God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 361 The lackey in front of the palace

Song Gongquan's heart was bleeding, and he was hesitant to pay such a huge price. The key was that the rhinoceros horn was prepared by him for his promotion to the seventh realm.

Ji Su and Mr. Lin on the side persuaded each other: "Time waits for no one. If you delay it, I'm afraid something big will happen!"

"Master Song, money is something external to the body. Don't forget that there are three ways to be unfilial and the worst is not having an offspring!"

As long as we don't pay, we can get rid of Song Gongquan.

At such a critical moment, Sun Changming suddenly said quietly: "Master Liang, you can't just sell me out like this. When I came out, I could already feel the great changes in the Short Life Valley!

Although it was difficult before, everyone knew it would not be fatal. If you go in now, you will really be killed by force..."

After Song Gongquan heard this, he sighed in his heart, after all, it was me who owed the child a bad name and a bad life.

Song Gongquan nodded: "Master Sun, I have agreed. The commander of the Prison Town and Fu Division has kept his promise and will definitely give you what he promised. Please also ask Master Sun to rescue people immediately!"

Sun Changming gritted his teeth, and with an attitude of risking everything to gain wealth and honor, he rushed into the short-lived valley with his head held high.

Everyone's eyes widened, fearing that Sun Changming would be ejected like Song Gongquan. Fortunately, a vortex appeared in the invisible wall of air, and Sun Changming was sucked into it.

"Huh--" Song Gongquan and others breathed a sigh of relief. Liang Yuzhi saw the wall-building vortex enveloping Sun Changming, but he felt a little uneasy: Could it be that he really tricked this kid?

Ma Qizhi was not alone at this time. He and thousands of people gathered together. Everyone was dying, some leaning on rocks, and some lying directly on the ground.

When the crisis came, these young talents made the right choice: to unite and tide over the difficulties together.

Everyone gathered together and worked together to find a way to break out. However, they have tried various methods and are still trapped here. As their vitality is consumed, they become weaker and weaker. In the end, they cannot stand or sit still, and may sleep here at any time.

There are many such groups in the Short Life Valley, with as many as a few thousand people and as few as a hundred or so. There are only a few cultivators who are really alone.

Anyone who can participate in the dragon and snake rankings is not a fool.

Ma Qizhi was leaning against a broken bell. He was slightly better off than the others because the broken bell next to him was originally a fifth-level magic weapon and protected him for a while longer. The many expensive magic weapons on his body, like the broken bell, slowly decayed under this power.

The malicious power in the void has turned into gray-black storms, constantly sweeping away. Ma Qizhi felt that his life and the lives of others were like candles in the strong wind, which could be blown out at any time, and then a plume of smoke would rise, and this person would no longer exist in the world.

Before Ma Qizhi died, his whole person became more open-minded than ever before. Looking back on all the things in his life, he actually had so many regrets. For example, I have been secretly resenting my mother, and she should know it in her heart. For example, he pretended to be naughty and often caused trouble, asking that man to clean up for him, but he never called him father.

Looking back at it now, the stigma I have carried since I was born doesn't seem to be a big deal. What does other people's opinions matter? Can it make me lose a piece of flesh on my body?

It's ridiculous. Apart from practicing, I really seem to have no merit in other aspects.

"Who would have thought that a dragon-snake ranking would destroy an entire generation of young geniuses from my Great Wu Dynasty? Even if I repent, I have no chance to redeem myself..."

He suddenly saw someone coming from a distance, and he laughed for a moment: Is it my time? There was a hallucination.

In his sight, the man was trudging hard, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and his upper body was leaning forward hard, with his head hanging. It was like he was pulling a heavy rope, or like he was struggling to move forward carrying the knife-like sand in a sandstorm. OK.

Ma Qizhi just looked at him like that, not thinking about anything. He was very sure that this was his hallucination: At this time, if it was the young cultivator who came in with him, it would be impossible for him to still have the strength to stand up and walk. If he came in to support from outside, Overhaul repair cannot be so difficult.

The man walked closer to them little by little, and suddenly said: "Can I still leave?"

Ma Qizhi saw several people around him gasping and shaking their heads: "I really can't move anymore."

