"It's been three days, and these navies are really slow!".

"If it was Karp, he would have come a long time ago!".

"Hmph, Sakasky, nothing!".

Looking at the red-stained waters below, the golden lion with a cigar in his mouth let out a disdainful snort.

After Gaji was able to take on the task of cultivating chimeric ants, Morin was temporarily freed from the work of breeding chimeric ants, and he was ready to use Sakasky to test the combat power of chimeric ants.

Now Vermeyo has been wandering in the same sea area, and the fish in the surrounding sea are almost eaten up by the chimeric ants, and there is still no shadow of the navy.

"It's coming!".

Suddenly, Morin looked into the distance, and a small black dot appeared on the calm sea, followed by a second and a third ......

"Haha, I only dispatched ten warships, and I was underestimated!".

When the golden lion saw that there were only ten warships, he burst out laughing.

"What we want to test is the strength of chimeric ants, don't make a move!"

Merlin looked at the golden lion who was about to smash the ship with the island, and he said to the golden lion.

"It's up to you, if you're defeated by the Navy, I'm not going to save you, Merlin!".

Under the control of the golden lion, Vermeyo flew high into the sky, leaving only the most primitive version of the chimeric ant on the surface of the sea.

Vermeyo is Morin's designated base, and he will not let the flames of war burn to Vermeyeu.

"Sakaski, the island of the golden lion flew away!".

Seeing the islands in the sky rise into the sky, Burning Mountain, which acts as a lookout, reported to Sakasky.

This operation was led by Sakasky, and in order to take down the Golden Lion and Morin at one time, Sengoku also sent more than ten vice generals such as Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Fire Mountain, and Dauberman.

These lieutenant generals

are all iron-blooded, and their combat power among lieutenant generals is also outstanding.

This kind of lineup will not be a surprise against Morin and the Golden Lion at all.

"It's okay, as long as Maureen is here!".

Sakasky said coldly.

"The Golden Lion and Merlin are not gone, there are many chimeric ants around them!".

As the warship approached, Huoshan Mountain, who was acting as a lookout, reported again.

"It looks like Morin is going to fight us, what a big arrogance!".

Hearing the words of the Burning Mountain, Sakasky immediately sensed Morin's intentions, and he immediately sneered.

On the orders of Sakasky, the cannons on the warships of the Navy have begun to be loaded, and the navy is ready for battle.

"Morin, the Navy is coming, do you have any tactics?".

Looking at the approaching naval warship, the golden lion's eyes narrowed slightly.

After being away from this sea for several years, looking at the upcoming battle, the battle intent in the golden lion's body made him a little nervous.

At its peak, the Golden Lion controlled more troops than Whitebeard and Roger combined, and Ed Waugh fought dozens of pirate ships to encircle Roger's pirate ships.

If it weren't for the fact that Tianshi didn't stand on the side of the golden lion, maybe One Piece would be the golden lion.

As a former sea thief, the Golden Lion also has a lot of experience in naval battles.

Morin could learn his swordsmanship in an instant, but Morin couldn't learn this kind of naval combat experience.

"Tactics: Our troops are 100 times that of the enemy, and the superiority lies in us, so what tactics are needed?"

Hearing the golden lion's words, Mo Lin's eyes were full of disdain.

Where the riot flow requires tactics, just use an absolute number of troops to directly push all the enemies.

Anyway, these chimeric ants are cannon fodder, and they are not afraid of sacrifice, and they will not retreat no matter how many casualties they have.

"Rush me!".

As Merlin's finger pointed at the approaching naval warship, the well-fed chimeric ants rushed towards the warship like crazy.

From above, a shadow passed over the white Kunpeng and pressed towards the navy.

This scene is very thrilling to watch.

"Here we are, those chimeric ants are coming to us!".

The navy also saw this scene, and they also began to load their cannons.

"Did you just start fighting?".

"This Morin is indeed different from ordinary pirates. "

The vice admirals whispered.


When the chimeric ants came within range of the naval cannons, Sakasky decisively ordered the soldiers to open fire.

"Boom, boom!".

Clusters of flames appeared in the shadows, but then the flames were instantly covered by the chimeric ants.

Although the cannonballs continued to explode among the chimeric ants, the attack speed of the chimeric ants was not affected at all.

"How is it possible, the cannon can't hurt these monsters?!".

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the vice admirals were full of astonishment.

They could see very clearly that the chimeric ants were only blown away when the cannon hit them.

After a brief moment of confusion, the chimeric ants rushed towards the Navy warship again.

The naval shelling had no effect other than blackening their carapaces.

At the speed of the chimeric ants, the navy would need to engage them in a white-knuckle battle for one more round of artillery bombardment.

Looking at the hideous faces of those chimeric ants, even the battle-hardened sailors couldn't help but feel a sense of weakness.

Just now they had verified the defense of these monsters with their cannons, and such monsters could not be broken by their swords.

"Let me do it!".

Sakasky took a deep puff of his cigar, and then his body began to turn red, and he was about to use his Devil Fruit ability.

"It's coming!".

When the navy saw this, they were all shocked.

With Sakasky's catastrophic attack power, those chimeric ants were nothing to fear.

"Meteor Volcano!".

Sakaski's fists turned into crimson magma fists, and his fists slammed into the sky at breakneck speed.

His fists are extremely fast, with each swing of his fist sending a magma fist flying into the sky.

As the chimeric ants got closer, Sakasky's fist was so fast that there was already an afterimage.

The sky in front of the chimeric ants had turned crimson, and as a creature instinct, the chimeric ants felt the breath of destruction.

If it is a normal creature, they will subconsciously avoid this area.

But chimeric ants are different, they chirp anxiously when they sense danger ahead, and then they charge at a faster speed.

At this moment, the first magma giant fist in the sky began to fall with a long tail flame.

It was like a meteor about to break through the earth.

Immediately after the second and third ......

In less than a second, a magma fist rained down from the sky.


With a terrible whistling sound, one magma meteor after another smashed into the chimeric ant colony, and the chimeric ants directly turned red by the hit.

They were scorched by the heat of several thousand degrees of magma.

As the magma bomb slammed into the sea, a large puff of steam covered the chimeric ant colony.

The navy's view was obscured by water vapor, and they couldn't see the chimeric ants.

(Thanks to the 588VIP point tip of the Demon King CWK boss.)

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