God Card

Chapter 725 734: Above the Top Card Gods: Great Figures of the Cosmic Empire

The wise man left an avatar in the card maker association general meeting, and never left.

When Tang Jian recited his name, he already sensed the incarnation of a wise man.

He immediately walked out of the training room.

"Master Tang!"

A female card maker who was waiting outside the training room immediately greeted her, saluted with a respectful smile.

"Hmm. You look familiar."

Tang Jian nodded casually, and took a second look at this mixed-race girl who seemed to be of Yingyang Caucasian descent.

The other party is not bad, he looks a bit like the star Marie Ozawa, Seiya Meili, with a blue and black sexy butterfly tattoo on the back of his neck, which gives people a coquettish beauty.

"I once followed Deacon Chen and saw your demeanor."

The female card maker showed a happy smile on her fair cheeks, and said with admiration, "In my opinion at the time, you would definitely become the best and best card maker, or even a card maker god, but I didn't expect that you would become the first card maker now. A great Kashen!"

As she said that, the female card maker stuck out her tongue playfully and apologetically, and bowed in embarrassment, "Master Tang, I don't mean anything else, what I mean is that you are really outstanding. No matter in every aspect, you are absolutely outstanding .”

"Excellent in every way. This girl can really talk."

Tang Jian smiled and said seriously, "Thank you for your compliment. I'm going to the VIP lounge now, shall we come together?"

"It's an honor!" The girl smiled in surprise.

VIP lounge.

Tang Jian and the wise man sat opposite each other, and there was no one else in the room.

The incarnation of the wise man still looks like a little old man.

The opponent's willpower controlled the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Tang Jian.

The amber tea is rippling in the broken flower porcelain teacup, and the teacup is placed on the coffee table like a gossip mirror, which is quite Zen.

"I have lived a long, long time. When Baidi and I became gods together, many of them left Earth. Do you know why they left Earth?"

The wise man asked while making tea.

Tang Jian picked up the teacup and looked at the tea in front of him.

He could see a small amount of signs of microbial activity in the tea water at a glance, and he could see the traces of energy factors, which ordinary people could not observe with the naked eye.

He took a sip of tea and said, "I heard that the entire nebula system was sealed off by a powerful barrier, and more than 300 unique worlds from other star clusters, galaxies, or star fields were also sealed within each range. .

Moreover, these more than 300 different worlds have formed a connection with the earth and stars through stable space channels, or star gates connected to super long distances in time and space, forming a collection of deformed worlds.

Senior White and the others who were the first to leave Earth and go to extraterrestrials must have left for this matter, right? "

The wise man sighed, "That's right.

The reason why they left in the first place was indeed to solve the current situation of this deformed world.

Although the appearance of the tiankeng has brought more abundant resources to the earth star, this is not what the earth star should look like in the first place.

The tiankeng is always around the earth and stars, seriously threatening the lives of the people on the earth and stars.

They, the strongest of the earth star, left the earth star just to enter the interstellar, find the source of all these births, and find a solution.

And some of the most powerful people choose to stay, guard the earth star, and cultivate new strong people, so as to ensure that the earth star people can continue to survive under the threat of more than 300 different worlds, and grow more tenaciously. "

"Pioneers, what a great thing."

Tang Jian's heart was shaken, and he stared at the wise man seriously and said, "Including you, wise man, you chose to stay in the first place to protect the earth and stars, right?"

"I'm just a poor wretch who has lingered for more than two hundred years and learned the truth but still has no ability or courage to resist."

The wise man laughed at himself, "You have already stood at the top of the world, and you are qualified to know this secret. Every top powerhouse will face three choices at this time."

"Three choices?"

The wise man said, "One, choose to go out of the planet, unblock the state, resolve this deformed world, and restore the original living conditions of the people of the planet, so that they can connect with the stars normally."

"Second, choose to guard the earth star, reasonably control the invasion of the guardian tiankeng creatures to the earth star, if necessary, conquer and control some tiankeng worlds, develop them into a small world of the earth star, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the earth star. "

"Three, choose to leave. No longer need to bear anything, and no longer need to give anything.

If you don't face it, with the strength of your top card god, you can be at ease in the vast interstellar world and become a strong one. "

"How could I leave?!" Tang Jian shook his head.

He was born on Earth and grew up on Earth.

Family, friends, relatives, teachers, subordinates, property, all good memories, all belong to the earth star.

This is an indelible mark.

