God Descends the Second Element

Chapter 494 White Cuts Black

"No way! Why would plan C end up killing me? It looks terrible from every point of view..."

Wang Hao finally couldn't help but complained aloud. He didn't expect that the only little angel he thought he could trust would also stand in the enemy camp.

It seems that Shiina Mashiro can be renamed Shiina Mashiro, because Wang Hao thinks that the other party is a typical "white-cut black", just like the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls sold in supermarkets. From the surface, it looks as smooth as jade, but once it is cut, the appearance suddenly changes. The dark sesame filling will appear.

Judging from the current situation, it can be said that he is the enemy of the world and is on the opposite side of all the female members present. This is not something to be happy about.

There is no need to bear it anymore. Although Wang Hao feels that it is useless to bear it, he still has to express his position now. If he doesn't continue to speak out, God knows what will happen next.

In short, let’s make things clear here first. If the misunderstanding continues to deepen and accumulate to a certain extent, even the white will turn into black, and jumping into the Yellow River will not be able to clean it up.

Moreover, he had done nothing wrong in this matter, so why did he behave like this? Wang Hao deeply regretted this, if he had known that he would have told everything just now.

Seeing everyone's scrutinizing eyes, Wang Hao sighed helplessly, shook his head slightly, and said softly: "Actually, I wanted to tell everyone before, but I never found the chance. In fact, it's a coincidence that I mentioned it. , have you ever heard of Otonogizaka Academy?”

"Hmm... I seem to have an impression that it is a traditional girls' high school? My parents originally planned to send me there, but I finally refused."

Yu Shengyuan Xing frowned and said slowly. Originally, she was planning to go to that college, but in the end, considering many reasons, she still didn't go.

Regarding Wang Hao's sudden mention of Otonogizaka Academy, Goshoin Anzu naturally noticed something was wrong, and asked with flashing eyes: "What happened to Otonogizaka Academy? Do you mean that the other team you joined has nothing to do with that academy?" Is it relevant?"

"That's right! As expected of the student council president, his mind works so fast!"

After Wang Hao heard Yu Shengyuan Xing's answer, he praised him without hesitation. The other party's face turned slightly red when he heard the words. He deliberately widened his eyes and said without any mercy: "I am Needless to say, the president’s intelligence? Otherwise, how do you think I became the student president?”

He stretched out his hand to scratch the bridge of his nose, and said with an innocent face: "Um...isn't it because of the board of directors?"

"You are so rude! Although there is a part of the reason, this factor is not worth mentioning at all with the intelligence of this president!"

Yushengyuan Xing's face turned slightly red, and she said angrily. Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, the fur all over her body became explosive and she launched a retort.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hao smiled slightly and did not continue. After all, he knew the principles of giving up when it was good and stopping in moderation. If he really teased Yu Shengyuan Xing too much, it would be more than worth the loss.

Well, Wang Hao has not forgotten his current situation. There are many people around him who are watching eagerly. He does not want to be attacked by a group of people.

After successfully attacking Yu Shengyuan Xing with a vicious tongue, Wang Hao immediately felt refreshed. This was considered as revenge for what he had just done.

Well, he's not the kind of person who likes to hold grudges, but he just thinks the principle of "a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye" is pretty good.

"Yes, I did join a club at Otonogizaka Academy, not long before our first offline gathering..."

Having said this, Wang Hao's face looked a little strange. He had never thought that things would turn out like this, but he quickly calmed down and said with a bitter smile: "The reason for joining Muse is actually a coincidence. It's a coincidence in my opinion. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce it, the name of that club is Muse, and the reason why I joined there has a lot to do with Mashiro."

Hearing this, Sawamura Eiri immediately asked in confusion: "Hmm...did Mashiro-chan also join in?"

Before Wang Hao could answer, Shiina Mashiro said first: "No..."

Then in the next moment, all kinds of suspicious eyes fell on Wang Hao like knives. He once again deeply understood how terrifying Shiina's true "blackness" was.

Just a casual word can put people into crisis, and the most important thing is that all this is not intentional by Shiina Mashiro, it is completely natural black.

After all, as the saying goes, white is naturally black in depth.

Well...this sentence was just what he said casually...

However, it can be seen that Wang Hao has already had a psychological shadow on Zhenbai's Tianrehei. This is a level stronger than the black belly. Since ancient times, the black belly has been naturally suppressed, not to mention the natural black, which is completely invisible. Make a move that makes people hard to guard against.

Wang Hao was not in a hurry. He explained patiently: "I mean, Mashiro was an opportunity for me to join Muse. When I first picked Mashiro back from the airport, I was in the maid cafe in Akihabara. After resting for a while, I met one of the members of Muse at that time.

Then I bumped into her by chance. She was handing out concert flyers, and I agreed that I would go to the concert. I don’t know what happened next, but I just let nature take its course and joined in. He is the only male member, which makes me laugh and cry a bit..."

Wang Hao simply told the general development of the matter without any concealment. At the end of the speech, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and everyone believed what he said.

Sawamura Eiri nodded in understanding and said, "I understand, but why is the place to rest in the maid cafe in Akihabara?"

Wang Hao's face darkened and he said: "Wait a minute...why is the maid cafe the place to complain? Shouldn't there be something more worthy of attention?"

Hearing this, Sawamura Eiri also felt that this was indeed the case, "That's true. Then I would like to ask, why are all the muses girls, and you are the only boy among them?"

Are you insulting my intelligence?

Hearing this question, Wang Hao couldn't help but have black threads in his head, and only had this thought in his mind.

However, before he could complain, Kasumigaoka Shiyu laughed coldly and mocked mercilessly: "Are you an idiot? Why are there male students in a traditional women's high school? No... I almost forgot about you. It’s the blonde loser…”

Hearing this, Eri Sawamura immediately blushed, "Well...you...are the idiot! A vicious and sinister woman, I just said that on purpose!"

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