God Card

Chapter 775 784: Rooted in the Guardian of the Nebula Galaxy

The black sword light filled with fluctuations in time and space and the Dao law flashed, Tang Jian's figure manifested, and the sword light directly formed the prototype of a large lollipop, floating beside him.

Wei Ying looked suspicious, and directly received the starship card. A figure like a little girl appeared in front of Tang Jian, sensing Tang Jian's strong willpower and said in surprise.

"How did your willpower suddenly become so strong?"

Before the words came out, she seemed to have noticed something, carefully distinguishing the difference between Tang Jian's willpower, and suddenly said in shock, "It is the willpower of the world, you have been recognized by the willpower of the world, and you have left a mark on the willpower of the world , and not just one world.”

"Master Wei Ying has good eyesight, you guessed well. In the process of unraveling 306 different worlds, it was a blessing in disguise."

Tang Jian smiled and floated close to Wei Yingdao.

"Unbelievable!" Wei Ying's cute face revealed a serious look, "You are indeed a blessing in disguise, and it is a great blessing.

I didn't expect that among the more than 300 different worlds that Zang Gewusi had banned, so many worlds gave birth to willpower.

I didn't expect that so many willpowers from different worlds would recognize you. "

Tang Jian could vaguely hear a hint of envy from Wei Ying's tone, but under the serious expression of the other party, he felt that this feeling seemed to be an illusion.

"These different worlds have been banned for a long time, and those worlds that have been born with willpower will naturally feel uncomfortable being bound and banned.

After being unblocked by you, these worlds that gave birth to the power of will have a strong affection for you, so they have the opportunity to be branded by your will.

Still, I am amazed.

There are more than 300 worlds in the area, so many of them have born will power.

When Zang Gewusi chose these worlds back then, there were not so many worlds with will, and they should all have been born in the past two hundred years.

It seems that Zang Gewusi's theory of survival of the fittest is somewhat reasonable. "

Wei Ying had a serious face, with admiration and solemnity that made people feel funny, and praised.

Tang Jian resisted the weird feeling and asked curiously, "Survival of the fittest?"

He vaguely remembered something, which was Zanggewusi's understanding of survival of the fittest in his mind.

However, this understanding is very vague, because the inheritance of memory is not completely complete, but only inherits Zang Gewusi's core understanding of realms, rules, and cards.

As for other trivial memories, Tang Jian did not inherit them.

In fact, this is also a self-protection mechanism of the brain at work, eliminating most of the memories that are considered useless.

Otherwise, with Zanggewusi's lifespan of more than tens of thousands of years, there would be too many complex memories, and it would be unbearable to inherit all of them.

Wei Ying looked at Tang Jian with his hands behind his back, "The theory of survival of the fittest is similar to a word that has been widely circulated in the world of witchcraft, called Yanggu.

Back then, Zanggewusi tied together more than 300 different worlds and earth and stars, and sealed off the entire nebula system.

It is to treat the nebula system as a big Gu basin, and cultivate more than three hundred worlds as Gu insects.

In troubled times, heroes emerge.

He believes that under such fierce and contradictory competition, the civilizations of more than 300 worlds will collide brilliantly, and the friction and war between different races will create an epic and cruel scene. .

Because he was born from a chaotic war star cluster 1.2 million light-years away, he faced frequent and cruel wars when he was born, which involved thousands of living planets in a star cluster.

He grew up in that environment and saw many heroic and outstanding people, many of whom he thought were definitely better than him.

But in the end, after so many years in the entire chaotic star cluster, only one powerful person was born. "

Tang Jian was stunned to hear this, and vaguely recalled a lot of memories, and said, "Later, Senior Zang Gewusi returned to the chaotic star cluster and ended the war in the entire star cluster with his own power. It seems that at that time he forcefully killed some sources of chaos."

Even though Zang Gewusi went crazy later, Tang Jian still would rather call out the honorific title of senior after inheriting his memory and power.

"That's right. After he ended the war in the entire chaotic star cluster, he was hailed as the savior of the star cluster. He was awarded the highest honor of the star cluster level by the super galaxy group, and he was given the opportunity to contact the willpower of the revered star.

But he regretted it not long after.

Because he discovered that the chaotic star cluster without Zhan Luan was no longer the chaotic star cluster he was familiar with.

