As a parasitic creature who broke away from the shackles of instinct, he began to learn to think about the meaning of his own existence.

Be it humans or parasites.

No one can agree with, and share these thoughts of hers.

Perhaps only at the end of his short life, could someone be willing to listen to her words.

"Human, what is your name?"


" it?"

Tamiya Yoshiko murmured.

"I have always wanted to say a lot to you humans, but now I don't seem to have much time."

Su Yue didn't know how he felt about her at this time.

Maybe it's pity.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

Compared with that kind of monster, she is actually closer to the human side now.

So in his eyes.

A person who is about to die may be a somewhat sad scene, so he is willing to listen to her last words at the end of her life.

"I have killed thirty-seven people so far."

"It's mostly about using them as food."

"But I can say that this number is relatively small among my companions."

"For the deficient part, eat the food that humans usually eat to make up for it."

"In other words, parasites should be able to survive without eating people."

She didn't know why she told the human beings in front of her.

So what if he knew.

Parasites are, after all, creatures that act on instinct.

They will not actively resist their cannibalistic instinct just because they can eat ordinary food.

Unless, like her, she starts to awaken her own consciousness and think about their future.


The tragedy of parasitic beasts eating humans and being killed by humans will always repeat itself on this planet.

"Before this, I did a lot of research on humans."

"What we are to human beings, and what human beings are to us."

"¨〃And I came to such a conclusion, which can be boiled down to one sentence."

"We are of the same origin as human beings."

"We are the children of humanity."

Hearing her words, Bloody, who was silent at the side, showed an angry expression, as if hearing extremely absurd words.

Just now you killed someone and almost killed her.

And now you're lying here saying you're the children of humans?

what is this?

To gain sympathy?

Do you think you won't be killed if you say something like that?

When did the parasitic beast become so naive!

And Ryoko Tamiya also saw her reaction.

"Forget it, it's still too much effort to understand this sentence with human emotions."

There was a deep sense of loneliness in her tone.

But Su Yue looked at her with complicated eyes.

In fact, he knew what she meant.

According to the previous theory that the earth purifies human beings.

Parasites are species born because of humans.

And Ryoko Tamiya also experienced a short process of being a "mother" before, and she understood that human children are born because of human beings.

In the understanding of parasites.

From cause comes effect.

Basically, the connection between "parents" and "children" has been formed.

But for human beings, it is still too difficult to admit her theory.

So he remained silent in the end.

Even if he knew that maybe he agreed with her statement, it might give her a little peace of mind when she died.

But he couldn't betray his position as a human being.

Man and man-eating monster.

Doomed to be incompatible!

If she can survive, she can live like a human in the future.

Then he might turn a blind eye to this special existence, close one eye and delete it.

But as long as she continues to accumulate the crimes of killing and cannibalism.

It will never be forgiven!

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