Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 570: Exiting Wu Clan and Barbarian Clan

For thousands of years, dark clouds gathered above Leyi Palace on this day, and countless thunder and lightning enveloped thousands of miles, falling like a monstrous waterfall, endlessly flowing.

This spectacle caused everyone in Leyang to look up. In the thunder and lightning waterfall, endless power brewed in it, and if it spreads slightly, it may be that all the vegetation, mountains and rivers within tens of thousands of miles will be destroyed.

In Shenxiao Mountain, a palace shining with a little thunder, Yu Shenxiao suddenly opened his eyes, stepped out of the main hall, and looked at the magnificent and magnificent scene above. A congenital thunder and lightning flashed in his eyes, and the void trembled.

"Successful, this is Lei Ze inverted, absorbing the thunder and lightning of the heavens, but I did not expect that he will completely control Lei Ze in a mere thousand years, and it is really a talent of heaven."

Jade Shenxiao's eyes leaked admiration. Lei Chi seemed to be the size of a palm, but only those who had gone in knew how big the Lei Chi was. It was a treasure of the ancient Thunder God, and most people were afraid that it would be difficult to control for a hundred thousand years.

In the distance, White Bone Mountain, the owner of White Bone Mountain stands on the top of the mountain, looking at the huge lightning waterfall, showing a fanatical color: "There is vitality in destruction. If I can practice with the essence of lightning, I will definitely be able to step forward. step".

Below, the disciples of the White Bone Mountain trembled tremblingly, and the thunder and lightning were the nemesis of the disciples of the White Bone Temple.

In the distance, Wanku Mountain, Bai Rui's eyes leaked a trace of light, watching the shivering clansmen all lie on the ground, their limbs limp, showing a helpless look: "Lei Chi".

In Le Yugong, Chen Jiu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the small tripod that was up and down in front of him, the size of a palm, revealing the simple colors, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. In the depths of the thunder pond, an ancient Kui cow was up and down in the thunder sea.

"Thousands of years, the time is so long, the bones are rusty" Chen Jiu slowly stood up, moved the bones, and made a crackling sound.

"Where are the major mountain masters. Come to Le Yu Palace and see you soon" Chen Jiu's voice revealed a glorious heavenly majesty, spreading throughout the entire Le Yang realm.

"The lord of Wanku Mountain visits the lord."

"The Lord of God Xiaoshan Mountain Meets the Lord".

"Bone Bone Mountain Lord pays homage to the prince."

After three sounds fell, the three figures came to the front of Le Yu Palace, slowly stopped to escape, and appeared in shape.

Chen Jiu walked out of Le Yu Palace, looked at the three mountain masters, and fixed his eyes on Yu Shen Xiao: "Yu Shen Xiao, this king once promised you that this thunder pond is at your disposal. All the gods in the territory of Le Yang Tianlei Dao disciple, this Lei Chi grants part of the authority to him, and can use Lei Chi to cultivate and strengthen my Le Central Realm."

"Lord Xie" Yu Shenxiao smiled on his immaculate face, and heaven and earth seemed to be overshadowed at this moment.

Bai Rui on the side of "Dead Shemale" cursed secretly.

If Chen Jiu sees no one, he looks at the head of the White Bone Mountain: "The disciples of White Bone Mountain need to reincarnate from death. This thunder pond contains the power of thunder and lightning. With the help of lightning essence, it can stimulate the speed of cultivation. The disciples of White Bone Mountain and God Xiaotian Same as Ray Dao. Partial permissions are open."

"Thank you, Lord", the Lord of the White Bone Mountain respectfully salutes.

Chao Xiaoyu walked out of the side hall of the Leyi Palace in a curvaceous manner, with a pair of eyes as bright as stars, and looked up and down Chen Jiu: "I have left the customs, and progress is not bad."

"Thanks to praise."

"Luoying and Youyu, Feiyan have all gone to Beijing" Chao Xiaoyudao.

Chen Jiu frowned: "Beijing is very windy and rainy, why did they go to Beijing. Didn't you stop me?".

Chao Xiaoyu frowned and said nothing: "The six-thousand-year birthday of General Shen Gong".

Chen Jiu knew that General Yu Youyu was the father of the gods. His father was over his life, and his son was naturally duty-bound. Feiyan had a close relationship with Youyu. Naturally, he followed the past. As for Shen Luoying, his father is the Prince Taiping, and the palace has its own set of rules, which is not easy to violate.

"What's the prince's move in the capital?" Chen Jiu frowned, watching the lightning waterfall fall in the sky, and a look flashed in his eyes.

