Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 73 [The more scolded the more fire]

Reddit's positioning is very special. It is the source of new and hot events on the web, and it is also the most interesting place in the Internet world and a highly organized link concentration.

Everything is divided into sections, which contain links that are rich in specific interests in that section, in the same way as the Post Bar.

Each section focuses on a specific type of content, covering an extremely wide range, including not only news, Zhengji, sports, music, games, etc., and whether you are an antique lover, a plant lover, or a niche music fan , you can find or create the corresponding section here.

Of course, more importantly, you can find people with similar interests through Reddit.

When Reddit was just launched, it attracted a lot of attention in the industry, because it was almost the exact opposite of BlueSpace's most famous product, the social networking site. At the beginning, some media were quite certain of Bluestar's innovative ability.

However, after the website was launched for a week, the comments suddenly turned sharply, and a large number of mainstream media in Europe and the United States criticized Reddit, which caused a large number of bad comments in a short period of time. website.

There is an animal section on Reddit, and the creators stipulate that only cute, positive pictures of animals can be posted here. Sick, dying, pets that have just returned from the hospital are not allowed to upload here.

But there are always a few troublemakers who like to base their own happiness on the pain of others. Hard steel, because it is an anonymous mechanism, has no scruples.

The mechanism used by Reddit is quite "willful". You can join as long as you register a username that others have not used before. In other words, as long as you are happy and willing, it is very simple to create N accounts. It is not a real-name system like Blue Space. .

The anonymity mechanism allows people to easily disguise themselves on Reddit. When netizens realize this, the evil side of human nature is gradually revealed here.

Entering March, the Reddit website moved forward amid a swarm of abuse and bad comments. Many voices called on the FBI or any department to go to Menlo Park and forcibly shut down the website.

Luo Sheng had long expected this, so the company also hired a professional legal team in the North American branch. Although it costs a lot of money, it is necessary to maintain such a strong legal team, especially in the European and American markets.

The legal team will only get bigger.

Although netizens and some media in North America are hostile to Reddit, they have not been able to shut down the site.

Through the Alexa website traffic ranking query, you will find that Reddit's activity and traffic are constantly rising amid the abuse and bad comments.

By mid-March, Reddit had over one million users, which caught the attention of the industry.

Reddit is rolling out a new feature where anyone can post any link, and the link with the most "likes" will rise to the top of the page.

The launch of this feature has gone to the other extreme. On the one hand, Reddit's activity has skyrocketed and become very dynamic, and on the other hand, it has led to negative situations, because the website does not restrict registration, "water army" This stuff started popping up naturally on Reddit.

Some navy organizations have a clear division of labor. First, they register an account crazily, and then start to slowly "raise accounts". When the navy takes action, first let some of them express their opinions on a certain topic, and others will operate a lot. If your account likes this topic to increase its popularity, it will be pushed to the homepage, and finally achieve the purpose of publicity.

Reddit is simply a community full of demons. This is the freedom given too much. As the popularity gradually spreads, the traffic of Reddit is growing rapidly, and it has the potential to become a super community.

It is difficult for some senior practitioners in the industry to tell exactly what type of website Reddit is, because it is so malleable that it contains various forms and elements.

Being criticized by the media and criticized by the users themselves, some netizens who are angry that Reddit is the most stubborn website in history, they visited Reddit with their backhands. A wave, or doing something that makes others super unhappy, will make my heart feel much better.

This is an online community of "Come on, hurt each other".

With the passage of time, foreign netizens who eat melon scolded and scolded, but the number of times they used and opened them quietly increased, and they also shared some "sand sculpture" incidents on the blue space, which indirectly aroused other people's curiosity. Mind you, this chain reaction is driving a rapid surge in Reddit traffic.

Although users have great freedom here, and the cost of their speech is very low, the website still prohibits some absolutely taboo topics, such as things against humanity, and people in North America avoid it Issues such as racism, discrimination, etc.

If you don't pay attention to these problems, it will not be the media's madness, but the website may be forced to shut down, and you will not be able to win a lawsuit.

But this does not prevent netizens in North America from using Reddit more and more frequently. Gradually, the big picture of American foreign policy and the cute photo of a pet can cause users to like or dislike it.

Yes, the blue space only has the like function, but the "dislike" function on the Reddit website is even more effective than the like in increasing the activity of the website.

Every now and then, a talented comment pops up, and it quickly spreads across Reddit, and even spreads to other corners of the Internet to become popular jokes.

The emergence of Reddit and its signs of becoming an explosive product also surprised Silicon Valley, and the domestic Internet community is also paying attention, but this time no one dared to imitate Reddit and set up an anonymous community website in China that gives users great freedom. .

Was called to stop in minutes.

However, the Reddit website is obviously similar to Yunge Tieba in many places. It is a "European and American Tieba" created by Luo Sheng for netizens in Europe and the United States, and Yunge Tieba is currently operating in an orderly manner. Yu Junzheng and Li Mingyuan plan together" Operation of the entertainment event "Super Girl".