Eh? Did they also have the same hallucinations as me? Ma Qizhi suddenly woke up: Isn't this an illusion? Is there really someone here to save us?

The man seemed quite helpless: "No one can move?"

Ma Qizhi looked at him quietly and suddenly realized that this face looked familiar! He had seen it in the portrait, it was Sun Changming! The guy who was invited by the old aunt to beat him!

A sense of absurdity arose in Ma Qizhi's heart. Before he had any other thoughts, he saw Sun Changming take out a seed from his arms with difficulty. It grew rapidly and turned into a huge plant in the blink of an eye. The magical plant stretches out vines and wraps up everyone on the ground.

When a vine like a spiritual snake stretched out, Ma Qizhi felt a trace of arrogance in his heart for a moment, and wanted to refuse - but soon, he thought of his own shame and regret, and the arrogance disappeared in an instant, and Dingding He didn't move and let the vines wrap around him, just like everyone else.

Ma Qizhi was a little curious. It was already so difficult for Sun Changming to walk alone, but with thousands of people... could he do it?

Then he saw Sun Changming dragging a huge plant, really like a tracker, his whole body bent into a bow, almost on all fours, dragging forward slowly!

The malicious power storm around him constantly washed away his body, making him weak quickly. Moreover, the huge plant was originally green, but under this storm, its vitality was quickly washed away, and he began to Turned yellow.

But Sun Changming dragged them slowly, step by step, towards the outside of the valley!

Ma Qizhi turned around to see the other young talents with tears in their eyes!

Sun Changming was forced to improve his acting skills, otherwise it would be difficult to explain clearly to those in the Sixth Realm after he went out. Fortunately, the Short Life Valley is very cooperative. These people are trapped in the valley. It seems that the fire of life may be extinguished at any time, but in fact it will never be extinguished.

Moreover, the Short-lived Valley has some tricks to give them the illusion that my life force is constantly passing away rapidly.

After going out, these monks seemed to be seriously ill, but in fact it was good for them. It was like completely depleting their spiritual energy, which would completely stimulate their deeper potential.

He dragged everyone along for such an arduous and long journey, and the young cultivators were moved to tears. Ma Qizhi thought of his previous mentality towards Sun Changming, and felt extremely guilty, feeling that he was really not a human being!

Outside the Short Life Valley, Song Gongquan did not dare to put all his hopes on Sun Changming. He was still thinking of ways to enter the valley in person, but he was blocked by the valley every time, and he became more and more anxious.

Suddenly Liang Yuzhi shouted: "Look!"

The air wall that sealed the entire valley suddenly rippled, and then turned into a whirlpool. A figure struggled to get out of the whirlpool. It was Sun Changming!

Several people in the sixth realm were stunned and forgot to react for a moment. Wu Yuanji quickly stepped forward and shouted: "Help!"

Sun Changming's body was wrapped with withered yellow vines, and something seemed to be pulling behind him.

The Sixth Realm took action one after another, grabbing Sun Changming and dragging him outwards. What was pulled out along with the vines were young cultivators who were already dying!

Song Gongquan's heart tightened, his hopes rising but with a hint of fear, fear of disappointment.

He quickly helped pull out the entire plant, and then quickly rummaged through it. Liang Yuzhi cursed and then quickly fed Sun Changming a few high-level elixirs. Sun Changming gasped and slowly recovered.

Mr. Lin, who had been monitoring the Short Life Valley, exclaimed ecstatically: "There has been a change! Our previous judgment was correct. It was precisely because of the entry of a large number of high-level monks that the power of the valley was chaotic and changing."

Sun Changming brought out thousands of people, and the valley showed signs of returning to normal!

"Zhi'er!" Song Gongquan cheered, pulled Ma Qizhi out of the vines, and held him in his arms, almost bursting into tears.

Ma Qizhi lay softly on him and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, father, I'm fine." Song Gongquan's whole body was shaken, and he really couldn't hold it in anymore, tears burst into his eyes.

Sun Changming looked extremely weak, but in fact he was extremely embarrassed. Everyone could see that the true feelings between father and son were revealed, which made Mr. Sun feel a little guilty!

Liang Yuzhi was very angry. I wanted to take revenge on Ma Qizhi. How could I have caused a big drama about a loving father and a filial son? ! Decades of estrangement broken?

