God Card

Chapter 144: Chapter 153: A rising tide raises all boats

"Oh, so you are the father of classmate Tang Jian. It really is a tiger father without a son."

As soon as Tang Lin walked to the door of the ward, the middle-aged man who was combing the middle part quickly reached out to shake Tang Lin's hand, very enthusiastically.

Tang Lin was a little dazed.

He was still worried just now, why a stranger came to the door and mentioned his son's name, he was startled, thinking that Tang Jian had caused something outside.

Some time ago, the daughter of a colleague borrowed a lot of money during college, but some people in suits and leather shoes who seemed to be very elegant came to collect the debt, so that she didn't even read the book.

This also caused Tang Lin to feel a little uneasy when he saw these people in formal clothes coming to the door, but the other party's polite words made him feel relieved and puzzled at the same time.

The old man Xu and his daughter Xu Cong on the other side of the bed also looked surprised, watching this group of well-dressed and dignified people enter the ward in doubt.

"Let me introduce myself, Xia Wencai, I work in the County Education Bureau. These are my colleagues. Mr. Tang, you don't know, your son is very promising. Although the college entrance examination is not over yet, we estimate that Your son is at least admitted to a prestigious school."

Xia Wencai, the man with a middle score, pulled Tang Lin to talk with a smile on his face, and then turned to ask Tang Yueyue how he was.

"This must be Tang Jian's younger sister, Tang Yueyue?"

Xia Wencai looked at Tang Yueyue with a smile.

Tang Yueyue, who was fearless and fearless, couldn't help being a little cautious and confused at this moment, she nodded quickly, and at the same time screamed with joy in her heart.

"My brother is going to be admitted to a prestigious school!?"

"My brother is really going to be admitted to a prestigious school?"

"Hey, I've also heard about Yueyue. The future is long. With Tang Jian's ability, Yueyue's treatment must be fine. By the way, didn't this ward live in the intensive care unit before?"

Xia Wencai nodded to Tang Yueyue, and then looked at his subordinates beside him.

The subordinate nodded quickly, "That's right, it's the intensive care unit. I've just contacted Director Hu, and I can transfer to the nursing unit later."

"That's good, this matter has to be done immediately." Xia Wencai nodded.

Not to mention Old Man Xu and Xu Cong, even Tang Jian and Chen Lianrong, including Tang Yueyue, were completely stunned, unable to figure out what was going on.

But just looking at Xia Wencai's enthusiastic attitude and a series of things to do, they gradually had a thought in their hearts, maybe Tang Jian is going to be prosperous this time? There are actually people who come to the door to have sex.

"The people from the County Education Bureau have all come to the door. Is that kid from Old Tang's family really promising? Isn't the college entrance examination over yet?"

Old man Xu was a little taken aback.

"I can't believe this is fake. It can't be that Brother Tang invited someone to show off. It seems that Tang Jian's kid may really be promising. Tsk, why hasn't there been any news from my son yet?"

Xu Cong was surprised, but also depressed and looking forward to it.

Will my son also bring her a surprise?

"Tang Jian, since you said that the exam process went smoothly, there should be no problem. The teacher wishes you to be admitted to the highest school in advance!"

When seeing Sun Yiying, the first sentence that the beautiful teacher said with a smile made Tang Jian feel quite relieved.

It is a wonderful thing to be praised.

It is even more wonderful to be praised by this excellent beautiful teacher.

Tang Jian did not forget the gap between him and Sun Yiying in his previous life.

The other party finally went beyond the earth and stars and migrated to the solar system.

And even though he tried his best at that time, he still had a small opportunity, but he only stopped at the level of a three-star card master, and he was still far behind the conditions for moving to outer space to reach the requirements of a five-star card master.

But in this life, being admitted to the highest school may be a completely new starting point, and it is very possible to catch up with Sun Yiying in the future.

After all, he is now a four-star card disciple, and the next level is to be able to completely stand shoulder to shoulder with Sun Yiying.

