Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 75 [Cash out $400 million]

Luo Sheng decisively quoted a price: "According to the valuation after the B round of financing, I plan to transfer 12% of the company's equity held by myself, and cash out 400 million US dollars."

Chen Tao, the representative of IDG, roughly silently counted the number of transactions, and suddenly said: "No, 12% sets $400 million? This is obviously much higher than the B round financing, which is a valuation of 3.33 billion US dollars, and the B round financing. But the valuation is $3.25 billion.”

Luo Sheng immediately spread his hands and complained again and again: "I said President Chen, you are all top big VCs. If you look at the big market, there is no one who is staring at the small one. To evaluate according to the process, it is not a problem that Bluestar Technology’s current valuation exceeds 4 billion US dollars, you still don’t let me round up a whole number…”

Chen Tao: "..."

Everyone was speechless on the spot, and they all wanted to be serious, but Luo Sheng's remarks made people couldn't help laughing.

Although money can be taken out without much pressure, it is not from the wind, right? Besides, the valuations are all false, and now we have to pay real money, can it be the same...

"I'm throwing 12% of the equity and asking for $400 million is not too much. Do you have any objection?" Luo Sheng looked at everyone and said again.

The representatives of the investment shareholders did not answer him, of course there is no objection, that is, the risk leverage has increased, but at the same time, it also means that the income will increase. The core reason why big VCs are willing to be "slaughtered".

Everyone is understanding, needless to say too thoroughly, Luo Sheng added: "OK, how to eat these 12%, let's talk about it, if it's inconvenient, I can also avoid it."

Meng Qiu stopped and said: "Oh, come on, what is there to avoid, I have never seen such a bad, half-way hooligan, this is the first time Goldman Sachs has 'planted' such a somersault, and you can only follow along on your pirate ship. When it gets dark, we will sail to the other side of success or sink, just wait and see."

"This ship will become an aircraft carrier, don't worry." Luo Sheng said with a bright smile, he didn't leave, he continued to sit, but he was immediately contemptuous: How many of you who play capital will do business at a loss?

In the next twenty minutes, several major VCs discussed with each other and reached a consensus in less than half an hour.

$400 million is definitely a lot of money.

The transfer of Luo Sheng's 12% stake in Bluestar Technology Co., Ltd. will be equally endorsed by six investment institutions, including SoftBank, Goldman Sachs, Venture Capital, IDG, Morgan's investment bank, and state-owned Huajin Securities.

That is to say, each investment institution accounts for 2%, and the investment is proportional. Sequoia Capital chooses to withdraw voluntarily, and Tengxun can't come up with so much money. Even if it is 2% at the current exchange rate, it will have to invest ¥550 million. Teng Xun couldn't come up with so much cash now, and he couldn't compete with those VC institutions for cash flow. This time, he just came here to gain the right to know.

Except for the six investment institutions, the other shareholders came here basically to accompany the running to make soy sauce.

Qin Weimu helped Luo Sheng to draw up the contract and audit. The two parties successfully completed the equity transfer signing agreement at 15:00 this afternoon. The six major investment institutions all increased their 2% stake in Bluestar Technology, and Luo Sheng successfully cashed out 400 million US dollars. , it will take about a week for the funds to be credited into his account, which is a large amount, and financial clearing takes time.

This money does not belong to the company's assets, but Luo Sheng's personal disposable assets. However, after the transfer is completed, a 20% tax must be paid in accordance with the law. The actual personal disposable funds are about ¥26.35 in domestic currency. billion.

The company's shareholding structure of Bluestar Technology also ushered in a new round of changes.

Option pool reservation: 11.05%

Luo Sheng: 45.6%

Tengxun: 9.45%

Goldman Sachs: 8.148%

SoftBank: 7.26%

Venture capital: 5.51%

IDG: 5.13%

Morgan: 3%

Huajin Securities: 3%

Sequoia: 1%

Others: 0.852%

This time the shareholding change of Bluestar Technology Company,

It is not an increase in capital and shares, but a transfer of equity, and the company's own assets have not increased or decreased.

