Fish-man chimeric ants are roughly the same as fish-people and mermaids in appearance.

But if you look closely, no one will treat the fish-man chimera ant as a fish-man.

The strength of these chimeric ants is only the strength of the colonel of the Navy Headquarters, but in this special environment in the sea, their combat power is equivalent to that of a commodore general.

In the face of these pirates entering the sea, the fish-man chimera ants are simply quacking and killing.


The frightened pirates shot at the chimeric ants.

The bullet arced through the sea and hit the chimeric ants, but the bullet did not even penetrate the scales of the fish-man chimeric ants.

This fish-man chimeric ant passes directly through the bubble coating and enters the sea from the other side.

As it passed the pirate who had shot it, its fins slashed across the pirate's neck, and the pirate's head rolled off the deck like a ball.

"Poof!" "Seven-eighty-zero"

After the fish-man chimeric ant enters the sea, the headless pirate's body smashes down to the deck.

It all happened in a flash of lightning, and it was only after the body of the pirate fell that the pirates reacted.

"These fish people are terrible, are we going to catch such horrible guys?"

A young pirate swallowed, his eyes filled with fear as he looked at the dark shadows around the sea.

"No, these monsters besieging us now are not fish-people or fish-people. "

"They're chimeric ants, fish-man chimeric ants made by Merlin the Godslayer!"

The pirate captain's gaze was on the sea that had been blocked by the fish-man chimeric ants, and now he was full of regret.

Greed clouded his sanity, which led him to make the decision to become an enemy of Maureen.

He also thought that Morin was in the country of Wano, and he had no time to take care of Fish-Man Island.

Unexpectedly, Morin didn't need to make a move, and these Fish-Man chimeric ants under his command were enough to deal with the pirates who went to Fish-Man Island.

If it weren't for the iron of his ship, I'm afraid he would have drowned by now.

The current situation is not optimistic for them either.

The bubbles that wrapped around the hull had several huge gaps in the buzz of the chimeric ants.

If the Fish-Man Chimeric Ants raid them a few more times, their bubbles will shatter completely.

"What, are these guys chimeric ants?"

"Didn't you say that Morin's army of chimeric ants won by numbers, obviously there are fewer of these chimeric ants than us, how can we not defeat them?"

A look of doubt flashed in the young pirate's eyes.

It is rumored that the horror of Morin's Chimeric Ant Legion lies in its overwhelming numbers, and that the individual strength of those Chimeric Ants is not to be feared.

But now these pirates are surrounded by fish-man chimeric ants far fewer than them.

The chimeric ants have brought horrific casualties to their fleet, but they are helpless against them.

"Is it possible that we are too weak?"

"The combat power of this chimeric ant on the sea may not be us, but at the level of an admiral?"

A bald pirate with glasses said to them.

"Be careful, they're here again!"

Seeing the Fish-Man chimeric ants pounce again, the pirates also raised their weapons to meet them.

The pirates' back path has been blocked by the fish-man chimeric ants, and they have no other choice but to resist desperately.

There are also powerful pirates who break through the encirclement of the fish-man chimeric ants and sail towards the depths of the diving current, and several chimeric ants chase after them.

Under this wave of attacks from the fish-man chimeric ants, all the bubbles coated on the ships of those pirates shattered.

The sea water poured into the pirate ships in an instant, and the pirate ships were instantly reduced to pieces under the terrifying pressure of the sea.

The pirates were losing their pirate ships and bubbles, and they were all struggling violently in the sea.

In their terrified gaze, the fish-man chimeric ants quickly approached, and then a scarlet appeared on the sea. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is already the depths of the sea, and this is the first time that so many people have died here.

The red blood spread rapidly under the action of the submerged current, and the blood of tens of thousands of people stained the sea area a pale red.

"Captain, those fish-man chimeric ants are still chasing us, are we going to continue diving?"

On the few pirate ships that escaped, the pirates saw the chimeric ants chasing after them, and their foreheads were already covered with cold sweat.

In the battle just now, they already knew how difficult these fish-man chimeric ants were, and their combat power was not strong. []

The scary thing about these chimeric ants is in the current environment.

Fish-man chimeric ants are extremely fast, and with their strong defenses, they can easily puncture the pirate ship's coating.0

If the bubbles on their ship are punctured, they will only be buried in the belly of a fish at the bottom of the sea.

"Captain, there's a boat ahead!"

Suddenly, the lookout on the pirate ship pointed to the huge black shadow in front of him.

"I thought we were the first to escape, but I didn't expect there to be any faster guys than us. "

"Get around the front of these guys and let them attract the firepower of those chimeric ants for us!"

The pirate captain looked at the ship in front of him and laughed.

Hearing his captain's words, the other pirates also had sinister smiles on their faces.

So they rowed towards the ship at an accelerated pace.

As the two ships gradually approached, when they saw the pirate flag of the pirate ship in front of them, the lookout on the pirate ship turned pale.

"Captain, this ship is not with us all the way!"

"This is the ship of the Sun Pirates, they are fish people!"

The lookout shouted at their captain.

Everyone on this sea knows that the Sun Pirates are the only pirates of the Fish-Man Clan, and the leaders of the Sun Pirates are Fish-Man Tiger and Jinping!

The two of them are the strongest of the Fish-Man Clan.

In the face of ordinary fish-man chimeric ants, they can still run for their lives.

In the face of Tiger and Jinping, they have no chance of survival.

"There are even pirates who can escape here!"

A shark-man with a serrated nose and a 1.6-serrated broadsword laughed at the sight.

He was Ah Long, and he was saved by Jinping on the condition of the king's Seven Martial Seas.

Originally, he had left the Great Voyage, but after hearing that Tiger had been resurrected, he returned with the Fishmen.

Facing the desperate gaze of those human pirates, Aaron slammed straight into the pirate ship like an arrow off the string.

"Stop this fish-man for me!"

The captain of the pirates and his lieutenant greeted Aaron.

Their hindrance didn't help, and Aaron walked straight through their ship.


As the last pirate ship disintegrates, the deep sea appears blood-red again.

This wave of pirates was wiped out by the fish-man chimera ant group.

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