God Descends the Second Element

Chapter 213 The new president (Part 2)

"It seems that I am too worried. I hope Mr. Wang can lead them in the future and develop the Immortal Sichuan Library better and better..."

With the experience of signing contracts many times, he soon saw that the employee placement was taken over by Party B. This made Taku Watanabe feel relieved, and he felt relieved even though he was most worried, and said with a slight sigh. .

As the president of Fusukawa Bunko, Watanabe Taku naturally knows the current situation of the publishing house's employees. Especially after yesterday's meeting, the company's executives all knew that he was about to step down and that someone would acquire him.

This means that the other party is likely to directly replace all employees, and they will also lose their jobs. How can people not be angry in this way?

Although this possibility is very small, almost less than 0.1%, it still makes the employees of Immortal River Press feel chilling.

But despite this, other employees of Fusukawa Bunko have not thought about resigning. The reason why several old employees have changed jobs in the past is because other publishing houses have extended olive branches to them, otherwise they would not have left Fusukawa Bunko.

Because in today’s neon world, it’s really hard to find a stable job…

Watanabe Takuya didn’t want the employees here to leave just like that, because the average age of most of Fusigawa Bunko’s employees is in their thirties, and most of their families have stabilized, so a stable job is particularly important.

He understands this deeply, because Taku Watanabe now has a stable family, his daughter has started going to school, and his wife is also very virtuous and busy at home. All the family expenses naturally fall on his head.

Moreover, Watanabe Takuya feels that although he is not old yet, he is no longer young, so for the sake of his family, he cannot gamble.

Immortal Sichuan Bunko has been in a state of loss in recent years. Although it has no debt yet, it may not be far away if it continues like this. By that time, even if it wants to take action, it will be too late.

This is also the reason why his hair began to turn gray due to various pressures when he was in the prime stage of his career.

But what made Taku Watanabe fortunate was that this young man suddenly appeared in front of him and proposed the acquisition of Fusukawa Bunko.

Watanabe Taku finally made up his mind. If he didn't take action at this time, he might be facing a heavy debt waiting for him. As a businessman, you cannot be indecisive, because opportunities will not stand there waiting for you in vain.

"That's right, because I don't want to buy a shell company."

Wang Hao smiled and shook his head. Today he chose to walk to the third floor again. A large part of the reason was to observe the situation in the editorial department. It was not as lifeless as yesterday, which made him very satisfied.

And just as Taku Watanabe and others guessed, what Wang Hao wants to acquire is a complete publishing house, not just an empty shell with a superficial appearance, so naturally there must be no shortage of employees inside.

He also knows this, but if the situation in the editorial department is still as lifeless as yesterday, Wang Hao will not say anything and will not fire employees for the time being, but sooner or later he will slowly inject a group of fresh blood .

But now this situation is barely qualified, and considering other factors, Wang Hao has given up his previous idea, but if he encounters someone who violates the rules, he will still expel them, because under his leadership, Immortal Sichuan Publishing House, You won’t raise idle people!

Watanabe Taku nodded. He also understood this. No matter which company it is, they don't want their employees to be idle. Unless they have made great contributions, they will be treated with special consideration.

But the other party had just taken over the publishing house, so there was no need to mention meritorious services. It could be said that all merits and demerits in front of Wang Hao were calculated from scratch. Moreover, since ancient times, there has been a saying in the Chinese dynasty that new officials take office with three things in mind.

Watanabe Takuya can only hope that other employees can be more diligent. There is only so much he can do. If an employee is kicked out because of his or her own violation of regulations, no one can say anything and can only blame himself.

After seeing the following company transfer terms, the smile on Watanabe Taku's face cooled down again, and he gradually frowned, put the contract back on the table, pointed at the contract above, and said: "The funds here are Is there something wrong with the number? It’s completely inconsistent with the current price of Fusukawa Bunko!”

"I think the price is completely appropriate, not less at all. Mr. Watanabe should be very clear about this, right?"

Wang Hao sneered, picked up the contract on the table with his right hand, tapped the number 220 million yen lightly with the fingers of his left hand, and said calmly.

"Although Immortal Sichuan Publishing House has always been in a state of loss, it has never been in debt until now!"

Even though what the other party said made sense, Watanabe Taku couldn't help but speak out when his own interests were at stake.

The amount of this transfer is related to the rest of his life. Watanabe Taku is in the golden years of his career. He does not want to continue to gamble on Fusukawa Bunko, but he can rely on his many years of shopping experience to find a stable company. It is not impossible for some industries to make a comeback.

220 million yen may be an astronomical figure to others, but for Watanabe Taku, it naturally feels that it is not in line with the scale of this publishing house.

Hearing this, Wang Hao didn't show any strange expression on his face. Instead, he looked like a smile, and said lightly: "If this publishing house was in debt, I think I would never appear here with Watanabe. Sir, you negotiate the contract.”

A large part of the reason why he did not die at Sichuan Wenku is that this publishing house has always had a good reputation and a good reputation. Although it has suffered losses in recent years, it has never been in debt so far.

This point is particularly important. What Wang Hao needs is integrity. Although the scale of Fusichuan Library is not very large, it is not bad at all in terms of credibility.

Watanabe Taku's brows furrowed again. It can be said that the confrontation between the two has only officially begun now, and this price is the starting point and end point of the battle. The next step will depend on the negotiation skills of both parties.

Thinking of this, Watanabe Taku regained his confidence, and with a proud tone like a salesman, he slowly introduced: "Despite this, our publishing house also has three bookstores in Tokyo, and two of them are even in prosperous areas. Although Wenku is now gradually losing money, after years of accumulation.

We also have corresponding publishing channels and have established good relationships with cooperative companies, and there are no problems with the management of the publishing house. Compared with other publishing houses..."

"Okay, no need to say more!"

Before Watanabe Taku finished speaking, a burst of shouting sounded from the side.

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