Green Life

Volume 2 Chapter 68

When Mark Qin got home, it was already light in the east, and it was almost dawn, which was unbelievable, but it was what it was.

From the stadium to Melwood, they faced a lot of fans one after another, especially when they went outside Melwood, the lights were like daylight.

It was an illusion caused by fans' mobile phones, flashlights, and all kinds of strange glowing lights. Even if it was Christmas, Liverpool had never been so lively.

"Liverpool, liverpool...", uniform shouts and dense arms waving towards the sky, people who have never seen it before will definitely be deeply shocked by such a scene.

On the night of Istanbul in 2005, Ma Keqin once watched the team's celebration parade from a distance. It was lively, but it was not so concerted.

It has entered the 21st century, even the political orientation, can no longer make the masses enlightened by the Internet so willing to go crazy for one thing alone.

But outside of Melwood, it really happened, and football has done it today.

There is no other reason: they stepped on Manchester United. With this game, even if the team is relegated in exchange, it is estimated that many fans will be willing.

Northwest Shuanghonghui, an authentic British national derby!

After Ma Keqin returned home, his ears were still ringing. The moment he stepped out of the bus, there were screams everywhere. Countless people called his name, and some even cried bitterly.

To be honest, he was terrified...

Even though he has been here for almost five years and has watched a lot of big and small games, he still cannot appreciate the grievances that are rooted in their hearts and are closely related to their ancestors and life.

History paints such a picture:

Just over 300 years ago, Liverpool was the most important port city in England. There were many sails and masts every day.

They controlled most of the raw material import channels, and they were an important blood transfusion channel in Britain at that time, and they also brought boundless wealth to the city, making it a prominent aristocrat.

Manchester, not far away, was then synonymous with poor, blue-collar workers who depended on Liverpool's goods corridor.

Until the industrial revolution, in order to avoid heavy port taxes on imported raw materials, Manchester

He dug the canal by himself, and the contradictions have completely intensified so far.

This is a contradiction between the wealth and lifelines of the two cities, mixed with a dispute of faith. Liverpool is the representative of the traditional aristocracy. Most of the Irish immigrants in the city believe in Catholicism loyally, while Manchester represents the emerging power of the industrial revolution. Most of them People believe in Protestantism.

In the eyes of Manchester people, old things like Liverpool should be swept into the trash can, and Liverpool people resent them for robbing their wealth, status, and even job opportunities.

I want to say more...

"They've been suppressed for too long," Carragher said after they finally made it to Melwood.

In order not to be heard by Gerrard, he pulled Mark Qin aside, "You are not born and bred in Liverpool, you don't understand the feelings of fans, people in this city naturally hate Manchester"

"We were suppressed by them for 18 years. We lost more than we won, and the fans were very depressed. Then the Hillsborough tragedy in 1989," he said, looking to see if Gerrard had heard it.

"The tragedy is still defined as being made by Liverpool fans. The 96 dead are wronged every day, including Gerrard's cousin, the smallest victim of the tragedy."

"They lost their glory, felt wronged, and were ridiculed by those damn Manchester people. If you say that the club fans who have suffered the most in the past ten years, the Liverpool people will definitely be on the list," Carragher said self-deprecatingly.

Yes, since Heather made them Public Enemies of England in 1985, after the glory, what they faced was endless darkness and grievances, just like a cursed land, with constant disasters.

The police in South Yorkshire are still accusing Liverpool fans, and all the files about Hillsborough have been kept secret!

Now that they are so elated, how can they prevent them from crying and crying?

How painful they were at the beginning, how relieved they are now!

All England owes them justice!

Liverpool fans are not football hooligans, not alcoholic drinkers, not fare evaders, not... executioners!

They used to be nobles, and they are still chasing the glory of their ancestors!

Ma Keqin was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, his mind was full of replaying the wonderful journey of last night and early morning.

Although he was exhausted, he almost had cramps at the end of the game, and he stayed up all night.

He felt that he had touched the core emotion of this club, so intertwined and complicated.

Glory, pride, decline and embarrassment, accusation and ridicule, burden and hatred, blood and tenacity, never walk alone!


"Tony's father was the victim of Heather's death, and I was in the stand next to the scene in 1989," said Sam, who was rarely serious, kneading dough in the kitchen of Mark Qin's house.

Tony sat silently at the dining table drinking whiskey, while Mark Qin listened to him quietly.

It was approaching noon, and he couldn't sleep, so he brought these two people over and cooked for him. After all, he is not suitable to go out now, and he will cause riots wherever he goes.

"Ah? Sorry Tony, I didn't mean it," he said apologetically.

Tony shook his head, raised his glass and drank it down.

"At the time," Sam continued, "I was a lad and I freaked out, and the people in the stands were like..."

As he spoke, he gripped the dough in his hand vigorously, squeezed it out of shape, and strips emerged from the gap between his hands.

As if yesterday, shocking!

"The worst thing is that bitch cops in South York say we were drunk and rioting," Sam slammed the dough on the panel.

