Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 518: Iron wolf goes out

Why did the emperor ask the emperor on this matter? . ().

Tiger poison does not eat children, who is willing to kill his son under the last resort, especially since this son has always been good in all aspects and excellent, and he is the best among the princes.

Of course, the Emperor of Humanity is reluctant to let go of such an excellent son.

It's a pity that these sons of the Emperor are fighting fiercely. Brothers look at the wall. This is definitely the misfortune of the Emperor. Maybe he is a good emperor, but he is definitely not a good father.

The blue veins on the back of the human emperor's hand emerged, and the dragon chair was made of millions of years of cold iron. If it were ordinary cold iron, it would have been crushed by the big hand that exudes supernatural power.

"Taibai, you are the Ping Tian Wang of my Da Zhou, you can talk about this matter" The Emperor called Chen Jiu by name.

Chen Jiu was clever, although he couldn't see the expression on the human emperor's face at this time, but the qi in the air couldn't hide his good fortune.

"Father, the rebellion of the seventeenth brother this time is not necessarily his original intention. Perhaps someone from outside the world used means to confuse the seventeenth brother's mind, or simply a brave person kidnapped the seventeenth brother, under the guise of ten. It is possible to act in the name of the seventh brother."

Speaking of this, Cheng paused: "However, in general, the seventeenth brother's negligence of duty, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable, so he can simply be imprisoned in this inner palace and be a Taiping lord.

Chen Jiu's remarks attracted the weird gaze of Manchu Civil and Martial Arts secretly. The princes looked at Chen Jiu's gaze with a hint of threat and unkindness.

Although the Manchu civil and military were not satisfied with Chen Jiu's remarks. But the emperor is so happy that he finally has a prince who understands my mind. It is really rare to have such a human touch.

"All Aiqing, what do you think of King Pingtian?" The human emperor's eyes are like small suns, and his scorching eyes are directed at the ministers below.

If you can't hear such an obvious hint, then the old fritters like Manchu Wenwu should wipe their necks.

The previous princes’ answers were skipped by the human emperor. Obviously, the human emperor’s meaning has been clearly expressed, and everyone naturally knows how to choose.

"Your Majesty. The minister thinks what King Pingtian said is very reasonable. However, it is best to wait until the prince returns to Beijing to ask the guilt." Although the old churros of Taishi is a Confucian child, after so many years of officialdom, he naturally knows how The official way, the way forward and backward. Those who cling to the words of sages are fools. Either you are loyal to the holy way. Or just guard the frontier in a desolate corner.

"The minister seconded" Taibao stood up, and the emperor's loyal loyalty did not hesitate to support the idea of ​​the emperor.

"The minister has no objection," Tai Fu also stood up and said.

The Manchu civil and military saw that the leader had made a choice, no one would embarrass the bosses in this matter. They nodded in agreement.

"Your Majesty, the minister has something to say" Taishi stepped forward and said.

"Master Tai has something to say, please" Human Sovereign achieved his goal, the depressed air in his heart dissipated, and his mood was much better at this time.

"The Thai king's civil and martial arts are extraordinary, and there are not many that can subdue him in Manchu's civil and martial arts. Ping Tian Wang is recognized by the heavens as the number one youth strong, and he is a genius without a single blow by the Demon Emperor. The genius in China, so the ministers thought that the King of Ping Tian was the best to go on horseback. He could be successful without much trouble, so that Liangzhou quickly returned to our dynasty, and the fluctuating luck of the human race calmed down and cut off the miss of foreigners. This is the right way, please allow your Majesty to allow it."

Looking at the Taishi, the prince was a little confused. What happened to the Taishi? What a feat is to suppress Liangzhou, especially now that the Emperor is about to reign in Zen, as long as he can suppress Liangzhou, the throne should be a good thing. , Actually gave it to King Ping Tian, ​​could it be that the ninth brother had a connection with the Taishi? .

Worthy of being the prince of the country, this mind is running fast, the emperor has not learned much, but the emperor's suspicious mind has learned ten percent.

"Father, this must never happen."

The prince who can be called the emperor and father is naturally the prince. Which prince wants to stop this? .

When Chen Jiu recommended himself to conquer Liangzhou from the Taishi, his eyelids jumped. If he went to guard Liangzhou, who would guard the hundreds of mountains? .

