Goddess’s Personal Doctor

Chapter 338: conservative idea

The fat is as full as the moon, fat but not greasy, like a pile of snow. To use an ancient saying to describe, Zhao Yawei's **** belongs to the kind of woman who is very good at breeding.

At this time, I was pushing and holding at the end of her Governor Vessel, that is, this part.

There is no way to describe it in words. Even Zhao Yawei, who is in a fever, finds it hard to say it. Even after her voice was deliberately suppressed, it still came out. Holding the end of her Governor Vessel, I didn't let her turn around until her entire Governor Vessel, from Dazhui down, was fully activated...

The so-called Ren and Du do not separate families, Zhou Tianxing is one.

It means that Ren and Du are connected, and the breath circulates around the sky, that is, it is complete, and the clear qi is stored in the dantian, and the turbid qi rises and exhales it, which is the way of longevity. She wanted to massage again, but when Zhao Yawei was about to turn around, she refused to die.

I just said one sentence and I don't know what to do. I'm afraid I can't accept it with anyone!

"Does it have to be like this?" Zhao Yawei muttered in a weak voice, "I don't feel so cold anymore... Otherwise, half the treatment?"

"You are not cold now because the qi and blood of the Du meridian has been activated, temporarily removing half of the cold air, but the two meridians of Ren and Du are connected, and part of the cold air that travels in the Du meridian can easily be transferred to the Ren meridian. If you don't finish a week's treatment, the cold will still accumulate in the Renmai, and you will continue to catch a cold for a while... but it's easy to get worse!" I explained seriously.

"But..." Zhao Yawei bit her lip and sighed with difficulty, "What on earth are you going to do... I'm like this... How can I see you in the future?"

I frowned and said, "No one knows what happened here, and in fact I can't see anything clearly, Mr. Yawei, please relax."

Zhao Yawei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, her voice was soft and weak, and she reluctantly took a deep breath and hummed with a scorching breath, "Then... it's cheaper for you, go ahead!"

Saying that, she turned around and turned her back to me————

However, this is not acceptable, I can do the back push when she is facing me, but I cannot do the front push when her back is facing me, because relatively speaking, people The front is softer, not as tough as the back, and the meridians and acupuncture points are more difficult to find!

So I hesitated for a moment and said, "I have to sit up!"

"Ah? Wasn't it lying down just now?" Zhao Yawei asked in astonishment.

"Because the Du meridian on the back can be found according to the position of the spine, but the Ren meridian is not so easy to find, and the front part is relatively soft, so...it's easy to find it wrong, if you sit up, it will be better!" I said. .

"But it's cold to sit up..." Zhao Yawei bit her lip and snorted, "Besides, I feel even more embarrassed when I sit!"

"It's okay, I can't see you!"

"Then you... don't touch it!" Zhao Yawei's threat made me laugh or cry.

Slowly, she sat up.

But when my hand just touched her neck, she shivered a bit, and then Huazhi smiled and trembled: "Don't touch my neck, I'm ticklish..."

"Hold on!" I had no choice. I wanted to grab her shoulders to calm her down, but who knew that she was shaking too much and accidentally pushed her hand on a piece of soft wax. Zhao Yawei suddenly said 'ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ' screamed and hugged him in front of his chest!

I embarrassedly 'uh' apologised to her!

She was silent for a while, then gritted her teeth and said to me: "Okay... I'm not smiling anymore, you should treat it quickly, it's too cold!"

I nodded, but realized that she couldn't see it, so I had to make a 'um', and then started to press down from the collarbone under her neck. When I passed her fullness, I only felt thrilled, while she She shivered so badly, I don't know if it was because of the cold?

Going all the way down to the lower abdomen, I found out that she even has a tight vest line. Usually, it seems that I can't find that the cold and glamorous headmistress actually has such a toned figure.

