God Descends the Second Element

Chapter 276 A comic that amazes the world

What is inside is a piece of paper, to be precise, it is a drawing of a male character with a two-dimensional character. It has been colored and is considered a very good original painting.

The male high school student in the painting has a handsome yet indifferent appearance. His blue hair and blue pupils add a particularly cold temperament. He does not give the impression of a warm and sunny class. A raw type, giving people the impression of a delinquent with an indifferent surface.

And this blue-haired high school student who looks like a delinquent is also the male protagonist of "CLANNAD" being produced by Genkensha - Okazaki Tomoya.

Seeing this exquisite character design, Wang Hao's eyes lit up slightly. Sure enough, Sawamura Eirily has huge potential. Perhaps she didn't know this herself, but Wang Hao has already seen it for the first time in this original painting. Clues.

It can be said that the protagonist is both the Okazaki Tomoya in the previous life and the newly born Okazaki Tomoya in this world. He appeared perfectly in the hands of Eiri Sawamura.

Although Wang Hao told the other party the design requirements first, if the answer sheet given by Eli Sawamura was calculated on a 100-point scale, Wang Hao would give the other party 97 points.

This 97 points is also a similar score, with a restoration rate as high as 97%. It looks almost exactly the same as Tomoya Okazaki in his previous life. The remaining 3% is the light that belongs to Eiri Sawamura.

That's why Wang Hao was shocked. This 3% also represents that Sawamura Eirili has begun to embark on a journey towards her own path, because the other party has now found the general direction.

He believes that Sawamura Eiri will slowly transform in the future, and will also transform from 'Kashiwagi Eiri', a famous painter in the fandom, and will eventually form her own style and no longer need to rely on other people's painting styles.

After opening the button on his computer, Wang Hao hesitantly glanced at Eli Sawamura in his friend list. In the end, he did not send the text message he wanted to send. Some words were better said in person.

There are many more friends on his friend list. In addition to creating an exclusive group, the members of the Modern Dimension Research Society have basically exchanged contact information privately, such as adding Qiankou as a friend and exchanging email addresses and mobile phone numbers. etc.

[Xia Shizi: Have you forgotten what happened tomorrow? 】

The button shook slightly for a while, and a message from Kasumigaoka Shiyu was sent.

[Master God: Of course I haven’t forgotten it, otherwise a lost writer would cry, but this seems good. 】Wang Hao smiled slightly and replied quickly.

After being slandered by the other party for so long, he finally had a chance to regain his position, and he was inevitably a little happy.

And when he arrives at the Immortal River Library, Kasumigaoka Shiu finally finds out that he is the president of the Immortal River Library. What kind of expression will he make on his face?

With this in his mind, Wang Hao started looking forward to tomorrow afternoon.

[Kasumi Shiko: Tsk, it turns out that the pervert likes to make girls cry so much. I didn’t expect that there is such a hidden evil taste. Do you just want to make people cry? 】

[Master of God: No! Why do I feel that what you say is a bit subtle? 】

[Xia Shizi: Is that so? I thought you should be somewhat self-aware. 】

[God Lord: What kind of consciousness do you expect me to have...]

[Xia Shizi: Do you still need to ask? Of course it's the consciousness of being a pervert. I guess Mr. Map Cannon is also secretly happy that the harem has expanded with Kato joining today, right? 】

[Master Shen: Kato and I are just classmates. You know this. It’s getting late now. Good night. 】

Wang Hao's eyelids twitched, he replied lightly, then stepped out of the button, and chose to end the conversation.

He found that every time he talked to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, the topic would go further and further, and he was the one who got hurt in the end...

Is there really too much difference between levels?

Shaking his head slightly, Wang Hao decided not to think about it anymore, because he himself couldn't figure out the current situation.

He is now quite immune to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's poisonous tongue, probably because his personality is gradually changing.

Although this was good news, it made Wang Hao unhappy.

Wang Hao was surprised when he clicked on the web page to log in to the ACG forum.

Because the forum was full of posts about the comic version of Second Five, what surprised him most was that these posts were all positive.

The comments on the posts are also different, such as "The classic masterpiece, the storm caused by the comic version of "5 Centimeters per Second"!" ”, “A timeless classic! ", "The real identity of the author of the comic version of Second Five? ! 』This kind of post almost caused a situation of massacre.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment and then recovered. He knew very well how amazing the comic version of Second Five was.

Wang Hao has also estimated what kind of storm this unique comic, with its unparalleled painting style and beautiful plot content, will cause when it appears in today's market, but now it seems that he has underestimated the enthusiasm of readers.

No wonder he visited so many bookstores, comic magazine stores, and convenience stores when doing market research. In the end, he only bought one copy of "Jump Square". It was not until this afternoon that he was lucky enough to buy another copy of "Jump Square" To Mashiro.

You must know that "Jump Square" is released on the first day of the fourth of every month. It has been two days now, and the magazine is still so popular. You can imagine how terrifying this sales volume is.

When reading the first chapter of the comic version of Second Five, Wang Hao was amazed from the beginning to the end. Every picture above makes people unable to take their eyes away because the pictures are so beautiful!

It's like when Wang Hao is watching Xin Haicheng's works, his eyes almost never leave the screen, because every picture on the screen can be directly cut out and used as a background image.

And Mashiro also perfectly interprets this point. Looking at the comic version of the second five light will give people a sense of aesthetic illusion. It was originally supposed to be a strong conflict with the reality-based content of the comic itself. But in Mashiro's hands, they became harmonious naturally.

Of course, the script Wang Hao gave the other party played a very important role in this, and he had been thinking hard about it for a long time.

The comic book "Second Five" in the previous life has no effect at all now. After all, Mashiro has to draw it, so Wang Hao has no reference at all and relies entirely on his own imagination to create the script. Every line in it is what he thought. It took a long time to fill it in.

It takes Wang Hao about an hour or two to complete the script creation of each episode of Second Five. You must know that this is only a script for one episode, and the total content is only a dozen pages.

For example, an episode of Dragon Ball has dozens of pages, but Wang Hao can spend several hours to complete the manuscript that can be printed directly.

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