After some sorting out, no one thinks that Luo Sheng's acquisition of 30 million is a waste of money. This will definitely increase Yunge's entry into the search engine market by more than one or two steps, and greatly increase Yunge's confidence in the search engine. .

As time goes by, the development progress of Yunge Search continues to advance, and the development of Tieba continues to improve, and the internal testing has begun.

As for the newly acquired one, two people were assigned to take care of the maintenance. It wasn't that Luo Sheng spent 30 million to buy it back, but it was really too simple. Otherwise, it would be unreasonable to have only Li Xinping taking care of it after nearly four years of establishment, not to mention that Li Xinping is still working on the 4399 website at the same time.

Everything went smoothly, and it was launched before December as requested by Luo Sheng, and there was no suspense if there was no accident.

During this period, the news of the change of owners spread in the industry, and it has been reported in the industry through media reports, and it was soon determined that it was Bluestar Technology, which rose by lightning, to acquire this navigation website.

As one of today's "BALT" star-level Internet startups, its every move has attracted the attention of the industry.

The focus of the industry's attention is that Luo Sheng actually spent a huge sum of 30 million to buy a website with only one person. It is so simple and simple that anyone can easily copy one. It is still a model of Yahoo playing the rest. , he actually spent 30 million, which seems incredible to many practitioners in the industry.

There were even doubts about whether Luo Sheng took the opportunity to transfer funds and cash out illegally.

After all, Luo Sheng is a social networking site, what is the significance of the acquisition? The key is to spend so much money.

In the following days, several major VCs such as SoftBank, Goldman Sachs, Venture Capital, and IDG all called Luo Sheng and asked about this.

And Luo Sheng pushed all the investors back with one sentence: Don't ask, don't think, don't doubt, or wait until the company's financial expenditure list is sent to the audit, then ask again, think again, and doubt again.

This makes investors very angry.

Well, just wait, just wait.

Investors also know that Luo Sheng has been making frequent moves recently, and it can be seen from external recruitment that he wants to enter the search engine market.

In fact, on this point, investors want to ask Luo Sheng, what can he do as a latecomer to compete with competitors such as Baidu, Google and Yahoo?

Although the current domestic search engine market is still fighting, what are the advantages of Luo Sheng's new search engine to benchmark these old players?

But the investors chose to keep their mouths shut, because they knew that even if they asked, Luo Sheng's answer would still be the same.

Before he overturned, the investors really had no place to fight him. Instead, Luo Sheng told them about the development of the blue space. The picturesque growth made them seem to have nothing to say except shut up.

What the outside world did not know was that when Luo Sheng spent 30 million on the acquisition, Bai Du panicked internally. Li Yanhong was actually thinking about it. He actually liked it and already had the idea of ​​acquiring it.

The reason is very simple. By October this year, hao123's search requests accounted for more than 35% of the whiteness traffic, and it is still growing rapidly. This can only be seen by the internal data of whiteness, and the outside world does not know it.

That is to say, assuming that there are 10 netizens using Whiteness, 3.5 of them have entered the Whiteness search page through website navigation.

This is amazing, and what is even more terrifying is that it is still growing rapidly. If this trend continues, it will break through 40% next year.

And now hao123 has been bought by Luo Shengjiehu first, what makes Li Yanhong even more uneasy is that there are various signs that Bluestar Technology is sure to enter the search engine market.

In other words, will the navigation links in Whiteness not become the preferred object? Or will it be placed in an almost neglected corner? Or if Luo Sheng were a little more ruthless, he would just cut off the whiteness link,

Switch to the search engine of Bluestar Technology?

If the worst happens, it means that more than 35% of the search requests will be intercepted instantly, and these traffic will be intercepted when they are transferred to the search engines of Bluestar Technology, including the Google search engine.

Finally, the news that Bluestar Technology is going to enter the search engine market, which has been circulating in the industry for a long time, was confirmed on November 25th.

On this day, Yunge search was officially launched, and there was also Yunge Tieba, as well as an updated version. The result that Baidu and Google were most unwilling to see was finally staged.

Luo Sheng's move should not be too ruthless!

Direct and complete interception, your Google link entry and Baidu link entry, from today onwards, don’t even think about getting search requests from website navigation, even if you don’t give a marginal bit, just cut it off.

In the updated navigation website, the most conspicuous search box at the top of the page is Yunge Search. The left side of the search box is the logo icon of Yunge Search. Click the mouse to jump to the homepage of Yunge Search. ], and clicking with the mouse will also jump to the homepage of Yunge Search.

The homepage of Yunge Search should not be too concise, fully demonstrating minimalism.

The most eye-catching of the entire page is the search box in the middle. The confirmation button of whiteness is on the right side of the search box, while the cloud song search is in the lower middle of the search box, and the confirmation box is [Search/Search]

Above the search box is the logo icon of Yunge Search - [YunGe/YunGe], which is also a bilingual icon, all in a cloud.

This is also Luo Sheng's hint of cloud services, but now there is no concept of cloud computing and cloud services, but now no one has seen the foreshadowing that Luo Sheng buried in it.

The homepage of Yunge Search has brought "simplicity" to the extreme, and even the synchronous online post bar is not in a prominent position on the page, but in the upper left corner.

Originally, Feng Yi, the project development team, wanted to put the Tieba label next to the Yunge search box.

But Luo Sheng refused.

If it wasn't for Feng Yi and Yu Jun's collective insistence, Luo Sheng would even want to remove the Tieba label from the main search page.

Well, Feng Yi and the others want to put the slogan of Yunge Search "The world is complicated, Yunge understands you better" under the LOGO icon.

But Luo Sheng still refused.

The search engine is just an entrance, so there is no need to do anything fancy on it. The addition of ten words means that the two words "Cloud Song" on the page will appear in the slogan and logo icon at the same time.

This made Luo Sheng unbearable.

In the end, the simplicity is extreme, open the search page, and feel comfortable!

This is the user experience.

So that Yunge Search has hardly changed in the next ten years, because it has been simplified to the extreme since it was launched, but Yunge Search will update the version every year.

The only changes are the size, spacing, angle, color and font of the five letters and two Chinese characters of "YunGe/YunGe".

Cloud Google search is now compared to the domestic market share of more than 45% of the whiteness, and more than 20% of Google or other search engines, the degree of page simplicity has reached the extreme.

Benchmark Google search, the latter has a function bar on the home page, including [web page], [picture], [dictionary] and [news] and so on.

Search users are very clear about the purpose of using search engines. They don’t need you to sell for them. They only need to bring users a simple and comfortable page. Everything is OK. If the user needs it, it can be solved by navigating the website.

Obviously, Google later knew that this was superfluous, so the subsequent updated versions are more and more like the cloud Google search on the road of minimalism and never return.

But the key lies in the indexing technology and the number of web pages included. As of this year, there are about 380,000 CN domain names registered in China and about 570,000 web sites, while the number of global domain name registrations has exceeded 60 million this year, and the growth rate 16%, a record high.

Although Yunge search is led by Feng Yi and Yu Jun, Luo Sheng is actually actively contributing his own development technology behind the scenes. The fluency and indexing technology of Yunge search can be directly compared to Google, and the whiteness is completely different from the moment it goes online. False, even more than that.

Without Luo Sheng, even if the development team of Yunge Search tripled on the original basis, it would not have been possible to successfully launch in just over 50 days.

Yunge search mainly focuses on Chinese search engines, so Luo Sheng actually only has one competitor - Baidu, at most one more Google search in the Greater China market, other search engines are listed as other options , can even be ignored.


(Ps: I sent Jiageng in advance, asking for tickets, all kinds of requests~~~)

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