Sun Changming stood up and said, "If I run a few more times, this short-lived valley should be back to normal."

"Absolutely not!" Wu Yuanji and others stopped him, while Ji Su and Mr. Lin raised their thumbs. Praise is free of charge anyway: "Master Sun, you are so righteous!"

Sun Changming waved his hand and pushed away Wu Yuanji who stepped forward to stop him: "I know what I know."

He and Liang Yuzhi stretched out their hands and said, "Sir, give me a few more of those elixirs."

Liang Yuzhi didn't know that he had become a leek by the way, so he generously gave him the whole bottle. Sun Changming snickered, and walked into the short-lived valley again with the attitude of a "righteous man".

When Sun Changming came out for the second time, he brought out thousands more cultivators. At this time, it was completely dark, and there were piles of bonfires rising around him. Ma Qizhi had recovered some strength, but he felt guilty and shameless to see Sun Changming.

When Sun Changming went to Short Life Valley again, Ma Qizhi quietly said to Song Gongquan: "Father, the treasures agreed upon before must be handed over to this person in full."

Song Gongquan had already calmed down from the previous turbulent emotions. His years of experience in Chaotian Division made him somewhat suspicious of Sun Changming. Hearing what his son said, he turned around and glanced at him. He had deliberately delayed the treasures he had promised before, and then slowly made excuses to give up some if he could, especially the horn of a dragon rhinoceros.

Ma Qizhi understood what his father meant and whispered: "Giving him the things makes me feel as magnanimous as I am not indebted to him - he came to save me because of these treasures.

If he cheats, I will always feel guilty when I meet him in the next dragon and snake rankings, and I will be hesitant to make a move during the fight. To be honest with his father, the child was a prodigal before and had little ambition to participate in the Dragon and Snake Ranking.

Things are indeed different now. I must make a name for myself and bring glory to my father’s face! "

Song Gongquan was greatly comforted, stroking his beard and said: "My son can have such a big heart, so what if I give him some extraneous things!" After a pause, he added: "It's just the first test that made it look like this. , next on the dragon and snake list..."

Both father and son were a little worried, so they quietly went to see Ji Su, but saw that the examiner was already relaxed. He didn't seem to be worried about how the Dragon Snake List would be dealt with next, but instead had some confidence.

Sun Changming made two more trips and brought back thousands of people. The number of people who came out of the Short Life Valley was already nearly 10,000. Mr. Lin suddenly cheered: "Okay, the Short Life Valley is ready!"

In the valley, the flowing malicious power suddenly softened, and the wall of energy blocking the Sixth Realm Overhaul slowly dissipated.

"The number of high-level monks that this valley can accommodate is about 20,000. If there are any more, something will happen." Mr. Lin waved his hand: "Hurry in and get everyone out."

The monks from the Beijing camp who were guarding the entrance of the valley quickly entered, followed the "restored" safe route, and led the remaining monks out one by one. They were busy until the sky was about to dawn, and it was not over.

Then Mr. Lin personally entered the Short-lived Valley, inspected it carefully, and finally confirmed that the change in the Short-lived Valley had passed.

Song Gongquan actually entered earlier. He and Mr. Lin were both a little suspicious - the suspicion naturally focused on Sun Changming. However, Sun Changming had entered the Short Life Valley several times to save people. At this time, he was extremely weak and was recuperating under the care of Liang Yuzhi and other three people at the sixth level. They could not directly interrogate him.

So I could only search the valley, hoping to find some clues.

But no matter what methods they used, they never thought that the valley itself had become conscious and had become an alien cultivator long ago! This situation is really too rare. Therefore, they checked carefully several times and found no evidence. They could only lament that Sun Changming really wanted money rather than his life, and he did have some skills. In such a dangerous situation, he actually turned the tide and saved the lives of 30,000 cultivators. !

But the aftermath was very complicated. The 30,000 cultivators in the Short Life Valley had exhausted their spiritual elixirs, and many of their magic weapons were broken. After they came out, they were all as weak as Sun Changming. Sun Changming had the high-level elixir given by Master Liang Yuzhi and could recover in two or three days, but these cultivators did not have it.

