Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 156: Xuanshui Sect collapsed

This year, Zi'an County had a very lively life. After Mo He returned home, he also started to enjoy a warm new year at his home with Wuyou.

It was also on this day that the Xuanshui Sect far away in Cangzhou ushered in the disaster of extinction.

On this day of the New Year Pass, within a hundred miles around Xuanshui Sect, no one was allowed to pass. The army of tens of thousands of dynasties surrounded Xuanshui Sect. The rising iron-blooded evil spirit made it not far away within Pingchuan Mansion. Many monks can see clearly.

"Xuanshui Sect should be over this time, I don't know which dynasty's great figure has been provoked. Such a strong iron-blooded aura is obviously to uproot Xuanshui Sect." A casual repairer said with a slight sigh.

"That's not because they are taking the blame. The people of Xuanshui Sect have always been arrogant, and they have done some dirty things. They have been blackmailed by the disciples of Xuanshui Sect. If you provoke a big person, the retribution will come right away!" A casual cultivator on the other side looked at the direction of Xuanshui Sect, and said with some gloat, and his words even evoked a sound of sympathy around him. How unpopular Shui Zong is.

At this moment, at the place of Xuanshui Sect, the strong iron-blooded evil spirit gradually converged. Now only half of the mountain peak where Xuanshui Sect was located is left, and the vegetation and buildings on the mountain have been destroyed and looked like they were destroyed.

A woman with a beautiful face and a bit of heroism on her face was walking towards the mountain, and a general in armor followed by her side, and said respectfully to this woman.

"Everyone in the Xuanshui Sect has been taken down, and some of the stubborn opponents have been killed on the spot, and the rest are oppressive on the mountain, waiting for your Highness to interrogate!"

"Okay, go up and have a look, I hope I can learn some useful news from them." The woman with a bit of heroism on her face nodded and said.

When they came to the mountain, all the remaining disciples of Xuanshui Sect had been arrested in this ruined wall, and they knelt down in two rows in despair.

The heroic woman raised her eyes and swept her brows slightly. She looked at the general beside her and asked, "Are these only the ones left?"

Seeing the woman frown, the general next to her knew that the woman was not satisfied with the remaining people, because the remaining disciples of the Xuanshui Sect were not very cultivated, and only one of them reached the realm of Yin God.

The general nodded, and he could only bite the bullet and replied: "The people in the Xuanshui Sect should have received the news in advance. Their head and several elders, as well as some disciples of the sect with good cultivation skills, Not in the Xuanshui Sect. Among the remaining people, a few of these people have relatively high cultivation bases. When we attacked the mountain, we wanted to rush to escape, but as soon as we ran out, we were met with three battle roars. As a result, we were caught on the spot. It shattered the Yin God, but these Xuanshui Sects with relatively low cultivation base survived."

Hearing the general's answer, the woman did not embarrass him, waved her hand directly at him, then looked at the elder of the Xuanshui Sect in the Yin God realm among the crowd, and said in a cold tone.

"Say it!"

"Say, I don't know what your Excellency wants me to say? I would like to know that my Xuanshui Sect has always been safe and self-preserving. Why did the imperial dynasty destroy my Xuanshui Sect's Taoism today? Can we wait to die and understand?" The elder looked at the woman in front of him and asked.

"A few months ago, the disappearance of Xia Yuan, the sixth prince of the dynasty, did it have anything to do with your Xuanshui Sect?" After being asked by the other party, the woman was not angry at all and asked directly.

"The disappearance of the sixth prince Xia Yuan has something to do with our Xuanshui Sect. Your Excellency has destroyed my Xuanshui Sect's Taoist line and imperial law for such an unprovoked matter. Isn't it a bit too domineering? "The elder of the Yinshen realm seemed to become emotional all at once, and his voice suddenly rose for a while.

A cold and harsh expression flashed in the woman's eyes, and with a light wave of her palm, a white light flashed. The elder of the Yin God realm was hit by the white light, and his body suddenly flew backward more than ten meters before hitting a broken wall. And then hit the ground hard.

"Even if there is no such thing as my brother, with your Xuanshui Sect's past actions, where is the confidence to shout here, it's best to say it today, otherwise I don't mind searching for the soul directly and giving you a soulless soul Ending." Looking at the elder of the Yin God realm who fell to the ground and did not get up for a long time, the woman continued.

This time, the elder of the Yin God realm became much more honest, and he no longer had the aura that he wanted to reason with a woman.

After some interrogation, the woman didn't get any useful news from the elder of the Yin God Realm, but among the remaining disciples, some had seen that a few months ago, several people took advantage of the darkness to go up the mountain at night. At that time, the suzerain personally received him, and there were two groups of people in succession. The second group was a Taoist priest and a child.

The interrogation was over, and I didn't get the answer I wanted, because important figures in Xuanshui Sect had already left.