He is also the representative of Gu Xia and will soon become the representative of the Federation.

His teacher is one of the strongest card gods on Earth Star.

He is now one of the strongest card gods on Earth Star.

Someone the entire Federation is watching.

How could he choose to leave.

There are many moments in a person's life that he will face choices. Sometimes he may be able to escape, but some choices must be faced. There is no way to escape, and it is absolutely impossible to escape.

The wise man smiled, "Don't rush to make a choice, listen to me.

At the beginning, when Baidi and the others left Earth Star together, they all had the idea of ​​cutting off all channels between Tiankeng and other worlds and Earth Star, and with the idea of ​​unblocking them.

As a result, after entering the universe, they slowly learned a terrible truth.

So the vast majority of them struggled to resolve this truth, and a very small number of them gave up at that time.

After so many years, some people gave up one after another in the middle, only a few people like Baidi still persisted.

And up to now, there are only four people who still keep in touch with us outside and insist on liberating the planet Earth. "

"What truth?" Tang Jian frowned.

The wise man calmly said, "Do you know that in this universe, there are existences that are stronger than the top card gods, or even very powerful?"

Tang Jian guessed, "The universe is so vast, it's normal for people or creatures stronger than the top card gods to appear.

For example, the evil god Hitler, a special and ancient high-level god, is more powerful in the evil prison than the top card god.

But it is not enough to say that the evil god Hitler is much stronger than the top card god.

I know that there is a strong man behind my teacher, a strong man that the evil god Hitler is very afraid of, called the ancient demon, I don't know if that is such an existence? "

"That person is indeed very strong, but he is still not a noble existence at the level I mentioned." The wise man shook his head, looking a little helpless and tired.

"With such an existence, even a powerful galaxy-level civilization like the Kelton Galaxy would not dare to easily offend it.

In the entire super galaxy group, there are only a very small number of such existences in the cosmic empire.

Therefore, every word and deed of this existence can even affect a galaxy.

Not to mention we are mere earth stars

Fortunately, such an existence seems to have come from the Earth Star a long time ago.

Therefore, there is no evil thought about the earth and stars.

But even if it's just one of his considerations that is above everyone else, it will start to shift the development track of our entire planet. "

"So now our people on Earth and Planet are constantly struggling to change this family...an idea of ​​this great man?"

Tang Jian was speechless, feeling deeply frustrated and absurd.

"Do you feel complicated?

Just like we play with ants, maybe we just want to test their tenacious vitality.

So pouring water into their nests may directly change the fate of all the ants in a nest.

They will have to migrate, and many may drown in the water, or many may die during the migration.

Maybe our original intention was just to test it out...

This temptation caused a big change in a small ethnic group whose life was stable.

We are almost such a group of ants. Earth and stars, including all sinkhole worlds, are ant nests that have to change accordingly. "

The wise man shook his head, "From the cataclysm in the past to the war started by the warlord and Hitler.

These are the struggles of the affected groups.

Perhaps the Lord of War and the evil gods have some private thoughts, but why don't they want to liberate the world they are in, unblock them, and return to the embrace of the starry sky. "

"Since we all have a common goal, why not choose to cooperate?"

As soon as Tang Jian asked this question, he immediately understood the answer, "Because of selfishness? Because of the different ways of being strong? The way they become strong is through enslavement and faith. Are they destined to be at odds with us?"

"But if that's the case, it can also be negotiated. The universe is so big. After the ban is lifted together, why not find a new direction for development?"

The wise man shook his head, "Can you think so, would the gods from other worlds in Tiankeng think so?

Except for a very small number of powerful existences such as the Lord of War and the evil gods, all of them have very high vision and wisdom, and can consider far-reaching.

The other ignorant gods, from birth to growth, have always believed in the theory that power is truth.

When we reason with them, they will only think that we are weak and want to shake their fists at us.

Only when they are afraid of them can they know how to obey.

But that still can't reverse the truth of their belief in power.

It will take a very, very long time, even the time of enslaving them, to transform.

Just like our planet once established a ritual system, it was a long transition period from barbarism to orderly civilization.

But among a group of enslaved people, will there be creatures that make that existence look up to it? "

"It's difficult, it's really difficult, and after being enslaved for a long time, hatred will naturally arise. Even if such an existence occurs, it's good not to retaliate. How can you cooperate?"

Tang Jian shook his head.

Just think of the chiseled tooth god and the soul god.