Because the people in the star cluster lacked the threat and stimulation of war, they were too comfortable under his protection, lost the strong enthusiasm for competition in the past, and also lost the style of fighting.

In the end, the physical fitness of humans in the entire star cluster declined as a whole. Over the years, dazzling talents rarely appeared, and even talents who were considered to be good at best rarely appeared again.

Zang Gewusi regretted it, he blamed himself, and began to reflect on his mistakes.”

Tang Jian recalled more, Ming Wu said, "In fact, as early as when he was awarded the highest honor at the star cluster level by the super galaxy group and had the opportunity to contact the will of the revered star, he already thought that he had reached perfection and life. peak.

So he resolutely chose to break through, let go of his willpower and no longer suppressed it, and after his willpower reached the level of 9000, he began to experience neurasthenia.

At this critical moment when he was experiencing neurasthenia, he realized that ending the chaos of the chaotic star cluster might not be the right choice.

What he comprehended was the law of the Dao card, and he paid attention to the way of nature.

He found that after the chaos of the chaotic star cluster was forcibly destroyed by him, the progress of the star cluster showed signs of regression, so he thought he was wrong.

But he was already wrong, and it was very difficult to make it back, force another star cluster war, and bring the chaotic star cluster back into chaos.

It will even push him from the image of a hero to the abyss of crime. "

Wei Ying nodded, and said in a heavy tone, "So he lost control at the critical moment of his dementia, it's hard to be a hero, and it's even harder to be a sinner after becoming a hero.

He decided to make mistakes again and again, breaking and then building, using the wrong way to simulate the chaos of restoring the chaotic star cluster.

So he found the Nebula System, a place so barren that even cosmic bandits wouldn't bother to patronize it, and a supergalaxy group wouldn't notice to do a crazy experiment.

He regarded the entire nebula system as a gu pot, and forcibly bound more than 300 worlds and earth stars together, trying to simulate and forcibly create a chaotic situation similar to the chaotic star cluster that used to be, and try to create another chaotic galaxy.

This galaxy is barren and backward, with few living planets, and will be completely under his control.

If he succeeds, then he will truly and completely master the law of the Dao card, and will pass through the dangerous period of neurasthenia, and become a great existence like the master of the super galaxy group.

But how could such a crazy attempt that violated the laws of the universe be successful. "

"What a crazy person, crazy universe. A powerful being can decide the direction of a planet or even a galaxy at will."

Tang Jian's tone carried inexplicable emotion.

He wanted to hate lunatics like Zang Gewusi.

But I have to say that this kind of lunatic still has some lofty ideals, just like the villain big boss in some series of movies that make tears and feelings. The ideal is to destroy the world, but the reason for destroying the world is to make the world a better place. good.

Tang Jian, who has inherited the memory and power of Zang Gewusi, even if he has hatred, it is difficult for him to utter a single curse word to such a lunatic.

He felt unworthy.

It is indeed unworthy.

No matter how depraved Zang Gewusi was, he was great during his lifetime, but he is still a figure with both sides of god and devil after death. Except for the existence of the same generation as the super galaxy master, who has the right to cast aside it.

"The story is over. I can feel the process of you unlocking different worlds, but I didn't expect you to get such a great opportunity."

Wei Ying said solemnly, "But the wills of these other worlds are foreign objects after all, if the other world is destroyed, your will will also be implicated.

You need yourself to be strong, I think you seem to have integrated the Laws of Achievement Cards into the Laws of Chaos Cards, and created a new card of Laws.

Then you will also go to the next step. In the mighty interface of the law of chaos cards, lay down your will and become a powerhouse of chaos. "

Tang Jian randomly retracted the law magic soldier in the form of a large lollipop beside him, restoring it to the form of a card.

But it was a black card, a super god-level card [Chaos Universe Card]!

He looked at Wei Ying and shrugged, "It's the next step to imprint the will in the mighty world of the law of chaos. Next, I will unblock the nebula galaxy under your witness. Then what we agreed on Things are already done.”

As he spoke, Tang Jian spread out his hands, pushing in all directions.

An incomparably powerful and ferocious force of will, accompanied by the fluctuation of the terrifying chaos card law, suddenly spread out from his body.

boom! ——

A violent chaotic vortex appeared.