Maybe it was a visual shield. Although her hands were always in contact with her flawless figure like a work of art, in fact, the suffering was much lighter than when she helped He Ting in the treatment, but it could also be Zhao Yawei's. Identity gives me some deterrence!

I didn't lose control until the end of treatment and I let her get dressed!

But the temperature outside was obviously cold. When I took the initiative to hug Zhao Yawei, she was slightly shocked and wanted to dodge, but she quickly got used to it and slowly approached me and hugged me together. Although her body became hot, the temperature of her forehead had obviously gone down!

I asked her to reach out and test the palm of her hand!

The temperature of the palms also went down.

After checking my pulse again, I finally let out a sigh of relief and said, "A lot of the cold has been removed, and then we can only warm up in a group until the temperature outside rises a little!"

"Hmm..." Zhao Yawei was in my arms and responded with a weak mosquito chirping.

This kind of feeling is a bit strange and awkward. Zhao Yawei touched my arm and asked, "It's cold, are you cold too?"

I smiled and said, "It's okay, I used to be used to being in the mountains. Sometimes I don't cover the quilt in winter, and sometimes I jump into the river for a winter swim..."

"If it's cold, hold tight!" Zhao Yawei sighed softly, "It's nothing anyway, it's more important to survive!"

I 'um', and Wei Wei hugged her a little tighter!

The passage of time has no concept at this time, and it makes people feel embarrassed to be quiet, but we have talked about almost all the topics we can talk about, so under the silence, our emotions become a little awkward and strange, I want to find Open a topic, but don't know what to say?

Zhao Yawei also does some small movements in my arms from time to time, it seems a little uncomfortable!

Finally, she couldn't help but ask, "Are you and Mo Jin dating?"

"No..." I smiled wryly, "Why do you ask that?"

"Mo Jin's sudden departure, I think it has something to do with you. After that Hangcheng competition, she suddenly took a year off from school. I can't think of any other reason..." Zhao Yawei sighed, "Is it because Did you break her heart? Did something happen to you?"

I was silent for a while, then shook my head subconsciously and sighed: "Nothing happened, she just said that she wants to go out for a year, maybe when she comes back in a year, she will forget me."

"Who's to believe it?" Zhao Yawei sneered, "The whole school has spread about you, but nothing really happened to you?"

"No!" I smiled wryly.

"Have you ever kissed?" Zhao Yawei asked suddenly.

I was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully for a long time, and responded a little embarrassedly: "I have..."

Suddenly, I felt severe pain in my waist!

Zhao Yawei snorted coldly while pinching me: "You are shameless, even I dare to deceive, you have already kissed, you actually said that you have nothing?"

I screamed and begged for mercy: "The situation was special at that time, and in fact we had not developed a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, so she left, how should I answer? What if I said something? What if she came back? She already has a boyfriend, doesn't that ruin her reputation?"

"Humph!" Zhao Yawei snorted coldly, she was too lazy to care about me, and even the distance between hugs was separated!

I am helpless too!

The atmosphere became awkward again.

After a long, long time, Zhao Yawei sighed and asked me, "What does it feel like to kiss?"

"Isn't it?" I was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yawei pinched me angrily and said angrily, "Are you students talking bad about me again in private? Saying that I'm higher by unspoken rules or something? Is there any?"

"Uh... that's not true, but everyone said that you want to be in politics and you have a good family background, but..." I said hesitantly, "Mr. Yawei, you really haven't been in love, right?"

Zhao Yawei was silent for a moment, then sighed: "I and Jie'er have very different personalities, but we have the same concept on this matter, and we won't be casual before marriage, or before meeting the person to marry. an attempt at such a thing..."

When I heard this, I couldn't help but be stunned, but then I couldn't help but think of Xu Jie, and I thought, Mr. Yawei, you are wrong, my sister Xu Jie tried this kind of thing before you, and it was with me!

I was in a trance when Zhao Yawei suddenly pinched me and groaned angrily, "I'm talking to you, what do you mean by not answering for a long time?"

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