Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 128: stupid? Loyal!

  Mo He didn't expect that what Pang Zhan, a prestigious veteran of the Remnant Wolf Army, asked him to do was for their rear concerns, which was a little bit beyond Mo He's expectations.

   Although it was unexpected, looking at these veterans, everything seemed reasonable.

Pang Zhan, the veteran of the Remnant Wolf Army, is now more than 200 years old, and may not be too different from the sixth prince Xia Yuan, but compared to the sixth prince Xia Yuan, Pang Zhan’s face is different. Very old, including these veterans under his command, one by one seemed to be on the verge of dying.

   Why is the difference in appearance between the two people who are not very different in age, but the difference in appearance is so obvious, which is of course due to various resources.

After the second dynasty was changed, the Remnant Wolf Army was so poor that only faith remained. Xia Yuan, as the sixth prince of the dynasty, was also a powerful man in charge of the army. There was no shortage of training resources and had With the nourishment of many cultivation resources, Xia Yuan may have further opportunities on the road of cultivation in the future, but Pang Zhan has already come to an end, and he has even died soon.

Looking directly at Pang Zhan, Mo He said: "General Pang, why did this kind of thing come to me, and the general may not know it. I have been a court official of the imperial court. I know how to establish a house of yin. , But it is with the help of the dynasty. As far as I know, the general is loyal to the previous dynasty. Such a shady house should not be what the general needs. This road is facing forward. I believe there should be a lot of monks in the past. How about finding another person for the general!"

   What Mohe said to Pang Zhan was really not entirely intentional. The method of the human race to build the yin house is to imitate the divine realm of the gods. Although the method of construction is not difficult, it is somewhat difficult to obtain the things needed.

The method that Mohe knows about building the Yin House relies on the imperial laws. Generally, the method applied in the countryside is for those who have good virtues during his lifetime. Of course, this method is not the most primitive method of building Yin houses, but through the imperial dynasty. The method after processing.

Using this method, to a certain extent, also made the rule of the dynasty more stable. After all, most ordinary people are concerned about their own survival issues. They will live well in the world before they die, and they will also hope that they will be in the land after death. There is a place to stay.

"Don't worry about this little Daoist. We have the materials and methods here. All we need is the people who will do this. Please ask the little Daoist for help!" Pang Zhan showed a trace of his old face after hearing Mo He's words. Said with a smile.

"Since there is only one missing, I think this is a simple matter for General Pang. Why should I borrow the hands of an outsider? Even if you need help from outsiders, it is safer to find a few casual cultivators on the road, why bother ......!" Until this moment, Mo He still didn't give up struggling, still thinking about whether he could get out and not share the flood, but before he finished his words, he was suddenly interrupted by Pang Zhan.

   "Aren't you just a casual cultivator? What I practiced is the "Green Wood Shang Yuan Jing", I'm right!" Pang Zhan looked at Mo He, his eyes sharpened, as if he could directly see through Mo He's mind.

"Little Daoist, don’t be here to talk about tiger skins and flags with me. When Lao Xu was drinking with Tan Ying more than a hundred years ago, your master probably didn’t know where he was. Although his cultivation level was low, But it's quite temperamental to me. You practiced the "Aoki Shangyuan Jing", and the old man helped him with some suggestions, but unfortunately there was no news from him again!"

Mo He really has nothing to say now. These guys who have lived longer have experienced so many things. Tan Ying in Pang Zhan’s mouth should be his master Qingmei Daochang’s master, although Mo He did not listen to Qingmei Dao. Long said, what is the name of his master, but Pang Zhan can say the name of his practice, there is no doubt about this matter.

I was seen through by others, so what could happen? Mo He could only smile slyly, and then under Pang's strategic and playful gaze, he said cheeky: "It turns out that General Pang and I have this origin. , Then this is of course to help, I don’t know where the stuff is, I can start now!"

Taking a deep look at Mo He, a weird smile appeared on Pang Zhan’s face. He didn’t expect the little Taoist priest in front of him to look like a little bit of dust, but there was such a smooth side, it really made people. Some accidents.

   But after a lot of experience, Pang Zhan knew that when his cultivation level was still relatively low, and then to live in this world, it was not a bad thing to be a little more sleek.

   waved his hand at the team gathered at the entrance of the village, indicating that the neatly arranged veterans dispersed, Pang Zhan led Mo He into the village and came to his own room.

   After entering the room, Pang Zhan took out a storage bag and handed it to Mo He.

