God Pet Has Opened Up For Me Again

Chapter 653 Anti-God Alliance

If something happened in the past, Mr. Sun could only handle it by himself. If he couldn't resist it anymore, he would leave it to his second brother.

Now that we have two teammates, the Great Leader and King Qin, the three of us can discuss any matters. These two are the best in terms of strength and resourcefulness. There is no barrier for the three of them to communicate. They can understand each other's deeper meanings as soon as they speak.

"The Immortals are not united within themselves. This state may have started after the Sky Rail Reversal, the gods were expelled, and the Immortals family dominated the upper world. This is almost an inevitable result."

"Is it possible that it was a backhand arrangement by the God Lords?"

Lord Sun thought about it, searched through the second master's memory, and then shook his head: "Unknowable." The records left by Lord Thunder God in the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods did not mention any relevant matters.

"But if it is just to prevent Doumu Immortal from condensing Dao Fruit, it doesn't seem reasonable enough. According to Mr. Sun's description, the Primordial Immortal Cardinal and the Soul-eating Hookworm are not trivial. If they are given to the lower world, they may cause endless disasters. Why don't the Emperors intervene? Stop it, but have a laissez-faire attitude?”

"And for what fundamental purpose did the immortals take the initiative to make such a decision?"

Master Sun joked and said: "These two treasures are related to the great leader." Wu Fu snorted: "Does this leader need to say that he is flattered?"

At that time, it seemed reasonable to give such a treasure to deal with the great leader. After all, the immortals were deceived at that time and did not realize that Lord Sun was rebellious!

However, the last time the Great Hierarch overcame the tribulation, he died together with Suzaku without the help of Master Sun. The upper world had more reliable means to deal with the Great Hierarch.

"It seems that the arrangements made by some beings in the upper world in secret are not something we can understand now." King Qin frowned and shook his head: "I don't like this feeling. Ever since I embarked on the path of cultivation, I have been It’s all about taking control.”

Grand Master Wu Fu also said: "We know too little about the upper world, and it is impossible to talk about any analysis and speculation. All our understanding of the upper world still comes from the four elephant beasts, and they have left the upper world by tens of thousands. years."

"So," Master Sun said, "I want to go up and take a look and collect first-hand information."

Wu Fu and King Qin looked at Master Sun at the same time: "What you said about going up and taking a look must not be ascension, right? Do you want to sneak up through the Changchun Fairyland?"

Master Sun smiled and said: "The two fellow Taoists really know me! Are you interested in joining me?" Master Sun also understood the two fellow Taoists and said: "We will act separately and finally compare which one will go to the upper world." The biggest gain.”

The eyes of the two fellow Taoists were filled with a look of eagerness to try.

Although Mr. Sun said it very "peacefully", the meaning of "competition" was very clear! When the Great Hierarch and King Qin first met Lord Sun, their evaluation of Lord Sun was naturally much lower than their own. At that time, in their eyes, Mr. Sun was just a first-class genius who came to seek cooperation - there was no comparison with a top genius like himself.

Their positioning of Lord Sun is: a think tank.

You can make suggestions and even work hard to promote certain plans; but in the end, the final decision must be made by the King of Qin and the Grand Master.

But as the return plan of the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace progressed, the two of them gradually discovered: Something is wrong. Why do we feel like this kid is gradually stepping on our heads! This feeling became even more obvious after Lord Sun captured the Changchun Immortal Territory.

These two great talents said nothing, but how could they be convinced in their hearts?

With such an opportunity for a head-on competition before them, of course they couldn't help it.

"Hahaha, I've had this intention for a long time!" King Qin was very frank and direct.

The great leader also nodded and said: "Yes."

Mr. Sun smiled: "In that case, let's all prepare ourselves first. I will try to open up the road from the Changchun Immortal Realm to the upper realm. When everything is ready, I will notify the two fellow Taoists."

Lord Sun reminded me again: "Two fellow Taoists, please note that many of the immortals in the upper realm ascended from the lower realm. When they were in the lower realm, each of them was a top genius and was no weaker than us. So I went After you go to the immortal world, please be extra careful and be mentally prepared, as I may become invisible to everyone in the immortal world."

Neither King Qin nor the Grand Master listened.

They are very confident: Yes, those who ascend are all top geniuses, but among the top geniuses, we must also be the top!

Mr. Sun didn't give much advice. It's not wrong for the two of them to be so confident. They do have the qualifications. What the truth is can only be known by going to the fairy world. It may be that they were awakened by the cruel reality, or it may be that the two of them are indeed the best in the fairy world and continue to become the genius of the fairy world.

The Grand Master and the King of Qin went back and prepared not to mention it. Master Sun started to penetrate into some neighboring fairy lands from the Changchun Immortal Territory. If we only rely on Master Sun's power, this matter is of course hopeless. Master Sun combined the power and knowledge of Lord True Water and carefully analyzed the void structure of the Changchun Immortal Realm. Then Lord True Water set his sights on a place in the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods. On a god.

