Gossip King

Chapter 402: Angry but useless

On the slide, there is a brief data report on the interview with Kenbihan's diet.

The matter is much more serious than imagined.

I randomly checked five cities and interviewed nearly 1,000 families with young children. There is an 88% probability that they will experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, fever and other reactions to varying degrees after eating the Kambihan baby package.

88%, this is an extremely high probability.

"Xiao Zhang's film is the most typical, you see." Jian Xiao clicked on one of the videos. A mother sitting in front of the camera with her baby in her arms, her eyes red.

"Although I have no evidence, there is definitely something wrong with their house!" The child’s mother’s tears slipped down, and she kissed the baby in her arms with a drip on the baby’s head: "My son is ten months old. Great, every time I take him out to play, I always bring him to Kenbihan to eat, because Kenbihan has several baby foods, mashed potatoes with gravy, mashed corn with gravy, and mashed sweet potatoes with chicken."

Babies from ten months to a little over one year old mostly eat mushy foods. Ken Bihan has developed a set meal for this market.

"When we ate for the first time, we had diarrhea when we went home. After seven days, it became gastroenteritis and was hospitalized." The mother of the child wiped her tears, pain in her heart.

"What did the doctor say?" Xiao Zhang asked.

"Although the doctor diagnosed gastroenteritis, it was autumn, prone to diarrhea, and no food poisoning, but I was always a little skeptical and never took him to eat. But last week, my mother-in-law saw that he wanted to eat, so... …The result…" The child’s mother broke down and cried, crying and said: "This time the diagnosis is still caused by gastroenteritis. The bacteria test result came out, saying that he had eaten something unclean. This time he was older and ate too much. Many, the problem is very serious. It has caused a series of infections. The child’s illness is violent. The doctor just now...just now the doctor said that we should be transferred to a larger hospital, but in Sichuan, this is the largest hospital. What should I do? My baby, what should I do! Unconscionable Ken Bihan, this is baby’s food! How dare such a large multinational company be so arrogant! I want to defend my rights! I want to defend my rights!"

As he was talking, the doctor came in and the nurse saw the filming. He nodded politely and then turned to the baby’s mother and said, “We’re going to take a blood test.”

The tears of the child's mother suddenly burst.

"You hold his head and don't let him move." The baby's hoarse cry came out, making a vague "Mother Mom". In the lens, the child's eyes are all fear, nothing else, only fear.

He struggled hard, his hands and feet tried his best to escape.

He thinks that escape is self-help, as everyone knows, on the contrary, the person who loves him the most, refuses to let him escape, and his fear grows stronger.

"Baby, baby, there is no way, you have to take a blood test, there is no way, forgive mother, forgive mother." The mother of the child was crying, while pressing the child's head, the other two nurses were holding his The body, hold on tightly, don't let him move.

The needle pierced in, and a sad cry of the baby cried through the room. The baby's body wanted to struggle, but it was still struggling, his entire face was purple and purple.

The nurse frowned, no bleeding.

The needle was pulled out again.

"Is it too thin again?" The child's mother choked and asked, how much bitterness was in the word "again".

The nurse nodded and sighed slightly. The smaller the baby and the thinner the blood vessels, the lower the success rate. Especially for blood vessels that have been shot many times, the needles are injected from the easiest place. Good needle.

The nurse picked up his little feet and looked at them. There was a bruise on the little feet, and then looked at the backs of the hands and arms, and sighed: "Neck. These places are not easy to get needles. Hold his head and rise slightly. Adjust your posture."

The child's mother cried and nodded.

She took her children here for a few days in the hospital, and she had seen other children draw blood from their necks.

As soon as the nurse released the baby's hand, the child's mother picked up the baby. The baby's small body was nestled in her arms and shook violently, making her cry a little dumb.

"No...no..." the baby said vaguely "no".

"Ah, this kid, this is the second sentence I learned.'Dad' didn't learn it. He learned to say'no'. When he first moved in, he taught him to call his father. The voice of the bed came over, trying to ease the atmosphere, but when the words came out, everyone present fell silent.

"Hurry up," the nurse said, taking a new needle and taking a deep breath.

The child's mother nodded and put the baby on his back again.

At this time, the camera zoomed in, and the disbelief and fear in the baby's eyes surged up. His little hands firmly grasped the clothes on his mother's chest, and the crying sounded through the room again.

"Suppress him."

The needle pierced the blood vessel in the neck, and the blushing blood flowed out. The baby's cry was no more than a few minutes, and it was hoarse. After the matter was finished, the mother picked up the baby who had been crying until collapsed and shivered, and could not cry.

"I will get an injection in the afternoon. This built-in needle needs to be changed. Let the baby rest at this time." The nurse said, and went out.

In the afternoon, another round of treatment is required.

And the baby's whole body, where the needle can be pierced, is already full of bruises.

Where to tie it? How many times will it take to succeed? After this series of treatments, can the child's increasingly serious infection be healed?

Snap, a crisp sound.

Mom raised her hand and slapped herself heavily.

This slap in the face is beyond her regrets, why should she believe in this company, and now let her children suffer such suffering!

The hatred in my eyes burst out: "I want to defend my rights, I must defend my rights! When my baby gets better, I will defend my rights right away! I left all the treatment data, I can't do it, the small Japanese company poisons China No one cares anymore!"

After the video was played, there was a heavy breath in the room.

Most of the young people in the room are unmarried young people. Seeing that the baby is suffering, it is very uncomfortable. The two colleagues who have married and have children can better understand the hatred and pain of the mother.

Only parents really understand the feeling of hurting their children and hurting their mother's heart.

"This is the evidence. It will be a sensation when it is broadcasted. The cities I interviewed are also similar. Toddlers between ten months and one and a half years old have eaten this series of mashed meat, and they all have varying degrees of diarrhea and malaise. Reaction." A young reporter who was more extroverted said angrily.

"Yes, I interviewed more than 30 people, and more than 20 people had similar reactions and went to the hospital. The child was so dizzy and seemed to be troublesome."

"Manager Jane has all the statistics, 88%! There have been negative reports about this Japanese company from time to time on the Internet. There are indeed problems. It is not groundless. Such a company must be paid attention to by the government and thoroughly investigated!"

Everyone began to discuss, with enthusiasm.

"Quiet." Jian Xiao singled out, solemnly: "All the information is handed over to me, no release is allowed, anger, it is useless."

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