If she were to choose, perhaps the current life would be better than the easy life before.

"It seems to be true."

Seeing her smile, Su Yue also laughed.

And Fujino Shenyue was a little confused.

Originally, she knew that Blank was the city lord. Although she seemed to be a few years younger than herself, she already had to take on a very important responsibility.

Everyone is talking on a daily basis.

Although the City of Hope is nominally managed by Yuriko Takajo, even she herself has been emphasizing that.

Every time Mr. Blank leaves the city, he has something very important to do for the city, the surviving humans, and even the world!

So he has no extra energy to manage the city.

And they must also be more loyal and contribute to the city in order to live up to that person's efforts and trust.

It's all for Mr. Blank!

But even so.

When Blank left last time, Fujino Shenyue did not expect that he would not be able to see him again for more than half a year.

That's right, after all, it's so dangerous outside.

Even the blank adults with such a strong strength should not be able to completely unimpeded.

And what he is going to do must be quite important and meaningful.

Otherwise, everyone misses him so much day and night, but Master Blank hasn't stayed in this city all the time.

This must be because he has a more noble mission!

Telling this to myself every day is a compulsory course for every girl in Central City before she falls asleep.

And this behavior has also increased their belief in and dependence on blankness.

Fujino Shenyue is naturally the same.

"By the way, what about the two younger brothers who didn't see you, where did they go?"

Because he recalled the content of the original game, Su Yue also recalled the information about Fujino Shenyue at this time.

He didn't care at all at first, but looking back now, he also noticed that when he rescued Fujino Shenyue, it seemed that there were two little boys by her side.

"They are now living in the outer city."

After Fujino Shenyue said it, he hurriedly continued speaking when he noticed that Blank's brows seemed to be slightly wrinkled.

"Ah! Don't worry, this is an arrangement that my brothers and I have agreed to."

"According to the rules here, it is difficult to keep them here all the time, and the two children also have their own ideas. Every day they talk about protecting me, guarding the city, and wanting to go out and kill those monsters."

"Although I am still a little worried about them, in order for them to be able to stand in this world when they grow up, they must make up their minds so that they can see the world with their own eyes."

After Fujino Shenyue said this, Su Yue also remembered that the two little devils did seem to have come to him and asked him for similar things.

However, they were still very young at the time, and Su Yue thought that it would be put aside for a while until they were older.

But I didn't expect it to be sent to the outer city at such a small age.

Seeing that his expression didn't seem to be completely relaxed, Fujino Fukayuki was moved by the fact that he cared so much about himself and his younger brothers, but he was also a little helpless.

Although she was a little disappointed when she had to part with her brother at first.

I even thought about leaving the central city and living in the outer city with my younger brother.

However, under the persuasion of Gaocheng Saya several times, she finally clearly realized how much benefit and security she can bring to her younger brothers' future as a woman living in Central City.

At the same time, in the future world, if you really want to protect them in an all-round way, it will only make it more difficult for them to survive in this world in the future.

After being thoroughly taught.

Fujino Shenyue has matured a lot before finally accepting this reality.

Now she really does not have any dissatisfaction and regret.

"When my brothers before 973 lived with me, everyone around us treated us very kindly."

"And my brother and the others were fostered in the home of a certain child who had a good time with my brother in the factory. Yuriko-sama also gave them a little special treatment for me, so that the family's living conditions would not be too bad. ."

After Fujino Shenyue stepped closer, he looked up at the blank face with extremely sincere eyes, as if eager to convey all his sincerity and emotions to him.

"The most important thing is that I have also been granted permission to go to the outer city to live with my brother for a few days every month, and then come back with the guards when they are on duty."

"The younger brothers have also adapted to the outside life now, and even participated in the combat training of the youth team and the learning of the apocalypse survival course together."

"I'm really grateful to Mr. Blank and everyone in Canterlot!"

Seeing her expressing her opinions so desperately, she was completely different from the girl in her memory who was timid even talking to him back then.

Su Yue couldn't help but raised his hand and touched her head. Although her body became extremely stiff at that moment, he still smiled and continued his stroking motion.

Soon Fujino Shenyue's body became relaxed, and even couldn't help showing a trance-like happy expression on his face.


Straight like a cat being brushed.

Thinking about her arrogant and fearful personality, it still seems to be a very appropriate image. .

719 The Crisis That Passed By (4/5, Please Subscribe)

Su Yue left after chatting with Fujino Shenyue for a while.

This time, he really came to see the current situation of Fujino Fukasuki, and he didn't plan to do anything with this girl.

He's not a bulldozer, he's really not that horny.

The usual behavior towards Saeko and the others is simply because they are already their wives, and this is nothing but an obligation between husband and wife.

That can be regarded as a very effective way to communicate with them the feelings of husband and wife.

And for those who have not yet established a relationship, he will naturally not make strong demands.

Just go with the flow.

As for before leaving, Su Yue still asked a question that he cared about a little bit.

That was about whether Fujino Fukazuki had met anyone else in the warehouse of that mall.

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