The God of Construction, both back then and now, was very inconspicuous in the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, and there were not many believers in the lower world. When the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods slipped into the chaotic void, He had a blank look on his face. He had no idea why the terrible disaster suddenly happened. It’s coming!

Of course, He doesn't have any back-up arrangements.

Those powerful gods had more or less premonitions, but they were unable to stop the general trend. Having a good relationship with these powerful gods, I also got hints in advance and made some preparations together. Only the God of construction was ignorant from beginning to end, and no one paid any attention to Him.

If the Temple of the Gods is a class, then the God of Construction is the little transparent person in every class. No one likes Him and no one hates Him. No one can see His presence or absence.

However, over the past tens of thousands of years, carpenters, bricklayers and the like in various lower realms will still mention the names of certain related gods when worshiping their ancestors, including the God of Construction.

So inexplicably, the belief in the God of Construction continues in the lower world! So after the Heavenly Palace of All Gods returned to its place, He actually regrouped his soul and returned to Nirvana!

The God of Construction was a little confused: I died, I lived again... What on earth is going on? He wanted to go to the other gods to ask about the situation, but he looked left and right, and none of them were familiar. It was a bit offensive to speak rashly. If they ignored me, it would be very embarrassing, so forget it.

The God of Construction just stays in the Heavenly Palace of the Gods, and has no intention of expanding his faith in the lower realms, showing miracles to attract God's favored people, etc. It's too troublesome, so let's avoid it.

Suddenly on this day, the God of Construction was lying lazily in his own small temple as usual - yes, the God of Construction has his own temple. This place was allocated to the Heavenly Palace of the All Gods as usual when he achieved the status of god. His was just an open space at the time, and the God of Construction used his divine power to build it bit by bit into a small temple that looked inconspicuous on the outside. The interior is extremely exquisite, and the various structures and facilities far exceed those of the magnificent main temple. Moreover, the level of living comfort is second to none in the Heavenly Palace of All Gods.

After it was completed, He wanted to invite guests to come and observe it, but after looking around, he felt unsure, so he came back after inviting them. If you get rejected, it will be embarrassing, forget it.

He was lying lazily as usual, counting the stars in boredom. Occasionally, he would have an inspiration and think about what else could be improved in his little temple.

Suddenly the voice of the Lord God rang in his ears: "Come for a visit." The God of Construction turned over in shock and fell off the soft couch he was lying on.

Fortunately, His little temple was indeed built very mysteriously and skillfully. The hard ground instantly turned into soft sand, which was quite comfortable to fall on.

He got up in confusion: Am I hallucinating? Divine auditory hallucinations are relatively rare and the probability is very small. But compared to the probability that the Lord God suddenly summons him... it seems that the probability of hearing hallucinations is higher.

The second master shouted, and after waiting for a while, he found that the inconspicuous little god actually ignored his call! Standing there stupidly in a daze, he became angry: "Why are you dazed? Come here quickly!"

"Ah?!" The God of Construction trembled, and was still comparing which one was more likely to happen, "Two auditory hallucinations by the gods" or "The Lord summoned me", when the Lord's voice came again: "Come here!"

The God of Construction finally confirmed, oh, I wasn’t hallucinating, it was the Lord God who really summoned me. He hurried over and entered the main hall of the True Water God. He stood at the foot of the steps and cowered, like a little transparent being bullied by the class leader.

The second master showed no nonsense and showed the Changchun Immortal Realm and ordered: "Build a void corridor leading to other Immortal Realms."

The God of Construction said "Oh" and agreed. Don't talk about difficulty, don't ask about time limit, don't care about gains and losses, don't care about success or failure. In fact, it was just a little transparent person from the Shrine who finally got noticed by the class leader. He didn't dare to beep too much, but he had to do it no matter what.

Mr. Sun had reviewed the general situation of the Heavenly Palace of All Gods before and almost ignored this little transparency. But Mr. Sun soon discovered that this guy is a treasure boy! Speaking of the scope of the God of Construction's divine power, it seems "cheap" and "mean" because it is too practical. However, Lord Sun realized that this part of the divine power can be extended to the field of void construction and rule structure, because this part actually also belongs to " put up".

I just don’t know what level this little transparent person has reached.

This time I brought him here. On the one hand, I really needed his help. On the other hand, I also wanted to verify whether he had reached the level of "void construction".

The God of Construction just agreed with such an "understatement", which really shocked Mr. Sun. He wondered whether this person was not a "little transparent", but a hermit of the shrine who kept secrets.

The second master's attitude towards the God of Construction became much gentler: "This matter is related to the great cause of our clan. If you have any needs, just ask. In addition, how long do you estimate it will take to build this void corridor...?"