"This is also thanks to the teacher, you taught well."

Tang Jian responded with a smile, without raising his tail to the sky, appearing very calm.

If it weren't for the red card cheating device, even if he was reborn, he might not be able to achieve the achievements he has today. There is really nothing to be proud of and complacent about. It is indeed necessary to be humble.

Seeing this, some other teachers also congratulated.

Even Jiang Zhendong looked at Tang Jian with admiration and approval.

"Okay, I don't dare to take full credit for you achieving such a result, so I won't say much."

Sun Yiying was in a good mood, smiled and waved her hands and said, "The leader of the County Education Bureau just contacted me, and they are already planning to publicize your learning experience and deeds in the county, and they are going to give you a handout on the day the college entrance examination results come out. Bonus to help you continue your studies."

"Huh? There are bonuses? Is it so positive?"

Tang Jian was a little surprised.

Although I have heard that students in some counties and cities have achieved good grades, the county education bureau or the school will issue rewards and the like.

But before his college entrance examination results came out, the county education bureau had already begun to make such enthusiasm, which was really positive enough.

Sun Yi gave Tang Jian a white look, "Your vitality, as long as you don't perform too badly, you should be able to get into the highest school.

It has been five or six years since we in Xicheng have not graduated a single student from a famous school, and as for the highest institution of higher education, we have not given a single student to this school for forty-seven years. "

"Yes." Jiang Zhendong also echoed with a smile, "Student Tang Jian, if you are admitted to the highest school, let alone the county, even the city will give you publicity and rewards."

"I don't want to be so public, it's too high-profile." Tang Jian muttered.

He is still used to making a fortune in silence.

But since I chose a high profile this time, it's impossible to keep a low profile.

Being high-profile can win more resources, but it may also cause a little trouble.

But it is impossible to have the best of both worlds. Compared with more resources, the troubles brought by those fame are tolerable.

"You are so hypocritical."

Sun Yiying pursed her lips, put aside the other teachers, and dragged Tang Jian, who didn't know why, to a deserted corner beside the grove.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Pulled to the corner of the grove, Tang Jian was a little nervous and strange.

Because Sun Yiying's expression suddenly became very serious at this time, and her eyes flickered at him, as if she was hesitating to speak.

This made Tang Jian a little guilty.

Sun Yiying was someone who knew a little of his secrets.

Even though the secret was created by himself to show Sun Yiying in disguise, he was always a little guilty.

"Xiao Jian, the teacher is very pleased that you have achieved such a result. I was worried that you would be arrogant and complacent, but looking at you now, it seems that I was overwhelmed."

Sun Yiying stared at Tang Jian with gratified and satisfied eyes.

Tang Jian laughed dryly, "It's nothing. I'm going to be the man of Kashen in the future. I really don't deserve to be proud of this little achievement now."

"Tell me a few words about you, are you still out of breath? Which Kashen is so honored? Let you be her man?"

Sun Yiying gave Tang Jian a white look, "Your attitude is optimistic, so I don't worry. After the college entrance examination, I won't go back to Xicheng. I have to go back to school for some things.

You remember, no matter what happens, you have to deal with it calmly, don't be impulsive, if you have setbacks or are in a bad mood, you can communicate with me by email. "

"Teacher? What are you going to do? Going down to the sinkhole? Why does this sound a bit strange?"

Tang Jian looked strange.

Sun Yiying's words sounded like an explanation for the funeral, and her tone was so heavy.

"Where did you want to go?"

Sun Yiying snorted coldly, frowned and said, "Just remember what I said, but you have that mysterious uncle of yours to take care of you, and you don't need the teacher to worry about many things. If you have any difficulties, you can just go to your uncle." .”

As Sun Yiying said, she smiled and blinked at Tang Jian, as if there was something in her words.

Tang Jian's heart tightened, and he nodded with a smile.

But my heart is a little uncertain.

