Su Yue looked at her suspiciously: "What about the time in the hot spring? I don't know who fell asleep while soaking in the hot spring, and was almost attacked..."

"You still say!"

Bloody put his hands on his chest subconsciously, "By the way, you could have solved it when you were outside! There is no reason to rush in, isn't there?"

Su Yue said frankly, "Because I'm worried about you."

"Huh? You really treat me..."

"After all, who knows if you have been parasitized. And there is a mixed bath, you are the one who fell asleep and gave the towel to..."

"Ah! You bastard! I will never have sex with you next time!"

"Next time? And next time? When will you make an appointment?"




I am not sour.

I'm really not sour.

I just ate too much lemon, and now I feel a little nauseous...  

Quan Xinyi walked ahead and led the way. He thought he was immune.

But I didn't expect that after they came back from the hot spring, things got worse anyway!

Where is this quarrel!

It's just flirting!

Senior Blank, why are you so proficient!

Can you teach me too?

My relationship with Satomi-chan has not yet broken through!

Save the children!

Virginity is also human.

Don't care, don't hurt!

Soon they came to the central building located in the center of the city.

This neighborhood avoids the downtown area, and the flow of people is not so much.

After all, it is an official office, so what is usually needed is a quiet environment.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"This is an important place, ordinary people don't approach it casually!"

The security guard at the door saw the young men approaching, so he came over to drive them away.

However, these guys seemed uneasy and well-intentioned, and directly pushed away Quan Xinyi who was leading the way, and went straight to the two girls with their pushing hands.

However, before their hands touched Bloody and Kimijima Kana, they suddenly caught fire!

"Fire! Fire! Brother, I'm on fire!"

"What's the name! I'm on fire too!"

"We are all on fire!!"

These people clapped their burning hands desperately on the spot, but no matter what, the flame showed no sign of going out.

Then they fell to the ground straight at 4.4 as if they had been hit in the back of the head suddenly.

And the fire in their hands was gradually extinguished, and they didn't look injured at all, and they didn't look like they had been burned by fire at all.

Only then did Bloody glance at Blank.

"Are they parasites?"


Su Yue answered in the affirmative, and then stepped over the bodies of these guys.

"But they probably won't be able to use their hands in the future."

Even though it couldn't be seen on the surface, he had completely burned the "existence" of their hands.

The semblance of his hands that remained was the only thing he had left for them.

But the meaning and function of being a "hand" will no longer exist.

Bloody followed and walked side by side with her.

Tilting his head slightly, he looked at his serious face, and then smiled.

"Thank you~".

Chapter 364 Breaking into the central building, the boss appeared? (4/10, please subscribe)

"The current leader of these parasitic beasts is really incomparable to that woman before."

Bloody smashed the head of the rushing parasitic beast with a stick.

Looking at these monsters who came to die one after another, I sighed.

Ever since she experienced the infinitely approaching death in the underground garage, she has almost never experienced a battle that made her feel threatened.

Ah, the time at the hot springs doesn't count.

She was careless and didn't flash.

If it's just an ordinary battle, these parasitic beasts are too brainless.

They rely too much on the strength of their parasitic beasts that crush ordinary humans, and they don't think about countermeasures and strategies in battle at all.

Once the human strength they face is higher than them, their behavior will become like a brainless reckless man.

It was too easy to solve.

Of course, this is only for Blank and her.

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