"His Royal Highness, what do you think these people should do!" The general just continued to ask.

"All are sent to the frontier battlefield to be enlisted and organized into crime camps so that they can fight for the human race and wash away their sins." The woman said without hesitation.

The general nodded, and was very satisfied with the woman's treatment.

After leaving Xuanshui Sect, the woman's mood is not very good. It has been a long time since the incident happened. Important people have left long ago. It can be said that those who stay here are abandoned children. They basically don't know anything. thing.

"What the **** does the emperor want to do? It stands to reason that Xuanshuizong should have uprooted the sixth elder brother the first time the accident happened. Maybe he could catch some clues about the other party at that time, but he actually took this matter. Ignore it." The woman turned her head and glanced, and only half of the Xuanshuizong residence was left, and a faint anger flashed across her pretty face with a bit of heroism.

"Pass the order, razing this mountain to the ground for me!" After leaving the last sentence, the woman's figure turned into a white light, instantly rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

Soon after the woman left, the iron-blooded evil spirit that had already calmed down once again surged, and then completely subsided, but the original abrupt mountain in Pingchuan Mansion has ceased to exist since then.

The woman flew across the sky and looked down. Because of the New Year’s Day, there were scenes of celebration everywhere, and a touch of sadness flashed in her eyes. Today in previous years, her sixth brother will definitely give her her favorite Yunjinhua cake. But this year she did not receive the gift.

The identity of this heroic woman is the eighth heir of the Emperor, the eighth princess of the dynasty, Xia Wu, and the sixth prince Xia Yuan are the same female compatriots, the real brother and sister, the six prince Xia Yuan’s most beloved sister, apprentice Ling Xuxianmen is one of the few cultivators among the descendants of the emperor.

As early as the day when the sixth prince Xia Yuan had an accident, Xia Wu actually felt it, but at the time she was in the sect, and at a critical moment in her cultivation, there was no way to go out, so she could only send a letter to the Dynasty to inquire.

Later, she quickly received a reply. The Emperor didn't say anything, but told her to practice well, and everything is well in the Dynasty, so don't worry.

After she came out of retreat, she learned that Xia Xian was established as the crown prince and that the sixth prince Xia Yuan was missing. She immediately rushed back to the dynasty and started investigating the matter. Even today is the New Year's Day, Xia Wu is still non-stop. He rushed to Xuanshui Sect, but there was still no clue about everything.

Thinking in her heart, Xia Wu suddenly stopped, her body floating in the sky, and then gently flipping her palm, pinching out a letter paper from the side of the white smoke that looked like a cloud of ordinary clouds.

Immediately afterwards, the cloud of white smoke changed, showing the appearance of a person.

Xia Wu looked at Bai Yan's appearance of a person, the expression on her face was slightly slow, and then just looking at it, she recognized the appearance of this person, this was a scribe under her brother's, and he was regarded as the confidant of her brother.

"His Royal Highness the Eighth Princess must have returned from Xuanshui Sect at this moment. The subordinates don't know if the princess has gained anything, but after so long, those people should have been hidden again. It is unlikely that the Princess will gain. "

"After the disappearance of His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince, I and other ministers also looked for it. Although we did not find the whereabouts of His Highness the Sixth Prince, we also got some clues. It is inconvenient to leave the post without permission. We can only send it to the hands of the Princess in this way."

The figure formed by the cloud and mist disappeared in an instant, as if nothing had happened before. If Mo He was here, he would be able to recognize the appearance of the person that the cloud and mist had condensed just now. It was once short. Served as Wen Siming of Zi'an County.

Looking at the letterhead in her hand, Xia Wu immediately opened it and quickly read the content on it.

The Sixth Prince Xia Yuan fought for the dynasty for many years. He had a lot of cronies and was very prestigious in the army. So after his disappearance, although the human emperor was a little silent, their men have been looking for the six princes. Xia Yuan secretly investigated the ins and outs of this matter. Although some people gradually stopped the matter after the establishment of the crown prince, the rest still did not give up.

The letter in the hands of Xia Wu used some means to write the results of their hard work during this period of time, including what happened when Xia Yuan set off. After his disappearance, the results of the investigation within a hundred miles have been The banned nine princes, the investigation of the crown prince Xia Xian, and even Pang Zhan, who has become a war spirit and is fighting at the human border, have investigation records.

Looking at the thing in his hand, Xia Wu felt that there were still some good things this year, at least there were still a group of loyal people under his brother.

After reading all the contents of the letterhead, Xia Wu has almost understood the ins and outs of the whole matter. There are some doubts in it, and it will not be clear in a while. The biggest doubt is the current situation of the Sixth Prince Xia Yuan. whereabouts.

The vast majority of people involved in this matter have been investigated once, and now there are not many people left, and the person closest to Xia Wu is in Qiongzhou.

"Qiongzhou Zi'an County Daoist, Mohe!"


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