Even Wei Ying was moved by it, and immediately dodged and retreated.

"The nebula system has been banned for more than two hundred years. I, Tang Jian, the representative of the Earth and Star Federation, will unblock you today!"

Tang Jian's eyes released a dazzling brilliance that pierced the universe. During the binge drinking, the space around his whole body trembled like a black and white TV.

A dazzling swirl of brilliance spread suddenly like an aurora passing by.

After the glaring.

It is the silence like the dust falling out of the plain.

Tang Jian's figure reappeared in place.

The surrounding cosmic space seemed to be washed away like a wave of water, and quickly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

But in terms of the feeling of the mind and will, it seems that the world suddenly loses some sense of depression.

It's like a person who has been locked in a room for a long time, suddenly opens the door and walks out of the room, breathing in the fresh air that is different from the room, feeling refreshed.

"I didn't misunderstand the person. You have fulfilled my entrustment. And now you have grown into a strong man standing shoulder to shoulder with me. This is beyond my expectation."

Wei Ying's small figure walked out of the dimension with his hands behind his back, staring at Tang Jian, and said in an elder tone.

Tang Jian looked at Wei Ying, who was like a little girl, speaking in such a tone, and felt really weird in his heart.

But the other party is a big boss.

Even if he is as strong as the opponent now, it is not easy to say anything directly.

Only shaking his head and smiling modestly.

"You don't need the Falling Red Dust Card anymore, I'm going to take it back.

I created this card in the first place to cultivate relatives and friends around me, hoping to cultivate more talents.

You don't need to be strong, you just need to reach the level of Kashen, and you can have a lifespan of 800 to 1,000 years. In this vast universe, you can also accompany me to walk a little longer. "

Wei Ying's tone was full of fatigue and vicissitudes, "But unfortunately, this card did not have time for them to use. However, it is also of commemorative value to me."

"It turns out that Mr. Wei, you made this card for the purpose of cultivating relatives and friends. This actually coincides with what I thought."

Tang Jian was surprised, and immediately said, "However, Master Wei, although it is a bit too much, I still want to make this request. I want to continue to use this card for a while to train my family. I want them to accompany me more Some years."

Wei Ying was surprised, with a childish smile on his face, "I forgot that you also have family members. It's not a problem, I still have a long lifespan.

After you use up this card, bring it to me. "

With that said, Wei Ying pondered again, "Now you have the strength of a powerful person, and the nebula system has also been unsealed, and you are about to connect with the interstellar system.

Let me ask you solemnly, are you willing to join the super galaxy group, accept the test of the super galaxy group, and become one of the guardian pillars? "

"Another test?"

Tang Jian was speechless, "I don't really like so many tests, but I'm very curious about super galaxy groups. What kind of world is that?"

Wei Ying said with a smile, "It's an ultra-civilized society with four different types of human societies.

Each society abides by different human rights rules, and all scientific and technological achievements and resources are shared among societies.

However, due to the different basic rules, the social living environment is also very different.

The first is the social human society.

Among all four societies, the comprehensive strength of social human society is the strongest.

The second is the emotional human society.

The artistic development ability of emotional human society ranks first among all societies.

The third is the information-based human society.

In terms of the speed of advancement of science and technology, the information-based human society is the fastest.

The fourth is genotype human society.

Needless to say, the genotype human society has the largest genetic information library and clone troop.

If you have decided which super galaxy group social system you want to join, you can contact me, and I will arrange it for you. Of course, I will send you a detailed introduction about the four social systems of super galaxy civilization later, so that You gain a deeper understanding of cognition. "

At the end, Wei Ying waved his little hand, "Let's go. I won't go to the Nebula Department anymore. As the representative of the Earth-Star Federation, you can clean up these messes."

After saying that, she turned around and took a step. The previous starship card flew out and turned into a starship form. The hatch opened, and she flew into it.

Soon, the starship disappeared before Tang Jian's eyes.

In the quiet starry sky, Tang Jian was the only one standing.

He turned around, looked at the dark cosmic background around him, looked at the stars and meteorites in the distance, opened his arms involuntarily, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"This is the complete nebula system. The completely liberated nebula system is also my root in this big universe. Then why do I go to the super galaxy group? Why don't I just go there and buy a real estate."

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