It's okay for those with family generals and guardians who follow them, and they can always collect some money to buy it, but many casual cultivators from poor families are really broke. The Ministry of War and Ji Su refused to give money, so Song Gongquan naturally stopped bleeding. Finally, Liang Yu pointed out that he came forward and contacted the famous business name "Jing Jing Ji" in the capital to sign a contract with these poor monks and paid some money in advance. Give them the elixir, and if they achieve success in the future, they will pay back the money to Jingjingji, paying about 30% of the interest.

Apart from this incident, there is another question: what should the Dragon Snake List do next.

The strange thing is that when such a big thing happened, there was no reaction from the imperial court. Normally, His Majesty the Emperor should at least reprimand Ji Su, or even replace the examiner directly.

But he did it quietly, and there was no punishment for Ji Su.

On the third day, Ji Su left with his auxiliary officers, and even left a message before leaving: The assessment questions for the second level will be given in a few days!

After Ji Su left, there was finally an explanation for the incident in the first level assessment: everyone had passed the test and could directly participate in the second level assessment!

Public opinion in the capital was in an uproar. What is this? To appease the cultivators with resentment in their hearts?

However, there was no suggestion in the court to punish Ji Su. No matter how angry the people were, there was nothing they could do about the examiner. The cultivators argued angrily for several days, but they didn't dare to take the lead anymore. After all, they had to participate in the Dragon and Snake Ranking. If they really stood out, they would definitely attract Ji Su's revenge.

It's just that the 30,000 cultivators and countless citizens suppressed their anger at the injustice of the imperial court and Ji Su, just like a steamer lid was placed on the entire capital.

Sun Changming successfully received Song Gongquan's "reward", two sixth-level magic weapons, a sixth-level demon pill and the rhinoceros horn. However, Sun Changming knew full well that these two sixth-level magic weapons could not be used in the Dragon and Snake Ranking, at least not when facing Ma Qizhi.

The prison commander's family background cannot be underestimated. If he can give himself two sixth-level magic weapons, he will definitely be able to give his own son a sixth-level magic weapon that can restrain him in attributes or magical powers.

Sun Changming quietly "raised" him in his small courtyard, and Liang Yuzhi came to visit him from time to time. Although Ma Qizhi was not beaten in the first round of assessment, Ma Qizhi was disgraced and Song Gongquan was bleeding heavily. Master Liang felt very comfortable and even thought of hosting Sun Changming himself in the Jiaofang Division. Master Sun was somewhat interested. He wanted to go with Mr. Liang to see the prosperous scenery of the capital, but Hanmei held his waist and insisted on going with him no matter where he went. The eldest brother could only regretfully reject Mr. Liang's kindness.

A few days later, news suddenly spread in the capital: the test questions for the second level were determined.

Of course, the test questions are kept secret, but the way to buy the test questions is quickly publicized, the "Odd Academy" of the Seongdong Academy.

The shopkeeper is Ji Su's brother-in-law. During this period, he sat in the hall in person. The price of the second level test questions increased to 50,000 spirit jade each. Like the first level, many cultivation methods were added. After purchasing, it can only be used at home. It cannot be shared externally.

This time, 30,000 cultivators were almost detonated! The inns and restaurants where cultivators gathered everywhere were excited, shouting that they wanted to go to the east gate of the imperial city to beat the drum and complain to the emperor!

But before they could leave, a large number of people from the Jingying, Jingzhaoyin, Zhongyuan Zhenfusi and other yamen took to the streets, dispersed the gathered cultivators, and arrested several leading figures. Not only were they imprisoned, but they also seemed There is also severe punishment, and the court will never hire him in the future.

When Ruan Sansheng came again, he closed the courtyard door and yelled that Song Gongquan was nothing. Why did we, the dignified Chaotiansi, follow Jingying and Jingzhaoyin to become Jisu's accomplices?

In such a show of force and arrogance, our Chaotian Division has always been dominated by me, which makes us look domineering!

No matter what he said, Sun Changming could actually see that Ruan Sansheng sympathized with these cultivators, especially those from poor families. He, Ayu and other cavalrymen followed Liu Zhi, and they all had a sense of righteousness and courage.

But there are some things, even if Ruan Sansheng has been in the capital all year round, he still has limitations. It is not as thorough as Master Sun who can see through the historical experience of his previous life.