Bai Rui stepped forward: "The prince, the situation of the capital is too complicated now, the prince and the Confucianism are getting closer, and the rest of the princes are also secretly deploying forces, listening to people say,,, say,,,".

When Berry said this, he couldn't say anything, his face was totally incredible.

"Say what?" Chen Jiudao.

"Some people say that the emperor is injured, and that he has not seen the emperor early in the millennium."

"What" Chen Jiu exclaimed.

"Father's strength is so strong, how could he get hurt" Chen Jiuyou couldn't believe it.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and the atmosphere instantly fell silent.

"Are there news from the local people?" Chen Jiudao.

"The local people fled to the small world, it's not easy to search," Baigushan said.

Chen Jiu waved his hand: "You seize the time to increase your strength. Now that the situation in Beijing is unknown, there will be major changes at any time. It's hard to say."

Everyone withdrew, and walked to Chen Jiu towards Xiaoyu: "The Emperor is really hurt?"

"It's possible, it's unreasonable, maybe it's the emperor who is arguing about the suspicion, and it might lead the snake out of the cave." At this point, Chen Jiu said to the guard of the confiscated army guarding in front of the main hall: "This Le Central Realm does not need to be guarded for the time being, you When I go to various state capitals to search for talented people, strengthen the power of my Leyi Palace."

Thousands of guards turned and left.

"There are still many causes and effects yet to be settled, where is Jiang Qianqiu?" Chen Jiu remembered Jiang Qianqiu surrendering himself.

"Jiang Qianqiu went into retreat five hundred years ago. It seems that the dream of Qianqiu is about to break through again" Chao Xiaoyu stroked his hair.

Chen Jiu carried his hands behind his back, and he was wearing a huge robe, with dragons and phoenix carved on the back of the robe, majestic.

"The country is picturesque, there are so many heroes at a time" Chen Jiuyi sighed, then looked at Beijing, and then looked at the world: "Amidst the heavens, the dragons of the four seas are surrendered to my Great Zhou, but their hearts are a little sincere. It's a bit of a fake, only they know it. It's just taking the power of my human race against the demon clan. Now the demon crown prince has the Zhou Tianxing star battle array. Once he succeeds, he will be a giant who can't lose his tail."

Chao Xiaoyu's eyebrows are picturesque: "There seems to be movement over the Wu clan."

"Oh" Chen Jiu moved his eyes, and his whole body was restrained, like a statue.

"I heard the spies say that there are people from the Wu clan appearing in the Barbarian clan" Chao Xiao Yudao.

Chen Jiu didn't move his eyes, looked at the void, and muttered, "Barbarian, Barbarian."

Then his eyes flashed: "I know, the Wu Clan has never disappeared in the heavens and the world, but we have never found it."

"What did you find?" Chao Xiao Yudao.

"People of the barbarians may have the blood of the Witch tribe in their bodies, or the barbarians are the descendants of the ancient Witch tribe, with the same strong skin, the same strength, and thick skin." At this point, Chen Jiu's eyebrows are slightly Beating: "I hope my guess is not true. The monsters are eagerly watching, plus an unidentified witch. The chess game of the heavens is getting more and more complicated. My old antiques of the human race will not be born again. The balance between the world and the earth is estimated to be broken. ".

"The Monster Race and the Witch Race are mortal enemies, and it is impossible to cooperate. Our Human Race faces a race alone, but I am not afraid of it."

Chen Jiu shook his head: "The prince believes in and wants to use etiquette to teach barbarians. The second family of Lich is the generation of tigers and wolves. His prince can fail, but my human luck cannot be defeated. Once the human luck is defeated, it will be forever. Without the blessing of luck, my human cannot be favored by the heavens and the earth. How can I be the opponent of the heavens and the hundreds of people."

Chao Xiaoyu sneered: "You are just worrying about your own Happy Central Realm. You can care about the life and death of the Great Zhou, and the people are in danger. As long as you cultivate to the sky, you can naturally protect the Happy Central Realm. Besides, now the Hundred Mountains The master has not yet recruited. If we recruit a hundred mountain masters, my Le Central Realm will naturally be even stronger. In this world, it is also a giant force.”

Chen Jiu has his own ideas. He wants to use all the hundreds of hills under his command to attract big forces to sit down and take effect. If a hundred big forces are combined, that is a super force. No matter which race it is, one must be afraid of three points. .

"The way of cultivation is to accumulate the general power of the world for cultivation. This is a cycle. The more turrets, the more forces that accumulate, the higher the cultivation base, the more turrets we lay, and the snowballs. We must not fall behind. People fall behind step by step once they fall behind." (To be continued...)



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