"Shit, they're a bunch of hypocrites, full of lies"

"And the goddamn Sun newspaper actually said that we beat up the law enforcement police, rummaged through the dead's wallet, and returned the corpse of the fucking female dead! F**k, fuck me," Tony pouted angrily. .

Mark Qin nodded, "I remember this. When I first arrived at U16, the Sun newspaper published an apology statement."

"Fuck," Tony scolded, "Apologizing is useful, what do we need the police for? The police are not their good things. How much have we endured in 15 years after apologizing 15 years later?"

"I once beat up a Manchester United fan," Tony continued, "because he mocked us as executioners, thieves, and...", he couldn't go on.

"So you know you fucking scored four goals for Manchester United last night and kicked them off the championship." Tony raised four fingers, "What does it mean?"

"For fans of our age who have experienced too much, you are the one who helped kick the door of our destiny, and then our children..."

"That's right," Sam rubbed his face, "Tony cried in the stands last night, needless to say the fans who didn't come in"

"Get out, which eye did you see me cry?"

"Haha, is it urine?"

Mark looked at Tony with a smile, and this guy actually blushed.

"That's when our team song was changed," Sam continued while kneading the dough.

"We want to tell everyone that we are united, we will never compromise, and we will not be defeated. We are with those 96 souls every day, we share weal and woe, and they will never walk alone!"

What kind of grief is that, and then facing the grief of injustice, it evolves into a bloody tragedy!

What appeared in front of Ma Keqin was the image of a mourning soldier, yes, mourning!

They lost their glory, their pride, their loved ones, and finally their justice, and were smeared at will!

They just want to straighten their spines and live on this land with their heads held high. This kind of helpless grief makes them perform a bloody romance.

"I heard that their families are still appealing spontaneously, right?" Mark Qin asked.

"Yes", Sam stopped, "so you know what this league title means to Liverpool"

"It's not just an honor, it represents Liverpool's struggle against fate over the past two decades"

Tony said leisurely: "Only standing on the top of England can Liverpool people truly stand up. Those whore policemen, politicians, and the media dare not continue to trample on us."

Ma Keqin suddenly felt that he was back, not a participant, but a witness.

God wants to use his hand to uncover this dusty past and history, and give them justice.

The sky will always be bright, and the water of the Yellow River will always be clear~

Rather than saying that his return to the present has brought a turning point in Liverpool's fate, it is better to say that the people in Liverpool now let him see how they face life and fate.

In the face of decline, in the face of setbacks, in the face of injustice,

Don't shrink back, don't be disheartened, don't be discouraged,

Shed three feet of blood,

Why don't men wear Wu hooks!

"When we win the championship, you will contact the local fans, I will contact the players and external forces, and tens of thousands of people will join hands to ask the government to restart the investigation of this case," Ma Keqin said suddenly.

He knew that the case would be cleared in the future, but it was ten years later, and he couldn't wait, he didn't want to see these people suffer like this for another ten years.

Sam and Tony's eyes lit up, why didn't they expect that! With the popularity of Liverpool around the world at that time, coupled with many stars and fans, leading the championship, it is likely to force the government to submit!

"I know the contacts of the Hillsborough Justice Movement, and they will definitely support your idea regardless," Sam said excitedly.

Mark Qin nodded, "We have teammates from the whole team, and everyone knows a lot of people. There must be volunteers who are willing to help us."

"Gathering sand to form a tower, thousands of rivers to form a sea, I believe that as long as our strength is strong enough, even if it comes from the people, the British government and the Prime Minister will not dare to ignore it easily."

"Yes, that's right, just do it," they said excitedly.

So they began to discuss excitedly, who should be contacted first, how to organize, in what form, when is more appropriate...


"Hoo... hoo... hoo..."

While eating, Ma Keqin just fell asleep like this. When the excitement completely passed and the fatigue hit him like a tide, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Sam and Tony smiled at each other and carried him to the bed in the bedroom. The little guy finally knew he was tired,

Counting yesterday, he hadn't closed his eyes for more than 30 hours, played a high-intensity game, plus a whole night of tossing, he couldn't bear it with iron.

"Ah...", the two of them came out of Mark Qin's house, Tony stretched his waist, yawned and said, "Go back to catch up on sleep, I haven't woken up yet."

Sam looked at the noon sun, only to feel that today's sky is extraordinarily bright...

Ma Keqin fell asleep comfortably. In the dream, he saw a golden wheat field stretching as far as the eye could see. He stood beside it, and the sun shone warmly on his body.

The wind blows the wheat waves, that is the taste of hope...

woo woo woo... woo... woo, um... um... umm...

Under the blue sky in the distance, surging golden waves of wheat,

When the breeze, smelling of harvest, blows to my face,

We sang in the fields and hoped in winter,

But I couldn't wait for the sunshine, the autumn scene...

Thanks to Lallana, wzyyss, technician No. 8 from Hejin, Zhuo Mingshi for their rewards. ps: This chapter is really difficult to write, and it has been changed many times.

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