"The materials and methods are all in here. I'm up to you for this matter. After you're done, you can leave. Don't worry. For the friendship with Tan Ying, the old will not cross the river and tear down the bridge. The old man has no longs, and there is nothing to do for you. Simply help the old man, you will not be too bad, at least you can learn this method of building a yin house, if there are leftover materials, then you You can also take them together, all as a little bit of heart!"

  While listening to Pang Zhan's words, Mo He poked his divine sense into the storage bag and saw the contents in the storage bag.

A jade slip should record the method of building the Yin House, a pile of black soil, which is the main material for building the Yin House. The Yin Yin soil from the Underworld is not ordinary soil from the Underworld, but a kind of from the Underworld The spirit creature, besides that, there are several small balls, it seems that something is sealed in it, and for a while, I can't see what it is.

"Study it slowly, don't worry. You will live in the village temporarily these few days. The construction method is not difficult. I think you will be able to master it soon." After Pang Zhan handed over the things to Mo He, Turned and left the house.

   After Mo He was left alone in the house, Mo He took out the jade slip and began to study it carefully.

   Just as Pang Zhan said, the content recorded in the jade slip is really not difficult, and Mo He quickly understood it.

Although the Yin House is to imitate the God's Domain, after all, it is not to completely imitate the role of the God's Domain. Its function is only to shelter the dead souls after death, so that they can have a shelter, can resist the Yin wind of the Underworld, and not be exposed to wind and rain. bitter.

Compared with the simplicity of the Yin House construction method, the difficulty lies in the materials. The first is the Yin Yin soil in the dark soil. This is a relatively easy material to obtain. You only need to find a **** to help, or a monk above the Yin God realm. , After spending some time, you can find it in the underworld, but another material, incense aspiration power, which is a bit more difficult and needs to be obtained from the gods. Of course, this can also be replaced by other things, such as Dynasty’s Law degree.

   "It turns out that the things in those beads are incense power!" Mo He now also knows what is in the beads in the storage bag.

  The method is already clear, the materials are at hand, and Mo He began to try this method of building a house for the first time.

   After one failed attempt, the second time Mo He successfully produced a yin house. Looking at the small house like the model in his hand, Mo He nodded in satisfaction.

   "Even if I lose my status as a Taoist official in the future, I can help others build a house, which is considered to be something I learned."

   The next two days passed, Mo He also made several yin houses, and he consumed about one-third of the materials in the storage bags.

   On this day, Mo He did not continue to make the Yin House, but sat with Pang Zhan, chatting with the old and the young.

   "Your kid has been very swift in his hands and feet these past two days. Do a few more this afternoon and you can leave tomorrow." Pang Zhan said with a smile looking at Mo He.

   "Well, there are still a lot of materials, are these enough?" Mo He asked somewhat unexpectedly.

   "Let you go, you just leave, where there is so much nonsense, you kid is a smart person, many things don't need to be broken, and it is boring to say broken." Pang Zhan turned his gaze to the side, and said in a somewhat distracted tone.

When Mo He heard this, there was a moment of silence. In the past two days, he thought of a question. The Remnant Wolf Army was notoriously poor. Su Bai said before that they were so poor that they only had faith. This is true. It's not wrong at all.

Moreover, the Remnant Wolf Army is not only poor, but also not very popular, including the remnants of the Second Dynasty to which Pang Zhan is The Remnant Wolf Army has been around for nearly a hundred years and has not received any power from the Second Dynasty. The supplies helped.

The materials used to build the Yin House are of great value. They are definitely not what can be obtained by the remnant wolf army in the past, and there are also the jade slips used to build the Yin House, and the incense strength, which should come from the second. Funding from the remnants of the dynasty.

   hasn't given any funding for nearly a hundred years. At this time, I gave these things again. I can guess with my toes. There is definitely something for Pang Zhan and the others to do.

   "General Pang, please forgive me for being rude, and dare to ask the general, is this life worth the general?" Mo He has also looked at the lives of these veterans in the past two days. He really wants to ask Pang Zhan this question.

Hearing Mo He’s question, Pang Zhan smiled, “Do you still want to ask me next, whether I am loyal to the Second Dynasty or the entire human race, and then say a lot of things to persuade me, I persuade you kid Don’t say this. I’ve heard a lot of these things. If I can hear them, it’s not your turn to say these things to me.”

"You ask me if it's worth it. It may not be worth it in your eyes, but I think it's worth it. From the day I joined the army, my belief is loyal, loyal to the dynasty, and loyal to the human race. This belief has never changed. To this day, I am still loyal to the dynasty, and I am also loyal to the human race. I will never be invariable for the rest of my life. You can call me pedantic or stupid. You can even criticize me for being loyal, but this is the belief of soldiers Move to the dead end!"

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