Luo Sheng doesn't actually pay much attention to the Reddit website. The outside world is looking at this website, but he is very clear that Reddit's traffic monetization ability is relatively poor, and it is difficult to accurately place advertisements and attract advertisements. host.

However, Luo Sheng didn't expect to rely on Reddit to bring him much revenue directly. He was interested in the traffic here. The Internet must be the king of traffic, and create a traffic moat. Elsewhere, the same is true.

After all, wool on dogs is a common phenomenon in the internet world.

When the time came to mid-March, Luo Sheng had already withdrawn from the development sequence, and the development of Bluestar Music (MusicSpace) and Bluestar Video (BluestarVideo) was handed over to Xu Yong to lead the development team to continue the development.

And Luo Sheng, who came out, had more important things to plan.


Bluestar Technology Corporation, Board of Directors.

"What? The company's entry into the ICT field? With all due respect, Chairman, there is no doubt that you have created great achievements in the IT Internet field, but I don't think the company can still achieve the same achievements in the ICT field."

At this moment, the board of directors was in an uproar. The other five directors at the meeting were all representatives of investors' interests, and they all looked at Luo Sheng with incredible expressions.

Because he just suddenly proposed to let the company enter the ICT field. To be precise, Luo Sheng clearly expressed his desire to play with semiconductors and hardware R\u0026D technology, and he would spend 100 million US dollars in this field.

This group of VC agents was stupid on the spot when they heard him make such a decision. It is a pure Internet company that has been established for just over a year. It does not have any technical reserves and related resources in the ICT field, let alone 100 million US dollars, even if it is 10 Billions of dollars, billions of dollars, can't do anything.

It's gone.

The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is definitely not even a sound. There is no doubt that Luo Sheng's proposal was opposed on the spot and unanimously by all the outside directors.

Even knowing that voting may not be able to prevent it, the attitude of safeguarding the interests of the shareholders that you represent is very important.

This was all within Luo Sheng's expectations, and it was right to have a strong objection, so that he could proceed logically into the subsequent mediation.

Luo Sheng said innocently: "I want to enter the ICT field no matter what, since investors are afraid that I will ruin Bluestar Technology, then I will use my own money to toss it, but I don't have that much money. , but I have the equity of Bluestar Technology, I can transfer part of the equity of Bluestar Technology held by myself, and let the investors represented by you buy it, otherwise I can only let the company enter this industry."

Several outside directors present at the meeting looked at each other, all of them said nothing, but in their hearts they were scolding Luo Sheng, a shameless dog.

This is a threat of realisation and forced buying and selling. Equity transfer is not financing. The financing money belongs to the company. However, VC buys Luo Sheng and transfers his personal equity, which means that the money belongs to him and not to the company. property.

There is no doubt that for investors, it is an increase in risk leverage.

Well, it's hard to ride a tiger right now, and the investors are dumbfounded, and they never dreamed that Luo Sheng would play like this. A lot of money has been spent on him, and so far, he has not recovered a penny, and he does not have enough voting rights to check and balance him.

There are only two options in front of VCs. The first option is to treat the investment project of Bluestar Technology as a bad debt. If someone accepts it, the equity will be transferred at a low price. If it cannot be transferred, it will be a bad debt. You can invest in Bluestar Technology. The VC of the company is the world's top VC. Even if they sell it, it means that if they are not optimistic, no one will dare to take it, so it can only be regarded as a bad debt.

What troubles VCs is that Bluestar Technology's outstanding performance is undeniable. It's just that Luo Sheng's brain circuit suddenly got stuck, or he has to go to ICT for some trouble. But he is playing well in the Internet world. It cannot be denied at all.

With such a nerve-knife-like founder, he still firmly controls the company, and VCs can't intervene yet, so why don't you get tangled.

The second option is, anyway, if you get on his thief ship, just go all the way to the black, take several times more leveraged investment risks, give him the money, and let him go to ICT to toss, and he will lose everything. Sheng bears all risks by himself, and these risks do not need to be passed on to Bluestar Technology.

The few outside directors present really didn't understand how Luo Sheng could be so hardheaded, and would rather transfer his own equity to make money to play ICT. I really don't know where she got her confidence, so why would she be with IBM and Intel? , Qualcomm, TI these giants competition.

In the eyes of these outside directors, Luo Sheng's move was a proper gift for nothing.

"I have made up my mind, and now I officially propose to hold an extraordinary shareholders' meeting 15 days later." Luo Sheng immediately made a decision, the equity transfer is to put it bluntly before the IPO. , it can be cashed at any time now, but Luo Sheng's desire to make money has been suppressed by the company, so that the company is not profitable.

Because of this, he is 100% sure that this cash-out will definitely be successful. Without him, the temptation of a single word, coupled with the fact that the major VCs are now trapped, it is like the company owes the bank tens of billions of billions of dollars. , The bank made a false sum, for fear that your company will go bankrupt and his loans will be wasted, so you can only bite the bullet and continue to borrow or you will go bankrupt.

Investors have smashed billions of soft sister coins on Bluestar Technology back and forth. How can it be said that a bad debt will become a bad debt, not to mention that this debt is not bad at all.


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