crowd, adding: "Bai Du chooses to win in the present, but loses the future. We will do well. The decision to let Yunge lose for five years or more is to choose to lose in the present, but we will win the future!"

For the next week or so, Luo Sheng was taking care of the company's operations, mainly the company's entry into Sioux City. In addition, the main focus was on the Yunge Search Project Department where he spent the most time.

With the joining of Yu Jun, new members were added in the following week, and the entire project development team was expanded to 40 people.

Yu Jun found that he liked Bluestar's engineering culture more and more. Luo Sheng often came to the project team these days, and also found that the new boss not only has leadership skills that are different from ordinary people, but also is a master of technology.

If they were sitting together without knowing each other, Yu Jun would never think that he was the founder and CEO of a company valued at 5 billion, but a top engineer and creative master.

It's just a little too strong. Thinking of Luo Sheng's characteristics, Yu Jun immediately thought of Jobs. Isn't he also an extremely strong and domineering person?

He also understands such people very well. After all, such people are considered geniuses, and geniuses are generally rebellious, and it is difficult for others to hear opinions that contradict him, or they simply don't listen.

After all, in their worldview, they never thought they would make mistakes.

But Luo Sheng is also a person who is easy to get along with. His strength is mainly reflected in the company's management and some decisions, that's all.

After Yu Jun joined the company, he quickly became one of the core builders of Yunge Search. Even if the products he designed were as simple as the user interface, he would use a lot of data and facts to explain the reasons for each setting. .

The argument comes from his own long-term monitoring and analysis of various search engine data. He explained that he lived in the company with only a sleeping bag for a long time during his work in Baidu.

This sentence was said by Yu Jun on the second day after joining Bluestar Technology. Feng Yi and the others didn't believe it, but they already believed it now.

After joining Bluestar Technology for a week, Yu Jun has spent four days in the company relying on a sleeping bag. He likes data monitoring and analysis very much. Unlike many people who get headaches when they see massive data, he is very obsessed.

When working at Baidu, the data that Yu Jun monitored and analyzed came from search engines, and he joined Bluestar Technology to have a lot of data for him to analyze, that is, the data generated by the hundreds of millions of users of Bluespace. The amount is also terrifying.


"No, no, you can't associate ads with the user's search results, the user experience is too bad. Change the display form and create an independent display position on the search results page to complete the display of ads. Of course, this way The ability to monetize ads will be greatly weakened, but as long as the user experience is OK and everything is OK, once Yunge Search is launched, there will be no need to consider turning losses into profits for at least three years.”

At this moment, Luo Sheng, Feng Yi and Yu Jun were sitting around the sofa in the lounge. Luo Sheng held a whiteboard the size of an LCD screen and a pen, and immediately drew a simple interface window on it. Then he said:

"The content displayed on the advertisement and the actual page should be clearly distinguished, and users should be able to identify which advertisements are. By the way, the weight of advertisement display is optimized by the double-line indicator of 'keyword point price + advertisement quality'. , at this point we can benchmark against Google, and we can’t just bid a high price to get the highest impressions and clicks.


The upcoming cloud song search, all of which are more considered from the perspective of the user side, to complete the design of the search engine.

By comparison, the rules for whiteness are extremely crude.

The first is to adopt the pure "PPC ranking, the highest bidder wins" standard, and mix and match the advertisement content with the content of the normal search results in the actual display results. The first few of the results.

This makes it difficult for users to distinguish between real search results and advertisements, thus inadvertently clicking on the advertisement page, creating profit for whiteness.

"If this is rolled out, the loss of Yunge Search will not be a small amount. Blue Space has not considered the issue of monetization until now. It will take a few months for the A round financing to burn out." Yu Jun said. Said, and added jokingly after a while:

"Speaking of it, three rounds of financing have been completed, with 1 million angel rounds, 77 million pre-A rounds, and 600 million round A rounds. The company has only been in development for 10 months. The ability to burn money is really exaggerated, but it makes me even more incredible. The thing is that VCs are rushing to throw money at it.”

Yu Jun was very emotional, and was very curious about how Luo Sheng made investors willing to give him a lot of banknotes to spend with confidence, and the VC money was not blown by the wind.

Luo Sheng wiped off the pattern on the whiteboard, looked at Yu Jun and said with a smile: "There is sunshine, soil, and various nutrients, but the most important thing for growth is that there is a seed in the soil that can become a tree in the sky. One point, the VCs who invested in me have seen it, the key is that the appetite of VCs is large enough.”

Yu Jun couldn't help nodding to himself with emotion. As the time he worked together continued to extend, the more he knew about Luo Sheng, and the more and more he believed that he was with the right person. Although he was so young and excessive, there was nothing to communicate with him. obstacles, and even occasionally gain a lot of experience.

It seems that I understand why investors are so willing to spend money on Luo Sheng. In just ten months, three rounds of financing have been successfully achieved, and the amount of financing has been larger each time, and none of the early investors has withdrawn early. Undoubtedly not following the vote.

It is undeniable that the development momentum of blue space website terror is the main factor, but Yu Jun also firmly believes that the founder itself is definitely one of the main factors.

Such a person, as long as he understands it, no matter what he does, investors will not be stingy to invest a sum of money in him and let him do it.

After chatting for a while, Yu Jun organized some words in his mind for his long-awaited idea and said: "Mr. Luo, I have recently analyzed the content shared by a large number of blue space users, especially for mutual attention. of users’ shared content, and found that they all follow each other because of the same hobbies.”

"Not only that, but when I checked the search log at my old club, I also found that many people were searching for the same keyword, whether it was a search engine or a blue space social networking site, there was an amazing similarity."

When Yu Jun looked at his involuntarily stroking his hand, he didn't notice Luo Sheng's sudden smile. This talent dug from Baidu has the title of "Father of Post Bar", which was unexpected. Outside is also reasonable.

At this time, Yu Jun looked at Luo Sheng, and naturally raised a simple and curious question: "If these people who share common interests are gathered together and communicated on common emotional topics, wouldn't it be possible to Contribute more information that isn't on the page?"

Feng Yi said subconsciously, "Isn't this BBS? Or Tianya Forum?"

BSS is the abbreviation of Bulletin Board System in English, which translates as "electronic bulletin board", but it is generally referred to as an online forum in China.

Yu Jun immediately said: "It can be classified as BBS, but it is different. The main body of participation becomes each user. Any user can create an interest group for any keyword and write relevant information in it, and others can also search for it. The engine found them."

Feng Yi thought for a moment without saying a word, and then clapped his legs and said excitedly: "Wonderful, I think this idea is very exciting. Brother Yu, what do you want to call it?"

Yu Jun said with a smile: "I had this idea as early as my old club's side, and was about to take some time to discuss it with President Li, but the headhunter company came to the door... Why is it called Yunge Tieba? Sample?"

Luo Sheng immediately made a decision: "That's it."

(recommendation, collection...)

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