Gossip King

Chapter 440: Journalist, whose mouthpiece is it?

Li Yifan's voice was full of fear.

As soon as the words were spoken, he took a breath and shivered.

Journalist, whose mouthpiece is it? It is clearly written in all news books, and the definition cannot be clearer: journalists are the mouthpiece of the party.

But it is not the mouthpiece of the fact that it is the mouthpiece of the people, but the mouthpiece of the party.

This is what every journalist knows.

The media broke the shady scenes, especially the shady scenes of enterprises and governments, with clear requirements and rules. If Gao Leng posted the news directly on Weibo, it is conceivable that the city would be full of wind when he woke up in the morning, and the Propaganda Department of the Imperial Capital would immediately need to hold a press conference to give an explanation to the public.

Before the press conference, all the senior executives of Xingsheng had to go to the Propaganda Department. Waiting for them was more than just asking questions.

It is true that a certain number of local media report news about local companies every year, but these are exposed with the tacit approval of the local government, used to spur some less obedient companies or impose small punishments on violating companies.

However, local companies or governments have been involved in a certain level of shady. Local media need to report in advance before publishing. Only after the review is approved, there are certain rules for how to report.

This rule is set by the local propaganda department.

A shady scene broke out in the local area. The local propaganda department has the right to decline official interviews by foreign media, but it is unable to stop reporters from unofficially digging up news materials and bombarding them.

But the local media are different. What is under their jurisdiction, how the local media responds, how to public relations, when encountering important events, each manuscript is reviewed and released uniformly.

Once a bad shady scene is exposed by the foreign media, the local media must listen to the unified orders of the Propaganda Department regardless of how the outside world promotes it. This is the rule.

This is called controlling public opinion. This is not empty talk.

Since ancient times, the people did not fight against the officials, this is the iron law, and it is true today.

And Gao Leng, actually in the magazine of the imperial capital, photographed the shady of the imperial capital, still such a big shady...

What Li Yifan said was not an exaggeration. If Gao Leng didn't know him, he would directly expose it. Afterwards, Xingsheng's senior management would face a major exchange of blood.

Xingsheng Magazine, in the final analysis, is still a private magazine. The ultimate goal is to make money. Headshots are also for making money. This official media dare not poke, he Li Yifan dare to poke? !

Stabbed, can it end?

Obviously not.

Li Yifan's outstretched fingers were shaking slightly, and he pointed at Gao Leng again, and then jerked his sleeves, and walked back and forth in the office several times, "If you sent Weibo directly, you know What are the consequences?! Such a big case, such a big case, according to the regulations, you have to report in advance!"

Gao Leng gritted his teeth looking at Li Yifan like an angry, sleepy beast.

He naturally knows.

After a while, seeing Li Yifan calm down a bit, Gao Leng walked to the drinking water and took a disposable cup, poured a glass of water and handed it to Li Yifan: "Mr. Li, I did not expect the Caesar Group to have such a big deterioration. Meat inventory, look at the preparation I made before."

As he said, Gao Leng opened the curtains, and there were still dense words that he and Jian Xiaodan analyzed at the time on the floor-to-ceiling windows. He walked to one of the lines and knocked, and the glass made a clear sound.

Li Yifan walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at where Gao Leng's hand was pointing.

It reads: 2012.10.5, Caesars Group transported ten tons of meat to the headquarters of the warehouse in China.

On October 2, 2013, Caesars Group transported 50 tons of meat to the warehouse headquarters of Kempehan China.

2014.10.4, Caesars Group transported 80 tons of meat to the warehouse headquarters of Kambihan China.

The look on Li Yifan's face eased a little.

"Eighty tons, this is the largest amount we analyzed at the time. Eighty tons of spoiled meat is not too much." Gao Leng said, and took a sip of a glass of water: "But the Caesar Group has 80 tons. The spoiled meat is an absolute headline."

Li Yifan nodded in approval.

"This kind of front-page headline, I definitely don’t need to report without tracking it in place. Moreover, although it is a front-page headline, it is only 80 tons in the end. Caesars Group’s spoiled meat is indeed a sensation, and I can be held accountable. It’s OK for the government to deal with a few hairs. After all, it is inevitable for such a large enterprise to take a small loophole.” The high cold voice became more and more chilly.

The severity of the sensation and the treatment are often not the same.

A news sensation or explosion does not mean that a large number of people will be dropped, nor does it mean that a certain leader will be able to step down. It depends on the serious nature of the matter.

The degree of nature can be quantified.

Eighty tons of spoiled meat, quantified into such a large business volume of the Caesars Group, is nothing.

"If it really only had 80 tons, we would have made a profit in this news." Li Yifan showed regret, took out the cold cell phone from his pocket, opened it and looked at it, and squeezed it back in his pocket with great pain.

It's just that his hand is holding the phone tightly in it.

If there are only 80 tons, this news can indeed explode, and Xingsheng is really famous!

Foreign companies and spoiled meat, on these two points, news is absolutely explosive, and news related to people’s livelihood has always been broadcast at a fast rate.

Although it was a sensation, it was nothing to the government of the imperial capital. There were too many major incidents. The 80 tons of broken meat in the possession of an enterprise was not a big deal. Moreover, when the sensation started, the government immediately mobilized personnel from the top. After the next investigation, more than a dozen media were officially filmed to track the resolution process.

Catch that should be caught, kill that should be killed, this operation is good, it is still political achievement. Eighty tons, how many people can be involved?

But a thousand tons, even far more than this number, and in Donggang, such an official place, this news broke out, but it can't be solved by killing a few small hairs.

Once this news is exposed, the media in other provincial capital cities will follow up, especially the media in the provincial capital cities that have a bad relationship, and give you a full exposure.

With so much inventory, organized, and disciplinedly transported to all parts of the country, how many people have to be involved?

This is not a political achievement, it is a fault.

"Are you sure... no one knows that you followed the film?" After a lot of thought, Li Yifan turned his head and stared at Gao Leng's eyes, very serious, and raised his mobile phone.

Li Yifan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and took a sip from the water glass on the table: "It's a pity, this material can't be sold to others."

This kind of case involving too much of officialdom will be dealt out in private business sooner or later. Xingsheng works on the realm of the imperial capital. There is no need to cause trouble for this money. What's more, whoever takes this material will make a fortune. , The grade of the entire media is up.

This kind of serious case is hard to come by.

"No way, Gao Leng." Li Yifan shook his head helplessly.


The cold cell phone was thrown into the water glass.

"I can't report, I can't tell, I will post Ken Bihan's advertisement tomorrow, and I will meet Ai Miao to take a meal." Li Yifan said, opening the door and pointing at the fat man and the old man: "Your people, whether they know it or not, call them To shut up."

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