The voice of Jianshe said "hmm" again, still with a sullen face, which made Mr. Sun even more fearful and fanciful: If his divine power has been extended to the level of "rule structure", this "great hermit" is very likely to It was the backup plan arranged by the God Lords back then!

But then, the God of Construction revealed his secret as soon as he opened his mouth. The little transparent person in the class was so nervous when facing the class leader. As a god, her voice started to stutter and tremble: "No, no, it's not that difficult. Give me, me, me, three months..."

In the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace, except for the True Water God Lord and the Dragon God Lord, all the gods have been resurrected from Nirvana. The total number is sixty-seven, which is less than 30% of the number of gods during the peak period of the Ten Thousand Gods Heavenly Palace.

In addition, there are many gods, gods, etc.

After the Lord of Flowing Wind was beheaded, the little thoughts of the gods were secretly hidden. But these "thoughts" did not disappear. On the contrary, the power of the True Water God Lord forced them to unite and secretly use some special divine power to communicate, but they did not dare to gather casually on weekdays.

They have to be like this, otherwise no matter what their plans are, they will not be the opponents of the True Water God Lord and the Dragon God Lord - the blood of the gods on the God-Slaying Platform has not dried up yet.

Among them, the first are four high-ranking gods who are as powerful as the Lord of Liufeng and second only to the Lord of Gods: the top of the mountains, the Lord of Wealth, the ancestor of all beasts, and the God of Winter.

They use the "weaving hand" of the god in charge of weaving and embroidery to communicate secretly with an invisible web woven by special divine energy. In this large network, all information is transmitted through invisible threads, and there will never be any leakage of information. If the secret is leaked, it will definitely be a traitor within.

The ancestor of all beasts felt very puzzled: "The first person summoned alone is the God of Construction? What use can that waste have?"

At the beginning of the return of the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Thousand Gods, the gods revived. Master Sun once wore the vest of the Lord of True Water and summoned everyone collectively. After the second master officially became the Lord of True Water, he also held a collective meeting. But the first time he was summoned alone had a special meaning, but he did not expect that the opportunity would be given to such a transparent person like the God of Construction. The ancestor of all beasts, who had a relatively bad temper, was very dissatisfied.

The Master of Wealth asked: "A thousand gold to buy a horse bone? Because you know you can't win over us, so you want those low-level gods to take the initiative to move closer to Him?"

The top of the mountain wrote a series of "Hahaha", and then said: "What is the use of those low-level gods? It takes tens of thousands of years for them to grow up. If we want to fight against the immortals, only we can fight!"

The God of Winter thought of a plan: "Restrain those little gods and let them understand the situation. Don't think that one is really approachable. This is asking them to sacrifice their lives!"

"Choose a few more reliable ones and take the initiative to join them. If there is any news, let us know in advance."

"When that person's plan fails, he will understand that if he wants to fight against the immortals, we have to rely on us, and we can negotiate with him."

Several masters thought about it and felt that the plan was feasible.

The God of Construction returned to his small temple, and after thinking hard, he realized that, oh...this thing is not easy to do. But he usually had nothing else to do, and his only pastime was "studying". When he encountered such a problem, he was very excited. He spent half a month thinking about it without eating or sleeping, and finally had a rough idea. He took the initiative to find the Lord of True Water... ...Then I had a panic attack and wandered around outside the temple of the Lord of True Water for several times without daring to knock on the door!

Mr. Sun was a little confused: Are you wandering around in the enclosed territory? Do you want to lift up your hind legs and pee?

The God of Construction's eyes flashed as he was pulled directly into the temple by Master Sun: "What's the matter?"

The God of Construction spoke intermittently, and finally made it clear that he needed to conduct an on-site investigation before he could finally determine whether his plan was feasible. So Master Sun sent him to the Changchun Fairyland with a wave of his hand.

The Lords of Wealth sensed that the God of Construction suddenly disappeared and was no longer in the Heavenly Palace of All Gods. They were all surprised for a moment: Did Lord True Water send Him out? Such a thing can even blush when talking to God. What can be accomplished?

"This is a good opportunity!" The Lord of Wealth was overjoyed: "The few we selected, let them prepare in advance. If the God of Construction messes up, they will immediately volunteer themselves, and they will definitely be reused."

So several low-ranking gods waited uneasily and with some expectation.

After waiting for two months, the God of Construction suddenly returned. Then all of a sudden, rituals and music were blaring in the entire Palace of the Gods, and all kinds of divine lights, flowers, and fireworks were falling in the sky.

The majestic voice of the True Water God Lord was heard by all the gods: "The God of Construction has made great achievements and was promoted to the middle god!"

After being rewarded with the huge power of faith, the God of Construction became the middle god! The small temple also expanded and became quite impressive!

The most wealthy thing Lord Zhenshui has right now is faith, which he can't even use up.

The gods were stunned: This, this...

A few minor gods were anxious and secretly asked the four great gods: "Are we... still going to come forward and recommend ourselves?"

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