The equity of other shareholders remains basically unchanged. The changes are Luo Sheng and the six major investment institutions. The former sold 12% of the equity to cash out 400 million US dollars, and the latter each bought 2% of the equity to increase their holdings.

Luo Sheng’s personal shareholding in the company has dropped to 50% for the first time, but together with his management team, he still holds more than 56% of the company’s shareholding. Even if the shareholding held by the management team is excluded, only Luo Sheng’s personal shareholding still remains. He maintains absolute control over the company. He absolutely controls the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors, and the board of supervisors also has his people.


Meng Qiu looked at Luo Sheng with a smile, and said, "Hehe, Mr. Luo, I have to say that you have eaten up your capital. Before Bluestar's IPO, you set up $400 million, and you still have absolute control over the company. The right to speak, this is the biggest indulgence I have seen for founders in the investment world, and I hope you can bring investors a return that matches it.”

Luo Sheng replied with a smile: "To be honest, if it wasn't that time waits for no one, I would definitely wait until the company goes public."

Meng Qiu glanced at him in surprise: "In such a hurry? Well, if you don't like to hear it, you want to make a name for yourself in the ICT field from scratch... 400 million US dollars, it's not enough, right? After tax, it is more than 300 million points, and you can't spend anything without adding a little extra."

As long as you don't use investors' money to toss, you can do whatever you want, it's better to lose blood, come back quickly and honestly develop Bluestar Technology.

Speaking of which, Meng Qiu shook his head and added, "Even if it's $3 billion, it's not necessarily a big game. How many times can you toss the existing equity in your hand? Right?"

Luo Sheng didn't mind his words of hitting people face to face, he said with a laugh, "One time is enough, who knows? Sometimes I do it, maybe I'm lucky?"

Meng Qiu shook his head with a laugh, and just casually exchanged a few words. After the matter was settled, he left. The representatives of the shareholders who came this time also left one after another.

And the news that Luo Sheng successfully cashed out ¥3.3 billion (before tax) with a 12% equity transfer spread like wildfire, and the news spread quickly in the industry like wings.

Major domestic media reported on this, which once again shocked the industry insiders.

Many senior practitioners in the industry only feel that when they wake up, there is something wrong with the world.

Are those capitalists crazy?

Or are there relatives of Luo Sheng in those investment institutions?


Bluestar Technology has not yet listed on the IPO, and he has already successfully cashed out ¥3.3 billion. Taking a step back, Luo Sheng will definitely not lose money even if the company is finally finished. The money has already arrived, and it is an astronomical sum.

This news is full of deep malice for countless entrepreneurs and startups worried about funding.

People are really more popular than people. When I woke up early in the morning and saw this kind of news, many entrepreneurs just wanted to scold my mother.

For Luo Sheng, I don't know how many people are envious. This 3.3 billion is no longer a virtual valuation, but real money. More importantly, such an astronomical sum is not the company's assets, but personal net assets.

This has also made Luo Sheng the focus of the news media again. At the age of 19, he has created a wealth that 99% of people in the world cannot reach, becoming the youngest billionaire in China and even in the world. Successfully entered a member of the domestic ¥1 billion club.

The legend is, still in this bizarre way.

With a personal net worth of RMB 2.6 billion, he successfully squeezed into the top 25 of the domestic rich list. He has only worked hard for more than a year to create this wealth myth, and is currently a popular candidate for the richest man in the country, because Luo Sheng also holds about 45% of the shares of Bluestar Technology. Once the IPO is successfully completed, his personal wealth will usher in a terrifying surge again.

Even though Luo Sheng never accepted any interviews with any media or participated in any program interviews, the media still favored him, and news reports about him continued one after another.

This kind of person, this kind of thing, is too news effect.


(Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~)

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