Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 120: Anaphase

It is not difficult for Mohe to open this storage bag. This layer of restriction is mainly used to warn its owner. Now its owner is no longer there. This layer of restriction wants to be resolved. There are many ways to open it.

   Mohe studied the restrictions in the storage bag a little, and then probed his own spiritual knowledge and spiritual power into it, and made some infiltration modifications based on the original restrictions in the storage bag.

   After finishing this, Mo He's spiritual sense immediately felt the space in the storage bag. After seeing the contents clearly, Mo He knew that he had gained a lot.

There are tens of thousands of jade coins in this storage bag. Mohe needs to check the exact number of jade coins. However, a rough estimate is that there are about 12,000 jade coins. In addition to these jade coins, there are also There are some bottles of medicine. I don't know if there is anything in it. There are also some magical and spiritual objects, dozens of jade slips, some spiritual objects and materials, and a lot of debris.

These things should be the entire wealth of a master of the Yin God realm. For Mo He, this is a windfall. Although the jade money in it is not a lot, but with other things, Mo He estimates that the total value should be More than 100,000 jade coins.

  Especially the information recorded in the jade slips has not been ascertained. If there are a few jade slips or other valuable knowledge, then the value may be doubled.

   Half a day later, in the inn where Mo He settled before Wancang Mansion, Mo He was in his room with an unconcealable smile on his face.

Mo He has sorted out the things in that storage bag now. Among the jade slips inside, there are two exercises, all of which can be cultivated to the pure Yang realm. One of them is mentioned. The crossing of the robbery level surprised Mo He very much.

   Among the remaining jade slips, although they did not record the exercises, they were all of high value. One of them was actually a record of the formation knowledge, which made Mo He quite interested.

Mo He also checked the remaining magical and spiritual tools, and they can all be used normally. Among the bottles containing the medicine, most of them are empty, but there are also some that contain things. Coupled with the spirit grass and refining materials, in short, the value of the things in this storage bag exceeded Mo He's previous expectations.

   One night, Mo He experienced some ups and downs, but the final result was satisfactory to him, and he did not waste the danger he experienced this night.

In the next two days, Mo He still stayed in Wancang Mansion, and was not in a hurry to go to the next place to continue his tour, because after Mo He fought Lan Ling, he found that his cultivation level seemed to be about to break through. It grows very fast, and the spiritual power in the body also grows quickly.

  Originally on Yuhe, Mohe sensed the power of the stars by chance, and he was already very close to the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Now the further improvement of the cultivation base is only a matter of course.

   Mohe sat in the inn’s room. He felt that his state was almost over. It was time to break through the late stage of the Soul Realm. When he entered the room to practice before, he had specifically asked the shop not to disturb him in a short time.

   Mohe closed his eyes and entered into meditation, his consciousness plunged into the visualization again, and he transformed into a towering tree in the boundless waters.

  At this moment, there is also daylight in this space, but you can also vaguely see that there seems to be a little very dim starlight in the sky overhead.

These starlights are all the power of the stars that Mohe sensed last time, but after Mohe displayed a weakened version of the Tianhe water, the number of these starlights was almost half less than before. The remaining starlights are estimated to be only Can support Mohe to use a weakened version of Tianhe Water.

  Mohe is in the boundless waters, gently swaying his body, shaking the leaves of his body, like a giant who has just woken up, slowly stretching his huge body.

   trembling the leaves on his body, shaking off the two yellow leaves, allowing them to slowly fall in the water, Mo He continued to greedily absorb the nutrients in the water and turn them into food for his own growth.

  As a tree, all he has to do is to grow sturdily, stretch his branches to the fullest, pull out his waist, and go through the mist above his head to touch the higher sky.

   The looming starlight above his head blinked slightly, as if calling himself, inviting himself to stretch the branches and leaves into the sky and have an intimate handshake with it. Mo He can't wait for such a contact.

   He tried to stick out his branches and leaves, allowing them to grow upward, his body became taller, and at the same time heavier.

   Gradually, Mo He discovered that the skin on his body was cracked, leaking a thicker tree trunk, which was simply not what the original skin could hold.