Although these gods have good IQs, they are often single-minded. They have not experienced the edification and baptism of society, let alone etiquette, shame, morality, etc., and only pay attention to the principle of supremacy of strength.

Cooperate with them, unless the strength is always stronger than them, they will be obedient.

But cooperate with a group of guys who are weaker than yourself.

Could it be possible to expect this group of weak people to deal with the strong ones that they can't even deal with?

Therefore, it is really unnecessary to consider and analyze this cooperation from various angles.

"So, we can only rely on ourselves."

The wise man looked at Tang Jian with a smile, "I see hope from you and your teacher."

"Me?" Tang Jian was surprised.

"In such a short period of time that almost made other card gods despair, you have grown from a card player to a superb card god.

The secrets in you are known to almost all card gods.

Then, why do you think that apart from the old country organization, all other card gods never thought of getting that magic card from you?

Don't you think it's all because of your teacher's intimidating power?

Or all the other card gods are high-spirited and upright and don't care about your secrets? "

"Is it because of you, because they saw hope in me?

I mean, top card gods who know the truth. "

Tang Jian was stunned.

It turns out that holding the red card for so long is the result of the bosses' constant attention and restraint.

Perhaps this is also related to the fact that he perfectly played the function of the red card and showed extraordinary potential for cheating, and he has made so many contributions, and he is backed by thousands of orders, and wise people secretly support him.

Otherwise, he would have been hunted down by the federal arrest bureau like in his previous life, and he would have been beaten like a chicken.

The wise man picked up his teacup, "There are so many geniuses, but if you are as talented as you are, then they are not geniuses, they are monsters.

Anything abnormal is a demon.

It used to be so, and now you are too.

You are all hope.

Maybe someone will be selfish.

But under the general trend, selfishness has to be hidden first.

Because more than two hundred years have passed, the former Baidi and later Iga Wanchuan, they walked out of the earth and once bloomed in the interstellar, but in the end they left us with disappointment.

We desperately need your hope. Only monsters like you can break the deadlock. "

"My lord wise man, although I can indeed be called an evildoer after having the red card, I can't stand up to your boasting, I'm going to float away."

Tang Jian smiled awkwardly.

Being praised by wise people is as evil as Wan Ling, and it is the hope of saving the earth and stars.

Tang Jian felt his face was hot even when he was sitting.

There have been so many top card gods throughout the ages.

None of them were regarded as the seeds of the savior, and they all became the seeds of the savior in the eyes of wise people.

"Then what do we have to do to resolve the ban?"

The wise man took a sip of the tea ceremony, "Interstellar prosperity. Every interstellar prosperity is the most direct opportunity.

But unfortunately it is.

In the two interstellar prosperity held in the past two hundred years, none of the strong people who came out of our planet failed to shine brightly in the prosperity.

There are too many strong men in the universe, and there are also many evildoers..."

Far North.

The wild boar Bot ate half of the roast pig, his mouth was full of oil, and he said to the Lord of Thunder with a disgusted face, "Don't look at me like that, the war is about to start, why don't you let me eat enough?

I really didn't expect that Tang Jian was so powerful, if he said he wanted to break through, he would break through.

But the strength should not be strong now, and it is certain that he has not comprehended the second step's trump card. "

The Lord of Thunder snorted coldly, "Even if you are not strong, you are definitely stronger than you.

That rascal.

It is said that he is notoriously strong-willed. After this baptism of will, he must have become much stronger.

How much did you test your mental strength last time?

About 1570 or so?

That kid was the one who forcibly sealed the God of Minghun, whose willpower is at least 1500 when converted to spiritual power.

Now that kid's mental power is estimated to be 1700. "

The wild boar stuffed its mouth full of meat and said vaguely, "My mental strength should be almost 1600 now. But what about pure willpower?

If you don't understand the trump card, it will definitely take some time to completely surpass me.

Let's not talk about it. Ready to work. "

The Lord of Thunder calmly said, "You just need to be responsible and cooperate later.

Our mission this time is mainly to storm their base camp and show it to Chen Xiongfei, an old fox who doesn't know where he is hiding.

Pretend to release Hu Zhong deliberately and then chase him down.

Let's see who else from the old country organization will jump out at this time. "

"Only a fool would jump out at this time." The boar sneered.

"It's okay if no one jumps out.

We just need to send a message to them: We are not idle, we are all busy, and we are all tied up and unable to separate ourselves."

Thank you, Brother Wenrou, and the Demon King of the Moon and a Half for the reward!

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