Sun Changming couldn't tell him directly, so he could only express a few words of relief.

Before Ruan Sansheng left, he gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, we must fight for the first place on the dragon and snake list, get the first place on the first list, trample under our feet those dandy boys who spend money to find a way, and let them see clearly that this world of cultivation is still the same after all. The winner must be decided based on true strength!”

Sun Changming smiled calmly: "You are more confident than I am."

Not long after Ruan Sansheng left, Liang Yuzhi came again. The commander of Beiyuan, whose appearance and temperament were more like that of a queen, entered the courtyard with his hands behind his back as if inspecting, but he only took a look here and said something there, and it seemed that there was nothing important.

Sun Changming chuckled secretly, and then deliberately provoked her: "Master Liang, it's better not to look for it here. That seventh-level treasure, the rhinoceros horn, must be dedicated to my Master Liu. If you want it, Why don't you ask Mr. Liu when the time comes and see if he is willing to give it to you?"

Of course, these are words that go against his will. Mr. Sun will only try his best to extract benefits from his boss, and want him to give treasures to his boss... It is absolutely impossible.

Liang Yuzhi jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "If Liu Zhi's things are thrown at my feet, I won't even bother to pick them up!"

This reaction fell into Sun Changming's eyes, and he could only be evaluated in four words: It is too obvious to hide the obvious.

Liang Yuzhi suddenly reacted: "You are a narrow-minded kid. I am here to take care of you out of kindness. Why do you have no reason to suspect that I have fallen in love with your baby?"

"Isn't it really for the rhinoceros horn?"

"Of course not!" Liang Yuzhi was annoyed, and simply waved his hand and was about to leave: "That's all, I won't say more to you. There is a lot of disturbance in the capital. I just want to advise you: Don't think about those messy things. I As monks, just stick to your heart and do not violate your conscience."

Sun Changming smiled: "Master Liang, are you worried that I will be angry because of the incident in the academy?"

Liang Yuzhi glared and lowered his voice: "Don't think that I don't know what happened to Ji Su's concierge. It was you who did it!"

Sun Changming was furious: "Ruan Sansheng eats everything inside and outside..."

"He was worried that something might happen to you, so he came to me and asked me to protect you secretly. Don't be ignorant of good people's hearts." Liang Yu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Listen to my advice this time and don't make trouble. Now, Ji Su has learned his lesson from last time, if you try to be a monster again, you will fall into his trap."

Sun Changming sighed and said: "It won't happen this time. It is meaningless. Even if I rob him again, he will find something else to do to get that person's money back."

Liang Yuzhi's eyes rarely wandered, and he hesitated: "You... don't make blind guesses."

Sun Changming grinned and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Liang, my subordinates know what is good and what is wrong, and understand that Mr. Liang is working hard." Liang Yuzhi suddenly visited, hesitating, talking to Zuo about him, and making insinuations. In fact, he was secretly worried that Sun Changming was unhappy. Go make trouble again.

It's just that there are some reasons why Liang Yuzhi's identity cannot be explained clearly.

Liang Yuzhi was still a little suspicious: "Did you really guess who that person was?"

Sun Changming sat down, put his hands on his knees, and sighed: "Of the four popular candidates for the examination of the Dragon and Snake List, I didn't want any of them, but I chose Ji Su, who was mediocre in all aspects.

As soon as Ji Su took office, he worked hard to make money, even without shame, and caused a big accident at the first level. However, that person insisted on suppressing the entire court and did not even give him an explanation. He asked him to start the second level as soon as possible, and continued Making money, haha, if I still can't figure it out, I won't do Chaotiansi anymore. "

Chaotiansi started out investigating cases, gathering intelligence, and placing spies.

Although Sun Changming did not directly tell who the person was, he had actually pointed it out. Liang Yuzhi also understood that he had really guessed it. The only person who could protect Ji Su when the first level of trouble was like that was He could be your Majesty today.

Liang Yuzhi sighed, and Sun Changming added: "Jisu won't get much of the money. The one who really wants the money is probably the one who wants it."

Ji Su was chosen to be the examiner because he had promised His Majesty that he could make the most money for Your Majesty!

"There should be an ambush at the Ode Academy where the palace overhaul is located, right?"

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