Sun Changming didn't want the second child, so he took the body of the bull demon and left the house. He walked to a mountain forest. Magpies fell from the sky. Sun Changming threw the body of the bull demon on the ground, and then Calabash Lao Wu flew out and took it away. Li Yuan Hua Zhen Shui.

"Eat, it's prepared for you."

Magpie was stunned and couldn't believe it.

The master used to be indifferent to her, but he suddenly took such care of her in the past few days. She was not used to it... In Sun Changming's eyes, she felt like she was a child raised by her stepmother in the previous life. She was always ignored, which made her feel distressed. .

On the other hand, the little devil Zhao Bi didn't have so many thoughts. He rushed out with a cheer and rushed forward to suck out the demon soul of the bull demon so that he could have a good meal.

After he refined Hua Bulian's demon soul, his strength increased dramatically, and when he devoured the bull demon's demon soul, he could devour it much faster than before. And Sun Changming noticed that Zhao Bi had grown another arm.

After Zhao Bi obtained the iron plate, he could give birth to eight arms in times of crisis, but these arms were not "solidified" and disappeared after the crisis.

And although it can occasionally give birth to eight arms, only one of the arms controls the bone seal, and the other hands are empty.

After the Great Bone Seal was condensed, Zhao Bi solidified this arm, so he usually had three arms.

After refining Hua Bulian's demon soul, he gave birth to a fourth arm. And this arm has been holding a fist, as if there is something inside.

This actually made Sun Changming a little bit excited: What kind of Yinbao could it be?

During this trip to Baomin County, Magpie and Xiaoguier Zhao Bi performed well, and this pair was able to handle many matters that were inconvenient for Sun Changming to come forward.

Sun Changming wondered whether Zhao Bi could use other Yin treasures. The ghost domain was about to start its first big gathering. He could buy some Yin treasures through the second master to equip him.

The magpie also began to devour the body of the bull demon, and tears fell as it ate - Sun Changming frowned: That's enough for you, as if I am really a stepfather!

Sun Changming was too lazy to read any more and told them to go back first.

In the middle of the night, Sun Changming's stomach growled, and he turned over on the bed: "Oh, I'm hungry. I miss the rice cooked by my silly sister..."

At this moment, a warm current came from the second brother's side, and Sun Changming suddenly smiled: Fortunately, the third sister is not around, but the second brother is with me.

This warm current was extremely huge, but Sun Changming hesitated: Should he continue to build a Taoist tower, or should he use it to strengthen the corresponding objects?

In the end, he decided to complete the Tao Tower completely first.

To strengthen the objects, he had no idea whether he should choose the formation or the magic talisman. Moreover, the Tao Tower was in such an "unfinished building" state that he was upset, so he solved the Tao Tower first.

However, the result surprised Sun Changming: this warm current was very huge, but this time only two layers of Taoist towers were built, and there was still one layer missing!

The Tao Tower is still in a state of unfinished construction!

"Is this how difficult it is to surpass a six-story Taoist tower?" Sun Changming smiled bitterly, then opened the gourd six and raised his fingers towards his second brother: "Are there any magic weapons?"

The two brothers had agreed before that this time the second brother could not be perfunctory and fool himself with junk like the "Front Arrow Formation Manual".

The little loach knew it couldn't escape this time, so it simply spit out something.

Sun Changming caught it quickly, and then his expression changed: "Second brother, you've gone too far!"

The little loach gave... an arrow!

This thing was lying in the palm of Sun Changming's hand. It was just a little bigger and looked exactly like the arrowhead that Sun Changming assigned to the God-killing Po. Little Loach didn't even bother to change its style.

The little loach was not happy either. He screamed loudly twice, accusing his elder brother of being ignorant and stupid.

Only then did Sun Changming examine the arrow carefully, and then his expression became entangled: You can't tell me, this thing is extremely powerful. In terms of pure attack power, it surpassed any magic weapon given to Xiao Niliu before, including five Tooth flying sword.

Say okay...this thing is disposable, once you use it, it's gone.

Sun Changming scratched his head and suddenly put on a smiling face: "My good brother..."

The little loach was so frightened that he shrank back into the gourd. Something was wrong with the eldest brother today. Whose brother have you ever seen talk like this? Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

Sun Changming caught it again: "Don't be afraid, brother, I have no other intentions. Look at such a small thing, why can't you explain it?

any left? A few hundred more. "

The little loach's eyes almost popped out, but the elder brother said confidently: "This thing should have evolved from the stinger of the soldier bee, right? How many soldier bees did you eat in this meal? There must be tens of thousands, right?"

Just give me one arrow, you are deducting a lot..."

The little loach twisted around angrily and gave his back to his elder brother.

You said it's simple, is that what you meant? A soldier bee can have several stingers, which makes sense!

The eldest brother still refused to give up: "There are not hundreds, but there should be dozens, right?"

The little loach suddenly turned around, spat at the big brother, then swished back into the gourd, and sealed the gourd himself, not allowing the big brother to come in!

Calabash Lao Liu was trembling. On one side was the adult, on the other was the master. I, a little gourd, was sandwiched in the middle... I might be crushed into scum at any time.

But after thinking about it, it is still more afraid of adults, so it can only feel sorry for the master.

Sun Changming was furious: "Who did you learn this from? You were not like this before!"

Calabash Laoliu shivered again, always feeling that the master had taught the adults a bad lesson.

Sun Changming lifted up his sleeves and was about to wipe off the saliva on his body. The gourd old five flew out with a whoosh, and he was ecstatic: "Master, please rest and let me come! This is rare real water..."

Gourd Lao Wu took a swish and swallowed all the drool from the second dick.

Why does Sun Changming feel a little sick? He glanced at Calabash Lao Wu with disgust, then shook Lao Liu vigorously: "Come out!"

"Brother can't teach you a lesson?"

"What's your attitude? It's unfilial!"

After roaring for a long time, the little loach ignored him.

Sun Changming began to sigh: "My life is hard. I worked hard to raise the second and third children, and be a father and a mother. But in the end, you spit on me without conscience!"

"No hope..."

"When you grow up, you don't need me anymore. Big brother, I'm a waste. Alas..."

The second child had never seen this battle before, and he suddenly felt guilty. He carefully stuck his head out of the gourd, like a child who had done something wrong.

Sun Changming was secretly happy: So this trick works? Tell me earlier!

The little loach groaned, but still said: There really is no more, this thing is not easy to get, and all the soldier bees can only condense one.

Sun Changming asked: "The previous group of Origin Devouring Bees also had many Soldier Bees."

The little loach rolled his eyes. It has been digested long ago. Where can I get it for you?

Sun Changming caught him again: "In other words, when there is a swarm of element-devouring bees, you can give me an arrow like this, but you only use something like the "Front Arrow Formation Manual" to fool me?"

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