What's more, after all, King Thai is his nominal younger brother. Isn't this asking the brothers to turn against each other? This is the world of Confucianism. If you really do it, after going through the red mouth and white teeth of Confucianism, Chen Jiu will be drowned by Sponge Xingzi.

Therefore, Chen Jiu, who saw that the situation was not good, stood up immediately: "Father, must this matter?".

After speaking, Chen Jiu angrily scolded the Taishi: "What is your mind, the old fellow, wanting this king to go out, and then do you want to seize the king's hundred mountains?, for my own benefit, tell me to wait Brothers slaughtered, the sins cannot be forgiven."

"Your Majesty, the ministers have been wronged, the hundred mountains are already the territory of the King of Ping Tian, ​​how can the ministers try to peep, the King of Ping Tian innocently wronged the veteran, and ask your majesty to call the shots" the Taishi said to the emperor.

"Huh, hypocrisy, how important are those millions of mountains. If you don't suppress it for a day, you can't say that they belong to the human race. As long as the king promises to suppress Liangzhou, you definitely have a thousand, ten thousand reasons to capture a hundred mountains." .

Speaking of this, Chen Jiu looked at the emperor: "Father, Taishi, this is for me and other people of the imperial family to be blood-to-blood, with vicious hearts and unforgivable sins, but also to conquer the hundreds of mountains of children and ministers, please The father presides over justice."

"Enough, when is this, you two are still here to add chaos to me" The Emperor suddenly slapped his seat, and the hall fell silent.

The prince's heart jumped wildly: "This Taishi really is an old fried dough stick, kills two birds with one stone, if he really succeeds, wouldn't the one hundred mountains also have the prince's share."

The princes looked at the Taishi's gaze more vigilantly, this old guy is not easy to provoke, and his heart is a little deeper.

"Where is the Iron Wolf?" The Emperor looked at the hall.

A big man in armor walked out of the "Chen Zai" generals, it was Iron Wolf.

Seeing the upright figure of the iron wolf, the emperor nodded in satisfaction: "Three thousand years ago, the barbarians battled, and your strength has improved. Now Liangzhou is in a hurry, and the rebellious son of the Thai king actually rebelled against me, and Aiqing may fight for me. This rebellious son?".

"Swear to the death to complete your majesty's account" Iron Wolf knelt on one knee.

"Okay, canonize the Iron Wolf as the Great General of the Conquest of Liang, order 300,000 soldiers and horses to conquer Liangzhou, and capture the rebellious son for me to Shangjing. I want to ask the rebellious son personally, why I treat him badly and why he is a human race Regardless of our safety, we will rebel against us."

The emperor’s words are very elegant, ordinary people can’t hear the mystery in the words, but for the officials who have been in officialdom and figured out the thoughts of the emperor, they heard another meaning: "I want to live the Thai king, you Never hurt his life."

As for the emperor of humanity to ask him face to face why he rebelled, this is just an excuse. Not to mention the emperor of humanity, even the civil and martial arts of the Manchu can understand this reason.

"Chen, Zunzhi" Iron Wolf bowed and retreated.

The Emperor turned his gaze to Chen Jiu: "Taibai, how have things been handled on the side of the Yaozu One Hundred Thousand Mountain?".

Chen Jiu smiled confidently: "Don't worry about your father, the child has been set up properly. If the demon emperor is smart, he will naturally not prevent the child from taking over a hundred mountains."

"These hundreds of mountains are of great is the first step of my human race to expand and expand the territory for hundreds of thousands of years. It is of great significance and cannot be let down."

"Baby knows" Chen Jiudao.

"Emperor Father, Brother Nine is young, and I'm afraid that I can't handle these hundred mountains. After all, these hundred mountains are very related. If something goes wrong, it is the laughing stock of my human race. I also ask the Emperor Father to order that the child wants to help Jiu. The younger brother suppressed the hundred mountains, with brotherhood," said the prince.

What a brotherhood is not a conspiracy of a hundred mountains. After all, the interests of the hundred mountains are too great, and there is no one who is not jealous of the Manchu civilization.

Seeing the rest of the princes about to move, Chen Jiu quickly stepped forward: "The prince's kindness has been accepted by the king, and the king still believes in his own ability. If I take advantage of others, I will not be able to raise my head in front of the heavens in the future." .

After speaking, Chen Jiu slowly narrowed his eyes: "Father, it only takes three days for a child. As long as there are no accidents within three days, the hundred mountains will inevitably be held by the sons and ministers. Please wait and see." (To be continued...)



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