Gossip King

Chapter 674: This is the truth!

"Then, let's start the class. Tonight we have a sharing class. Today is Xiaoyun's dad. Please..." Professor Zhang, who was wearing his horn, had not finished speaking, the door of the auditorium was knocked down. Opening it, a female voice floated over with anxiety: "Professor Zhang, Reporter Peng has exposed it, it has been exposed, it is negative!"

Everyone was in an uproar, especially the family members, who became angry, but Professor Zhang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and waved, and the audience was silent.

"It's okay. How will Reporter Peng expose tomorrow? We will let the children open and everyone will express their views on the matter freely." Professor Zhang's voice was very slow, not knowing whether it was the tone or the tone of his speech. Even Gao Leng seemed to calm down after hearing what he said.

It's amazing.

"However, the director of the police station came over, saying that it was because reporter Peng exposed it. Under pressure, he must come to investigate what is going on here." The nurse's words made all the family members present with frost on their faces. .

As for the patients sitting opposite, some frowned like their family members, while others smiled secretly, gloating.

"The one who just snickered, add a circle, and allies record it." Professor Zhang suddenly turned around and pointed to a few patients who were snickering. All of a sudden, no one on the patient dared to move. Corners of the mouth.

This kind of shock is no different from the ancient emperor asking someone's head.

"Invite him in, it doesn't matter." Professor Zhang seemed to be completely careless about everything, very calm. Even seeing the director of the police station hurried in with several policemen, he still smiled.

"Professor Zhang, I'm sorry to disturb you. I can't do anything about it. Now that the news has been exposed for the task given above, we have to come and see the situation. As soon as Reporter Peng exposes it, you are illegal!" The director laughed and stretched out. He shook his hand with Professor Zhang: "I have to find out if these children are voluntary and if they are really sick."

Reporter Peng’s report was only broadcast on the first episode, which brought tremendous public opinion pressure to the local government.

"Okay, let's investigate now." Professor Zhang smiled slightly, turned around and waved at the parents: "Parents, do you know that the treatment process requires electric shock?"

"Know!" Qi brushed the voice.

"Then you voluntarily let the children come for treatment?"

"Yes!" The voice resounded throughout the auditorium.

"Children, are you willing to accept treatment?" Professor Zhang turned around and asked.

"Yes! Volunteer!" The children said in unison, without any hesitation. Gao Leng noticed that a few who had just come to receive treatment hadn't spoken, and there was something strange in their eyes, and they seemed to want to rush out and shout "Not willing" , But scared again.

"Director, is this report easy to write?" Professor Zhang smiled at the director, and the director also sighed in relief and smiled.

On the Internet, the local government is scolding for inaction and tolerating such a brutal treatment center to abuse young people. As everyone knows, this Internet addiction institution is one of the local government's achievements.

This is political achievement, not inaction.

Since it is a political achievement, naturally the elbows are external.

"This exposure is a bit ruthless, and it is estimated that a lot of media will come in the future, so my report has to be a little more detailed, and I have to understand the specific conditions of these children." said the director.

When Professor Zhang heard this, he nodded, turned his head and said to the patient area: "Children, who have beaten their parents, raise your hand."

Beat your parents? ! Gao Leng raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and what made him even more surprised was that 90% of them raised their hands and swept the ground.

"Those who have taken drugs, raise your hand!"

Shattering, nearly 50% of the people raised their hands.

Gao Leng's heart was shocked. He looked at this group of patients. These people are very young, so immature, ranging from 14 to 28 years old. And a handful of 14 or 15-year-olds have raised their hands that have taken drugs.

"Really?" Gao Leng couldn't help but asked the elder brother next to him softly. The eldest brother wiped his tears and pointed to the little girl opposite and said: "It's true. My baby is still eating Professor Zhang's. Drugs for detoxification."

"If you have trafficked women for forced prostitution, raise your hand!" Professor Zhang is clear.

Shattered, nearly 30% of people raised their hands, and many people raised their hands repeatedly, that is, they have done these things.

"If you have a keyboard player, raise your hand!"

This time more hands were raised, almost 100% of them raised their hands.

"Wait, what is a keyboard player?" the director asked.

"Student Xiaoxi, get out of the queue." Professor Zhang pointed to one of the little girls, about sixteen years old, with short hair that is the same for all girls in the Internet Addiction Center, looking very pure and cute. "raise your hand."

"Yes!" The classmate named Xiaoxi raised her right hand, and when she raised it, her high cold heart grabbed it. This can't be called a hand, but a claw. It has been deformed, it can't be opened at all, it hooks like a bird's claw, and the blue veins on it violently, ugly.

"Can't you move your fingers?" The director walked over curiously, stretched out his hand and grabbed her hand. He couldn't move it. Even when someone else grasped it, he couldn't break it off. It was like stiff, keyboard player. Indulging in the Internet, holding the mouse in the hand over time forms the skeletal deformity of the hand. This kind of keyboard hand is more common in the severely internet addicted teenagers whose bones are not fully developed.

The director frowned and asked, "Are you taking drugs?"

Xiao Xi shook his head.

"Then you sold..."

"The director of the report, I hired a homicide mother. My mother found out that I was off-track and had a relationship with several boys at the same time. The highest record was a relationship with twelve male classmates at the same time, and an addiction to online games. , The longest recorded stay in an Internet cafe for half a month without going out." Xiaoxi said loudly.

This is privacy, but she just said it so loudly that she hired a murderous mother and had **** with several men at the same time... These things made Gao Leng feel unbelievable when she heard it, but others felt very calm, it seemed, this way The things here are common things.

"Oh..." There was a burst of sweat on the director's forehead, and it was a crime to hire a murderer to attempt to kill a mother, and it was also a crime to take drugs and sell women. He is the director of the police station, knowing that such a big crime is committed, but no one has been arrested...

How can I explain this? The director thought, looking around for a week with lingering fears.

"Parents, raise your hand if you find someone hiding drugs in your home!" Professor Zhang walked to the parent area and asked.

Shattering, hiding drugs, such a big thing, nearly 10% of parents actually raised their hands.

"Parents, I found the child..."

"Wait." Professor Zhang still asked, the director sweated profusely and stopped: "No...no." The director walked into Professor Zhang very embarrassed and said, "You said, so many criminal acts. , I know... this... how good is this?!"

"If you want to catch, I guess the whole house will have to be caught." Professor Zhang spread his hands.

"How good is this..." The director looked at the crowd with lingering fear.

"It's okay." Professor Zhang approached the director: "Mental patients, hallucinations, nonsense, normal."

Empire, mental illness is indeed a good thing. In one word, the director stretched his brows and nodded repeatedly.

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