His original skin quickly became dry, and the new skin was hidden under the dry skin. As Mo He's torso continued to grow stronger, the aging and dry skin on his body gradually fell off his body, revealing A new layer of epidermis was formed, and it was full of vitality.

   His branches and leaves are rising higher and higher, and they are getting closer and closer to the unattainable starlight in the sky. It seems that as long as he works harder and grows a little bit, he can touch the stars in the sky.

   For this last little distance, Mo He worked hard to absorb nutrients and tried his best to lift his branches and leaves upwards. Finally, he approached the twinkling stars and finally touched the stars.

At the moment when he touched the starlight, Mo He felt his consciousness flying high, as if he had entered among the stars, and then regained his consciousness and clarity, and found that his soul had grown again, and his spiritual power had also changed. He has become more solid, and his cultivation has broken through to the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm.

   "The Soul Realm is in the late stage!" Mo He slowly opened his eyes, a dazzling light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared quickly.

   This time, the process of breaking through the late stage of the soul is very smooth, and it is completely natural. After the breakthrough, Mo He feels that his soul seems to have become clearer, and the distracting thoughts in his thoughts seem to be less.

   Standing up from the bed, Mo He came to the window of the room, stretched out his hand to push the window open, and cast his gaze out of the window. Looking at the scene outside the window, Mo He could not help but sigh slightly.

It took me more than a year to cultivate from the early stage to the middle stage of the Soul Realm, and finally broke through to the middle stage of the Soul Realm through the five-element view and enlightenment ceremony. Later, by chance, he continued to deepen his own accumulation. Breaking through the middle stage of the Divine Soul Realm only in the past few months, my own cultivation was a matter of course and reached the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm. Such a speed of progress, looking at the entire human race, I dare not say that it covers the modern age, but it is definitely rare.

   But at this moment in Mo He's heart, there is not much arrogance, on the contrary, he has become very calm. Leaving the stable Zi'an County of Qiongzhou, he came to see the wider world outside. In just a few days, he personally experienced the demon hunting activities on the Yuhe River, saw the magnificent Wanjiang River, and met the horrendous people unfortunately. With these things, Mo He felt that his horizons had broadened somewhat.

The outside world is very big and wonderful, but my own cultivation is still very low. The cultivation of the Soul Realm is inconspicuous in the crowd, just like among the pedestrians walking in the street. Several are in the realm of Divine Soul, and maybe only in the remote and barren land like Qiongzhou, the realm of Divine Soul can be considered the number one person.

   "The cultivation base has broken through to the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm, and Wancang Mansion can be seen almost. After tomorrow, let's set off to travel elsewhere!" Reached out and gently closed the window, Mo He thought to himself.

The reason for staying in Wancang Mansion for the past two days is mainly because Mohe felt that he was about to break through, so he waited for two more days, and now he has successfully broken It’s time to go to the next place. After traveling, the time to come out is limited, but I can't continue to waste it like this.

But before leaving, Mo He still wanted to visit the street in Wancang Mansion. The last time I met the old monk who sold jade slips, Mo He went to him again in the past two days, but the other side Mo He didn't go to set up a stall, leaving Mo He empty.

   Mo He has no interest in the jade slips on the old monk's booth anymore, but Mo He is very interested in the other jade slips.

The knowledge recorded in the jade slips can become a part of the future view of the green plum after being obtained. Anyway, I have just made a fortune, and holding the jade money is not of great use for the time being, it would be better. Buy these jade slips.

"Let's check again this afternoon. If you can see the stall owner, I will buy those jade slips. If you can't see each other, then I don't have that fate with these things, so I can only let it go for the time being!" Mo He thought to himself, and then in the afternoon, he went to the street again, but he was disappointed. The stall owner still did not make a stall today, maybe the other party will not make another stall in the future. .

The stalls on both sides of the road are mostly casual repairers. They come here to sell some things that they don’t need. Even if some of them are really doing business, they are only a few. Those who do business for a long time are those who have the door open. Shop.

However, with the last experience of entering Linjiang Pavilion shops, Mo He knew that the water in these shops was also very deep, so he had no intention of entering these shops for the time being. After discovering that he did not find the person he was looking for, he did not. Finding other things that he could use on the street, Mo He left this street and returned to the inn where he lived, preparing to leave Wancang Mansion tomorrow.

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