Great At Acting, Now I'm Reborn

Chapter 38: CP Prosperity

Tiansen Charity Night has always been a battlefield for female celebrities. From the battle dresses attending the event to the various open guns and arrows of disagreement, male celebrities seldom compete with them.

But this time it was a little different.

That night was still the headline of a certain celebrity standing in the C position, and the next day it became a set of photos of Xie Yifeng and Zhou Yu and Ping Er talking.

Xie Yifeng in the photo seemed to have discovered something interesting. He approached Zhou Yuhe's ear in a noisy meeting place, and said something affectionately in his eyes. In the next few photos, Xie Yifeng finished speaking. The two looked at each other and showed knowing smiles.

The angle of this group of photos is very good. The camera took photos from Zhou Yuhe's obliquely behind. Zhou Yuhe's front face was not captured, but his slightly red ears were exposed, and he looked at Xie Yifeng when he turned sideways. The side face with a faint smile, the half-concealed feeling, can better reflect the affectionate atmosphere between the two.

Hot search blows up.

At the time of 14 years, everyone was still relatively innocent. The public's acceptance of cp was relatively high. The cp meal circle was quite harmonious. It has not evolved into a few years later. cp fans come out of pits and step back, cp fans pinch only fans, cp Fans turn to only fans, only fans tear the tragic situation of CP fans.

Treating cp, especially same-sex cp, is much more cute than stepping.

"Ah ah ah ah, please be together!"

"Mom asked me why I suddenly became purple."

"They laughed too much!!!"

All kinds of cp fans that hold the cp flag of crab porridge high came into being.

Of course, Zhou Yuhe’s fans don’t care. Xie Yifeng’s coffee ranks are so much higher than Zhou Yuhe’s. It is undoubtedly better for Zhou Yuhe to fry CP with him.

What about Xie Yifeng's fans?

What a coincidence.

To speculate on CP, fans are generally more disgusted with the more popular party, but Xie Yifeng's fans are not ordinary fans.

They are fans who have endured their lives for ten years, do not buy hot searches, do not do marketing, and do not speculate on CP.

Only when he took the actor, the draft was flying all over the sky. After that period, Xie Yifeng's team was quiet again.

Seeing that the low-key idol was finally willing to do marketing and fry cp, most of the mother-in-law fans showed a relieved expression that "their pigs will finally pick up cabbage".

Zhou Yuhe's image is very good, and the speculation of opposite **** cp is different from same **** cp. If you are of the opposite sex, some girls may still be hostile, but the same sex... In fact, everyone knows that it is impossible. It just satisfies the fan's hobby of YY, so it is harmless.

But even so, there will always be some "true girlfriend fans" who cannot be seen.

And Ji Chen fan, who had been dissatisfied with Zhou Yuhe for a long time because of "Shen Yan", this time saw the opportunity to take advantage of it, and started to black out Zhou Yuhe with a rhythm.

"Is it the only one who thinks Zhou Yuhe's laugh is fake?"

"I feel that his smile is too deliberate. It is the kind of pretentiousness that knows he is handsome, so he deliberately shows in front of fans."

"I always think that Shen Yan can't do anything except smirk, and he can't compare to Xu Chang anywhere. I don't know why Zhou Yuhe is so popular. Now he still has a fancy warmth. To be honest, he is a bit annoying."

A small number of Xie Yifeng’s fans would treat it sensibly if they saw such remarks. But this time, they were easily incited. They suddenly felt that Zhou Yuhe was guilty and began to follow the trend and publish some diss Zhou Yuhe’s words online.

In this case, Yang Yu had expected this group of photos when they appeared on the hot search list.

Overexposure is not a good thing.

So he did not deliberately promote this hot search, but let it sink quietly.

I thought that this incident would just pass, and it is inevitable to harvest a batch of black fans.

Unexpectedly that afternoon, Xie Yifeng posted a new Weibo.

"Being kind to others has always been the credo of my life. I never need or want to raise my position by belittling other artists. I believe my fans have the same opinion as me. If anyone does this, then this I don’t need fans of ."

There is no picture, no expression, this Weibo, which can be said to be very serious, has a clear meaning:

He is defending Zhou Yuhe.

The comment area burst instantly:

"Is Brother Xie protecting Zhou Zhou? This CP fan is going to be sweet enough to faint!!! Help me up! This pair of CP I can still knock for another 800 years!!"

"Oh my God! Xie Ge man burst, okay! This is Xie Yifeng! All fans who diss other artists should stop your behavior immediately!"

Below, there are many fans who apologized to Zhou Yuhe in the comment area.

So strong, so clear.

While the fans repeatedly thanked Yifeng for his character, they also understood that Zhou Yuhe's status in the hearts of idols is extraordinary. Idols have a guiding effect on the behavior of fans. In their view, since they are people whom Brother Xie agrees with, they will also be a good person, so the attack on Zhou Yuhe stopped.

Seeing this, Ji Chen powder had no choice but to die.

Seeing a **** storm that might ferment, it finally became calm, Yang Yu and Zhou Yuhe were fortunate at the same time, they also realized--

National first love.

Although these four words have brought Zhou Yuhe's extremely high exposure and popularity, they have gradually revealed their potential hidden dangers.

It's time to tear this label off the body.


Short update, summer is coming. I went to two jazz classes today. I was so tired that I really wanted to sleep. Do you understand?

The foreshadowing is: great writer → new works. In addition, Cao Qiyue → Chapter 16 Cao Qiyue's appearance → audition of the theme song of the movie "Looking for the Sky" → vacancy for the leading actor, saying that he would recommend an audition opportunity for Zhou Zhou.

In the future, should I call you cookies or Xiaoyuzai [face cover] (you don’t have to choose it all to eat:))

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