How can he have any mysterious uncle?

It wasn't mysterious that there was He Yong, but he naturally knew which one Sun Yiying was referring to.

Did Sun Yiying see that there was no one behind him?

Know he's been lying all this time?

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that the entire college entrance examination in Jiangbei City was completely over.

The dining problems of many students on the way were solved by the canteen of the relevant department of the federal planning.

Of course, these meals still have to be charged, but they are much cheaper than usual, so they charge a cost, and the food is very good, which can be regarded as a reward for the students.

Tang Jian, Sun Yiying and others waited until the end of the college entrance examination.

On the way, some students rushed over after finishing the exam, among them, Wu Chun and Wang Ba were naturally the first to rush over.

Although the two of them were at the bottom of the elite student class, they basically finished the exam last.

However, compared with students from other classes, the entire exam takes much less time, after all, the content of the exam is somewhat different.

Tang Jian checked some cultural subjects with Wu Chun and Wang Ba, and they beat them to pieces.

Some of the answers given by Tang Jian, after the two of them analyzed and thought, they painfully realized that they not only answered the questions slower than Tang Jian, but also made many mistakes.

Although Tang Jian answered the questions extremely fast, his correct rate was frighteningly high.

After a rough comparison, Wu Chun and Wang Ba seemed a little bit lost.

Originally, the two of them were still hoping to be admitted to a prestigious school, but they had a pair of answers to this question, but they were both a little frustrated.

Regarding this, Tang Jian could only say a few comforting words of no money, and there was nothing else he could do. During the actual combat exam, he had already helped the two of them a lot.

At that time, he led the two people, more or less guiding them on the right path.

After all, he is a reborn person, and the experience in actual combat is not comparable between the two. Under his guidance, the evaluation of the two in actual combat must be much higher in comparison.

The two of them were also grateful for their kindness, but when they talked about how to thank them, Tang Jian refused.

Originally, Tang Jian did have some careful thoughts and wanted to reap some benefits.

But when it really came to this point, his face was still a bit thin, and even if others opened his mouth, he was too embarrassed to accept it.

After all, they are all classmates, so there is no need to make it so realistic.

Keep the favor, even if the favor may not be useful to him, at least it has some human touch.

If they really took things from others, then the human touch would fade away, and the friendship among classmates would be mixed with some other things.

If you think too thoroughly about the interests and relationships, the friendship will fade.

Humans are, after all, sentient beings.

"Cousin, have you been waiting for me?"

When we got to He Lili in the card repair shop, the girl seemed very happy, and when she saw Tang Jian, she came running cheering, youthful and energetic, with a bright smile on her face.

"Looking at you, it seems that you did well in the exam?" Tang Jian smiled.

"Ha ha."

He Lili smiled and raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's not bad, I think it should be super performance, thanks to my cousin, you have been teaching me to make cards every night during this time, I made cards this time, but the production There is a white two-star crossbow card."

"By the way, cousin, I see that you went to the first area of ​​candidates before. I heard that there is a genius with 20 vitality in the first area. Who is he? Which school?"

Tang Jian was taken aback for a moment, while Wu Chun and Wang Ba couldn't help but look slightly stunned, looking at He Lili strangely.

"Cousin, cousin, my good cousin~~~ Thanks to you for so many days and nights of tutoring and loving care, I rely on a bitch, and you actually hid such a cousin?"

Not far away, an extremely exaggerated cry suddenly came, interrupting the conversation of several people.

Yang Mao walked over with Liu Kun and others.

With an exaggerated smile on Yang Bitch's face, she opened her hands and threw herself at Tang Jian.

"Good brother, from the first time I saw your cousin, I felt that you are not in vain as a brother. We are brothers whose blood is thicker than water and whose pants are too big!"

He Lili quickly avoided, looking at Yang Mao who was kicked away by Tang Jian, with a hint of surprise and disgust on her pretty face.

"Cousin, who is this?"

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